-- Agda-Metis Library.
-- Resolve inference rule.

open import Data.Nat using ( ; suc; zero; _+_ )

module ATP.Metis.Rules.Resolve ( n :  ) where


open import ATP.Metis.Synonyms n
open import ATP.Metis.Rules.Reordering n
open import ATP.Metis.Rules.Simplify n

open import Data.PropFormula.Syntax n
open import Data.PropFormula.Dec n                  using ( yes; no; ⌊_⌋ )
open import Data.PropFormula.Properties n           using ( eq; subst )

open import Data.PropFormula.Theorems.Classical n
open import Data.PropFormula.Theorems.Disjunction n
   using ( subst⊢∨₁; resolve₀; ∨-comm )

open import Data.Bool                             using ( true; false )
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using ( sym )


  The spirit of the resolve rule is to perform resolution
  in propositional logic:

        ℓ ∨ goal               ¬ ℓ ∨ goal
   ──────────────────────────────────────────  resolve φ₁ φ₂ ℓ goal

  The resulting formula, goal*, is a simplification
  (See the simplify rule section in the documentation).

{- The version of resolve presented in the following is based on the
   simplify rule, which it means the `original-resolve` function
   (original resolve) presented later are completely different
   functions.  Nevertheless, for the reconstruction, both serve the
   same purpose*, that is, to simplify while applying resolution.  -}

-- Def.
resolve :  Premise  Premise  Lit  Conclusion  PropFormula
resolve φ₁ φ₂  ψ = simplify (φ₁  φ₂) (¬   ) ψ

-- Theorem.
  :  {Γ} {φ₁ φ₂ : Premise}
   (ψ : Conclusion)
   ( : Lit)
   Γ  φ₁
   Γ  φ₂
   Γ  resolve φ₁ φ₂  ψ

-- Proof.
resolve-thm ψ  Γ⊢φ₁ Γ⊢φ₂ = simplify-thm ψ (∧-intro Γ⊢φ₁ Γ⊢φ₂) (∨-comm PEM)
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-- Alternative definition.

{- To maintain consistency with the master thesis that first presents
  the reconstruction, we keep maintaining the following version.
  However, we are not using the following version. It's computational
  more expensive that the one presented above with the `resolve`
  function. -}

-- Resolution using reorder-∨.
data resCases : PropFormula  Set where
  case₁ : (φ₁ φ₂ φ₃ φ₄ : PropFormula)  resCases ((φ₁  φ₂)  (φ₃  φ₄))
  other : (φ : PropFormula)            resCases φ

rsol-cases : (φ : PropFormula)  resCases φ
rsol-cases ((φ₁  φ₂)  (φ₃  φ₄)) = case₁ _ _ _ _
rsol-cases φ                       = other _

-- Def.
rsol : PropFormula  PropFormula
rsol φ
  with rsol-cases φ
rsol φ                        | other .φ    = φ
rsol .((φ₁  φ₂)  (φ₃  φ₄)) | case₁ φ₁ φ₂ φ₃ φ₄
  with  eq φ₃ (¬ φ₁) 
...    | false = (φ₁  φ₂)  (φ₃  φ₄)
...    | true
       with  eq φ₄ φ₂ 
...       | true  = φ₂
...       | false = φ₂  φ₄

-- Lemma.
  :  {Γ} {φ}
   Γ  φ
   Γ  rsol φ

-- Proof.
rsol-lem {Γ} {φ} Γ⊢φ
  with rsol-cases φ
rsol-lem {Γ} {_} Γ⊢φ                        | other _     = Γ⊢φ
rsol-lem {Γ} {.((φ₁  φ₂)  (φ₃  φ₄))} Γ⊢φ | case₁ φ₁ φ₂ φ₃ φ₄
  with eq φ₃ (¬ φ₁)
...    | no  _ = Γ⊢φ
...    | yes p₁
       with eq φ₄ φ₂
...       | yes p₂ =
                (∨-elim {Γ = Γ}
                  (assume {Γ = Γ} φ₂)
                  (subst p₂ (assume {Γ = Γ} φ₄))))
                (∧-proj₁ Γ⊢φ)
                  (⊃-intro (subst p₁ (assume {Γ = Γ} φ₃)))
                  (∧-proj₂ Γ⊢φ)))
...       | no _   = helper
            helper : Γ  φ₂  φ₄
            helper = resolve₀
              (∧-proj₁ Γ⊢φ)
                (⊃-intro (subst p₁ (assume {Γ = Γ} φ₃)))
                (∧-proj₂ Γ⊢φ))
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           φ₁                      ϕ₂
       ──────── reorder-∨     ────────── reorder-∨
        ℓ ∨ goal               ¬ ℓ ∨ goal
   ──────────────────────────────────────────  resolve φ₁ φ₂ ℓ goal

-- Def.
original-resolve : Premise  Premise  Lit  Conclusion  PropFormula
original-resolve φ₁ φ₂  ψ = rsol ((reorder-∨ φ₁ (  ψ))  (reorder-∨ φ₂ (¬   ψ)))

-- Theorem.
  :  {Γ} {φ₁ φ₂ : Premise}
   (ψ : Conclusion)
   ( : Lit)
   Γ  φ₁
   Γ  φ₂
   Γ  original-resolve φ₁ φ₂  ψ

-- Proof.
original-resolve-thm ψ  Γ⊢φ₁ Γ⊢φ₂ =
      (reorder-∨-lem Γ⊢φ₁ (  ψ))
      (reorder-∨-lem Γ⊢φ₂ (¬   ψ)))
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