Version of Sunday, January 22, 2023, 10:42 PM
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{-# OPTIONS --without-K --exact-split #-}
module foundations.DependentAlgebra where open import foundations.BasicTypes open import foundations.BasicFunctions open import foundations.EquivalenceType open import foundations.QuasiinverseType
∑-comm : ∀ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁} → (B : A → Type ℓ₂) (C : A → Type ℓ₃) ----------------------------------------- → Σ (Σ A B) (C ∘ fst) ≃ Σ (Σ A C) (B ∘ fst) ∑-comm {A = A} B C = qinv-≃ there (back , there-back , back-there) where there : Σ (Σ A B) (C ∘ fst) → Σ (Σ A C) (B ∘ fst) there ((a , b) , c) = ((a , c ) , b) back : Σ (Σ A C) (B ∘ fst) → Σ (Σ A B) (C ∘ fst) back ((a , c ) , b) = ((a , b) , c) there-back : ∀ acb → there (back acb) ≡ acb there-back ((a , c) , b) = idp back-there : ∀ abc → back (there abc) ≡ abc back-there ((a , b) , c) = idp sum-commute = ∑-comm
∏-comm : ∀ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁} → (B : A → Type ℓ₂) → (C : {a : A} → B a → Type ℓ₃) ----------------------------------------------------------- → (Σ[ f ∶ Π A B ] Π[ x ∶ A ] (C (f x))) ≃ (Π[ x ∶ A ] Σ[ y ∶ B x ] C y) ∏-comm {A = A} B C = qinv-≃ there (back , there-back , back-there) where there : (Σ (Π A B) (\f → Π A (C ∘ f))) → (Π A (\x → Σ (B x) C)) there (f , s) x = (f x , s x) back : (Π A (\x → Σ (B x) C)) → (Σ (Π A B) (\f → Π A (C ∘ f))) back F = (\x → fst (F x)) , (\x → snd (F x)) there-back : ∀ F → there (back F) ≡ F there-back F = idp back-there : ∀ fs → back (there fs) ≡ fs back-there fs = idp
prod-commute = ∏-comm
(2022-12-28)(57c278b4) Last updated: 2021-09-16 15:00:00 by jonathan.cubides (2022-07-06)(d3a4a8cf) minors by jonathan.cubides (2022-01-26)(4aef326b) [ reports ] added some revisions by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-20)(049db6a8) Added code of cubical experiments. by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-20)(961730c9) [ html ] regular update by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-20)(e0ef9faa) Fixed compilation and format, remove hidden parts by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-20)(5120e5d1) Added cubical experiment to the master by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-17)(828fdd0a) More revisions added for CPP by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-15)(0d6a99d8) Fixed some broken links and descriptions by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-15)(662a1f2d) [ .gitignore ] add by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-15)(0630ce66) Minor fixes by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-13)(04f10eba) Fixed a lot of details by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-10)(24195c9f) [ .gitignore ] ignore .zip and arxiv related files by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-09)(538d2859) minor fixes before dinner by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-09)(36a1a69f) [ planar.pdf ] w.i.p revisions to share on arxiv first by jonathan.cubides