-- Agda-Prop Library.
-- Extension Theorems of the Syntax definitions.

open import Data.Nat using (  )

module Data.PropFormula.Theorems.Weakening ( n :  ) where


open import Data.PropFormula.Syntax n
open import Data.PropFormula.Properties n using ( substΓ )

open import Data.List using ( List ; [] ; _∷_ ; _++_ ; [_] )

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
  using ( _≡_; refl; cong; trans; sym)


-- Theorem.
  :  {Γ} {φ}
   (Δ : Ctxt)
   Γ  φ
   Γ  Δ  φ

-- Proof.
weaken-Δ₁ {[]} {φ} [] Γ⊢φ = Γ⊢φ
weaken-Δ₁ {x  Γ} {φ} [] Γ⊢φ  = substΓ (sym helper) Γ⊢φ
    helper :  {Γ}  Γ  []  Γ
    helper {[]}    = refl
    helper {x  Γ} rewrite helper {Γ = Γ} = refl
weaken-Δ₁ {Γ} {φ} (x  []) Γ⊢φ = weaken x Γ⊢φ
weaken-Δ₁ {Γ} {φ} (x₁  Δ) Γ⊢φ =
    (helper {Γ = Γ} {x = x₁})
    (weaken-Δ₁ {Γ = Γ , x₁} {φ = φ} Δ
      (weaken x₁ Γ⊢φ))
    helper :  {Γ Δ} {x}  (Γ , x )   Δ  Γ  (x  Δ)
    helper {[]} {Δ} = refl
    helper {y  Γ} {Δ} {x} rewrite helper {Γ = Γ} {Δ = Δ} {x = x} = refl
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-- Theorem.
  :   {Γ} {φ}
   (Δ : Ctxt)
   Γ  φ
   Δ  Γ  φ

-- Proof.
weaken-Δ₂ {Γ}  {φ} []           Γ⊢φ = Γ⊢φ
weaken-Δ₂ {[]} {φ} (hyp  [])   Γ⊢φ = weaken₂ hyp Γ⊢φ
weaken-Δ₂ {Γ}  {φ} (hyp  [])   Γ⊢φ = weaken₂ hyp Γ⊢φ
weaken-Δ₂ {Γ}  {φ} (hyp  hyps) Γ⊢φ = weaken₂ hyp (weaken-Δ₂ hyps Γ⊢φ)
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