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{-# OPTIONS --without-K --exact-split #-}
module foundations.HLevelTypes where open import foundations.BasicTypes open import foundations.BasicFunctions open import foundations.Transport
Higher levels of the homotopical structure:
A type is a type such that element is equal to a point, the of contraction.
isContr : ∀ {ℓ : Level} (A : Type ℓ) -------------- → Type ℓ isContr A = Σ A (λ a → ((x : A) → a ≡ x)) Contractible = isContr is-singleton = isContr isSingleton = isContr _is-contr = isContr
center-of : ∀ {ℓ : Level} → {A : Type ℓ} → A is-contr → A center-of (a , _) = a
contr-connects : ∀ {ℓ : Level} {A : Type ℓ} → A is-contr ---------------------- → (a a' : A) → a ≡ a' contr-connects (c₁ , f) c₂ x = ! (f c₂) · (f x)
isProp : ∀ {ℓ : Level} (A : Type ℓ) → Type ℓ isProp A = ((x y : A) → x ≡ y)
More syntax:
is-subsingleton = isProp isSubsingleton = isProp _is-prop = isProp
Let’s stop a bit. So, these propositios, also named ``mere’’ propositions tell us: in a proposition, its elements are connected with each other. Subsinglenton (which is, subset of a singlenton (a unit point set)) is empty or it has the element. Propositions can be seen as equivalent to 𝟘 or 𝟙.
Therefore, we will find a theorem later that says ``if A is a proposition, and it’s inhabited then it’s contractible’’, and it makes sense perfectly.
hProp : ∀ (ℓ : Level) → Type (lsuc ℓ) hProp ℓ = ∑ (Type ℓ) isProp
In practice, we might want to say a type holds certain property and then we can use the convenient following predicate.
_has-property_ : ∀ {ℓ : Level} → (A : Type ℓ) → (P : Type ℓ → hProp ℓ) → Type ℓ A has-property P = π₁ (P A) _holds-property = _has-property_
_has-fun-property_ : ∀ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {X : Type ℓ₁}{Y : Type ℓ₂} → (f : X → Y) → (P : ∀ {X : Type ℓ₁}{Y : Type ℓ₂} → (X → Y) → hProp (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)) → Type (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) f has-fun-property P = π₁ (P f)
_has-endo-property_ : ∀ {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {X : Type ℓ₁} → (f : X → X) → (P : ∀ {X : Type ℓ₁} → (X → X) → hProp ℓ₂) → Type ℓ₂ f has-endo-property P = π₁ (P f)
Additionally, we may need to say, more explicity that two type share any property whenever they are equivalent. Recall, these types do not need to be in the same universe, however, for simplicity and to avoid dealing with lifting types, we’ll assume they live in the same universe. Also, we require a path, instead of the equivalence because at this point, we have not define yet its type.
_has-all-properties-of_because-of-≡_ : ∀ {ℓ : Level} → (A : Type ℓ) → (B : Type ℓ) → A ≡ B ------------------------------------- → (P : Type ℓ → hProp ℓ) → B has-property P → A has-property P A has-all-properties-of B because-of-≡ path = λ P BholdsP → tr (_has-property P) (! path) BholdsP
Now with (homotopy) propositional, we can consider the notion of subtype, which is, just the ∑-type about the collection of terms that holds some given property, we can use the following type for a proposition (P : A → U) for some type (A). Assuming at least there
subtype : ∀ {ℓ : Level} {A : Type ℓ} → (P : A → hProp ℓ) → Type ℓ subtype P = ∑ (domain P) (π₁ ∘ P)
We prove now that the basic type (⊥, ⊤) are indeed (mere) propositions:
⊥-is-prop : ∀ {ℓ : Level} → isProp (⊥ ℓ) ⊥-is-prop ()
⊤-is-prop : ∀ {ℓ : Level} → isProp (⊤ ℓ) ⊤-is-prop _ _ = idp
More syntax:
𝟘-is-prop = ⊥-is-prop 𝟙-is-prop = ⊤-is-prop
A type is a dimensional structure*, all parallel paths are homotopic and the homotopy is given by a continuous function on the two paths.
isSet : ∀ {ℓ : Level} → Type ℓ → Type ℓ isSet A = (x y : A) → isProp (x ≡ y)
More syntax:
_is-set = isSet
The type of sets
hSet : ∀ (ℓ : Level) → Type (lsuc ℓ) hSet ℓ = ∑ (Type ℓ) isSet
isGroupoid : ∀ {ℓ : Level} → Type ℓ → Type ℓ isGroupoid A = (a₀ a₁ : A) → isSet (a₀ ≡ a₁)
More syntax:
_is-groupoid = isGroupoid
Groupoid : ∀ (ℓ : Level) → Type (lsuc ℓ) Groupoid ℓ = ∑ (Type ℓ) isGroupoid
And, in case, we go a bit further, we have 2-groupoids. We can continue define more h-levels for all natural numbers, however, we are not going to use them.
is-2-Groupoid : ∀ {ℓ : Level} → Type ℓ → Type ℓ is-2-Groupoid A = (a₀ a₁ : A) → isGroupoid (a₀ ≡ a₁) is-2-groupoid = is-2-Groupoid
(2022-12-28)(57c278b4) Last updated: 2021-09-16 15:00:00 by jonathan.cubides (2022-07-06)(d3a4a8cf) minors by jonathan.cubides (2022-01-26)(4aef326b) [ reports ] added some revisions by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-20)(049db6a8) Added code of cubical experiments. by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-20)(961730c9) [ html ] regular update by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-20)(e0ef9faa) Fixed compilation and format, remove hidden parts by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-20)(5120e5d1) Added cubical experiment to the master by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-17)(828fdd0a) More revisions added for CPP by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-15)(0d6a99d8) Fixed some broken links and descriptions by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-15)(662a1f2d) [ .gitignore ] add by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-15)(0630ce66) Minor fixes by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-13)(04f10eba) Fixed a lot of details by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-10)(24195c9f) [ .gitignore ] ignore .zip and arxiv related files by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-09)(538d2859) minor fixes before dinner by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-09)(36a1a69f) [ planar.pdf ] w.i.p revisions to share on arxiv first by jonathan.cubides