open import Data.Nat
using (zero ; suc; _+_)
renaming ( ℕ to Nat; _⊔_ to max)
module ATP.Metis.Rules.Strip ( n : Nat ) where
open import ATP.Metis.Rules.Conjunct n using ( conjunct )
open import Data.PropFormula.Syntax n
open import Data.PropFormula.Theorems n
open import Data.PropFormula.Views n
data uhCases : PropFormula → Set where
case₁ : (φ₁ φ₂ φ₃ : PropFormula) → uhCases (φ₁ ⊃ (φ₂ ⊃ φ₃))
case₂ : (φ₁ φ₂ φ₃ : PropFormula) → uhCases (φ₁ ⊃ (φ₂ ∧ φ₃))
other : (φ : PropFormula) → uhCases φ
uh-cases : (φ : PropFormula) → uhCases φ
uh-cases (φ₁ ⊃ (φ₂ ⊃ φ₃)) = case₁ _ _ _
uh-cases (φ₁ ⊃ (φ₂ ∧ φ₃)) = case₂ _ _ _
uh-cases φ = other _
uh₁ : PropFormula → Nat → PropFormula
uh₁ φ zero = φ
uh₁ φ (suc n)
with uh-cases φ
... | case₁ φ₁ φ₂ φ₃ = uh₁ ((φ₁ ∧ φ₂) ⊃ φ₃) n
... | case₂ φ₁ φ₂ φ₃ = uh₁ (φ₁ ⊃ φ₂) n ∧ uh₁ (φ₁ ⊃ φ₃) n
... | other _ = φ
uh-cm : PropFormula → Nat
uh-cm φ
with uh-cases φ
... | case₁ _ _ φ₃ = uh-cm φ₃ + 3
... | case₂ _ φ₂ φ₃ = max (uh-cm φ₂) (uh-cm φ₃) + 2
... | other .φ = 1
: ∀ {Γ} {φ}
→ (n : Nat)
→ Γ ⊢ uh₁ φ n
→ Γ ⊢ φ
uh₁-lem {_} {φ} zero Γ⊢ushuntnφ = Γ⊢ushuntnφ
uh₁-lem {_} {φ} (suc n) Γ⊢ushuntnφ
with uh-cases φ
... | case₁ φ₁ φ₂ φ₃ =
(uh₁-lem n
... | case₂ φ₁ φ₂ φ₃ =
(uh₁-lem n
(∧-proj₁ Γ⊢ushuntnφ))
(uh₁-lem n
(∧-proj₂ Γ⊢ushuntnφ)))
... | other _ = Γ⊢ushuntnφ
uh : PropFormula → PropFormula
uh φ = uh₁ φ (uh-cm φ)
: ∀ {Γ} {φ}
→ Γ ⊢ uh φ
→ Γ ⊢ φ
uh-lem {_} {φ} = uh₁-lem (uh-cm φ)
data stripCases : PropFormula → Set where
conj : (φ₁ φ₂ : PropFormula) → stripCases (φ₁ ∧ φ₂)
disj : (φ₁ φ₂ : PropFormula) → stripCases (φ₁ ∨ φ₂)
impl : (φ₁ φ₂ : PropFormula) → stripCases (φ₁ ⊃ φ₂)
biimpl : (φ₁ φ₂ : PropFormula) → stripCases (φ₁ ⇔ φ₂)
nconj : (φ₁ φ₂ : PropFormula) → stripCases (¬ (φ₁ ∧ φ₂))
ndisj : (φ₁ φ₂ : PropFormula) → stripCases (¬ (φ₁ ∨ φ₂))
nimpl : (φ₁ φ₂ : PropFormula) → stripCases (¬ (φ₁ ⊃ φ₂))
nbiimpl : (φ₁ φ₂ : PropFormula) → stripCases (¬ (φ₁ ⇔ φ₂))
nneg : (φ : PropFormula) → stripCases (¬ ¬ φ)
nbot : stripCases (¬ ⊥)
ntop : stripCases (¬ ⊤)
other : (φ : PropFormula) → stripCases φ
strip-cases : (φ : PropFormula) → stripCases φ
strip-cases (φ₁ ∧ φ₂) = conj _ _
strip-cases (φ₁ ∨ φ₂) = disj _ _
strip-cases (φ₁ ⊃ φ₂) = impl _ _
strip-cases (φ₁ ⇔ φ₂) = biimpl _ _
strip-cases (¬ ⊤) = ntop
strip-cases (¬ ⊥) = nbot
strip-cases (¬ (φ₁ ∧ φ₂)) = nconj _ _
strip-cases (¬ (φ₁ ∨ φ₂)) = ndisj _ _
strip-cases (¬ (φ₁ ⊃ φ₂)) = nimpl _ _
strip-cases (¬ (φ₁ ⇔ φ₂)) = nbiimpl _ _
strip-cases (¬ (¬ φ)) = nneg _
strip-cases φ₁ = other _
strip₁ : PropFormula → Nat → PropFormula
strip₁ φ (suc n)
with strip-cases φ
... | conj φ₁ φ₂ = uh (strip₁ φ₁ n) ∧ uh (φ₁ ⊃ strip₁ φ₂ n)
... | disj φ₁ φ₂ = uh (¬ φ₁ ⊃ strip₁ φ₂ n)
... | impl φ₁ φ₂ = uh (φ₁ ⊃ strip₁ φ₂ n)
... | biimpl φ₁ φ₂ = uh (φ₁ ⊃ strip₁ φ₂ n) ∧ uh (φ₂ ⊃ strip₁ φ₁ n)
... | nconj φ₁ φ₂ = uh (φ₁ ⊃ strip₁ (¬ φ₂) n)
... | ndisj φ₁ φ₂ = uh (strip₁ (¬ φ₁) n) ∧ uh (¬ φ₁ ⊃ strip₁ (¬ φ₂) n)
... | nimpl φ₁ φ₂ = uh (strip₁ φ₁ n) ∧ uh (φ₁ ⊃ strip₁ (¬ φ₂) n)
... | nbiimpl φ₁ φ₂ = uh (φ₁ ⊃ strip₁ (¬ φ₂) n) ∧ uh ((¬ φ₂) ⊃ strip₁ φ₁ n)
... | nneg φ₁ = uh (strip₁ φ₁ n)
... | nbot = ⊤
... | ntop = ⊥
... | other .φ = φ
strip₁ φ _ = φ
strip-cm : PropFormula → Nat
strip-cm φ with strip-cases φ
... | conj φ₁ φ₂ = max (strip-cm φ₁) (strip-cm φ₂) + 1
... | disj φ₁ φ₂ = strip-cm φ₂ + 1
... | impl φ₁ φ₂ = strip-cm φ₂ + 1
... | biimpl φ₁ φ₂ = max (strip-cm φ₁) (strip-cm φ₂) + 1
... | nconj φ₁ φ₂ = strip-cm (¬ φ₂) + 1
... | ndisj φ₁ φ₂ = max (strip-cm (¬ φ₁)) (strip-cm (¬ φ₂)) + 1
... | nimpl φ₁ φ₂ = max (strip-cm φ₁) (strip-cm (¬ φ₂)) + 1
... | nbiimpl φ₁ φ₂ = max (strip-cm (¬ φ₁)) (strip-cm (¬ φ₂)) + 1
... | nneg φ₁ = strip-cm φ₁ + 1
... | nbot = 1
... | ntop = 1
... | other .φ = 1
: ∀ {Γ} {φ}
→ (n : Nat)
→ Γ ⊢ strip₁ φ n
→ Γ ⊢ φ
strip₁-lem {_} {_} zero Γ⊢strip₁ = Γ⊢strip₁
strip₁-lem {Γ} {φ} (suc n) Γ⊢strip₁
with strip-cases φ
... | conj φ₁ φ₂ =
(strip₁-lem n
(uh-lem (∧-proj₂ Γ⊢strip₁))
helper ))
helper : Γ ⊢ φ₁
helper = strip₁-lem n (uh-lem (∧-proj₁ Γ⊢strip₁))
... | disj φ₁ φ₂ =
(∨-elim {Γ = Γ}
(∨-intro₁ φ₂ (assume {Γ = Γ} φ₁))
(∨-intro₂ φ₁
(strip₁-lem n
(weaken (¬ φ₁) Γ⊢strip₁))
(assume {Γ = Γ} (¬ φ₁)))))))
(PEM {Γ = Γ} {φ = φ₁})
... | impl φ₁ φ₂ =
(strip₁-lem n
(weaken φ₁
(uh-lem Γ⊢strip₁))
(assume {Γ = Γ} φ₁)))
... | biimpl φ₁ φ₂ =
⇔-equiv₂ (∧-intro helper₁ helper₂)
helper₁ : Γ ⊢ φ₁ ⊃ φ₂
helper₁ = ⊃-intro
(strip₁-lem n
(weaken φ₁
(uh-lem (∧-proj₁ Γ⊢strip₁)))
(assume {Γ = Γ} φ₁)))
helper₂ : Γ ⊢ φ₂ ⊃ φ₁
helper₂ = ⊃-intro
(strip₁-lem n
(weaken φ₂
(uh-lem (∧-proj₂ Γ⊢strip₁)))
(assume {Γ = Γ} φ₂)))
... | nconj φ₁ φ₂ =
¬∨¬-to-¬∧ (⊃-to-¬∨ helper)
helper : Γ ⊢ φ₁ ⊃ ¬ φ₂
helper =
(strip₁-lem n
(weaken φ₁
(uh-lem Γ⊢strip₁))
(assume {Γ = Γ} φ₁))))
... | ndisj φ₁ φ₂ =
(strip₁-lem n
(uh-lem (∧-proj₂ Γ⊢strip₁))
helper : Γ ⊢ ¬ φ₁
helper = strip₁-lem n (uh-lem (∧-proj₁ Γ⊢strip₁))
... | nimpl φ₁ φ₂ =
(weaken (φ₁ ⊃ φ₂)
(assume {Γ = Γ} (φ₁ ⊃ φ₂))
(weaken (φ₁ ⊃ φ₂) Γ⊢φ₁)))
Γ⊢φ₁ : Γ ⊢ φ₁
Γ⊢φ₁ = strip₁-lem n (uh-lem (∧-proj₁ Γ⊢strip₁))
helper : Γ ⊢ φ₁ ⊃ ¬ φ₂
helper =
(strip₁-lem n
(uh-lem (weaken φ₁ (∧-proj₂ Γ⊢strip₁)))
(assume {Γ = Γ} φ₁)))
... | nbiimpl φ₁ φ₂ = ⊃¬∧¬⊃-to-¬⇔ (∧-intro helper₁ helper₂)
helper₁ : Γ ⊢ φ₁ ⊃ ¬ φ₂
helper₁ =
(strip₁-lem n
(uh-lem (weaken φ₁ (∧-proj₁ Γ⊢strip₁)))
(assume {Γ = Γ} φ₁)))
helper₂ : Γ ⊢ ¬ φ₂ ⊃ φ₁
helper₂ =
(strip₁-lem n
(uh-lem (weaken (¬ φ₂) (∧-proj₂ Γ⊢strip₁)))
(assume {Γ = Γ} (¬ φ₂))))
... | nneg φ₁ = ¬¬-equiv₂ (strip₁-lem n (uh-lem Γ⊢strip₁))
... | nbot = ¬-intro (assume {Γ = Γ} ⊥)
... | ntop = ⊥-elim (¬ ⊤) Γ⊢strip₁
... | other φ₁ = Γ⊢strip₁
strip : PropFormula → PropFormula
strip φ = strip₁ φ (strip-cm φ)
: ∀ {Γ} {φ}
→ Γ ⊢ strip φ
→ Γ ⊢ φ
strip-lem {_} {φ} = strip₁-lem (strip-cm φ)
: ∀ {Γ} {φ}
→ Γ ⊢ strip φ ⊃ φ
strip-thm {Γ} {φ} = ⊃-intro (strip-lem (assume {Γ = Γ} (strip φ)))
strip_to_ : PropFormula → PropFormula → PropFormula
strip φ to ψ = conjunct (strip φ) ψ