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{-# OPTIONS --without-K --exact-split #-} module lib.graph-walks.Walk.QuasiSimple where open import foundations.Core open import lib.graph-definitions.Graph open Graph open import lib.graph-walks.Walk hiding (length) open import lib.graph-walks.Walk.Composition module quasi-simple-walks {ℓ : Level}{G : Graph ℓ } where
open ∈-walk G isQuasi : ∀ {x z : Node G} → Walk G x z → Type ℓ isQuasi w = ∏[ y ∶ Node G ] (isProp (y ∈w w)) syntax isQuasi w = w is-quasi-simple being-quasi-simple-is-prop : ∀ {x y : Node G} → (w : Walk G x y) → isProp (w is-quasi-simple) being-quasi-simple-is-prop w = pi-is-prop (λ w → prop-is-prop) one-point-walk-is-quasi-simple : ∀ (x : Node G) → (⟨ x ⟩ is-quasi-simple) one-point-walk-is-quasi-simple x _ = ⊥-is-prop
module WR {ℓ : Level}(G : Graph ℓ) (_≟Node_ : (x y : Node G) → (x ≡ y) + (x ≠ y)) where open quasi-simple-walks {ℓ = ℓ}{G} one-edge-is-quasi-simple : ∀ {x y} → (e : Edge G x y) → (e ⊙ ⟨ y ⟩) is-quasi-simple one-edge-is-quasi-simple {x = x}{y} e r = is-prop-A+B (Node-is-set G _ _) ⊥-is-prop (λ {(_ , empty) → empty}) open ∈-walk G open ∙-walk G _?∈_ : ∀ {x y} → (z : Node G) → (w : Walk G x y) → Dec ( z ∈w w) z ?∈ ⟨ _ ⟩ = no id _?∈_ {x = x} z (e ⊙ w) with z ≟Node x ... | inl idp = yes (inl idp) ... | inr z≠x with z ?∈ w ... | yes z∈w = yes (inr z∈w) ... | no w∌z = no λ { (inl z≡x) → z≠x z≡x ; (inr z∈w) → w∌z z∈w} open import foundations.Nat ℓ open dec-< open import lib.graph-walks.Walk.Composition
-- Subwalk relation (subsequence of edges) ------------------------------- data isSubwalk : ∀ {a b c d} → Walk G a b → Walk G c d → Type ℓ where ⊂w-right : ∀ {a b c} → (w : Walk G b c) → (p : Walk G a b) ------------------------------------- → isSubwalk w (p ·w w) ⊂w-left : ∀ {a b c} → (p : Walk G a b) → (w : Walk G b c) ------------------------------------- → isSubwalk p (p ·w w) ⊂w-trans : ∀ {a1 a2 b1 b2 c1 c2} → {p : Walk G a1 a2} {q : Walk G b1 b2} {r : Walk G c1 c2} → isSubwalk p q → isSubwalk q r ------------------------------- → isSubwalk p r syntax isSubwalk p q = p ⊂w q ⊂w-refl : ∀ {x y } → (w : Walk G x y) --------------------------- → isSubwalk w w ⊂w-refl w = ⊂w-right w ⟨ _ ⟩ ⊂w-⊙ : ∀ {a b c} → {e : Edge G a b} → {w : Walk G b c} → isSubwalk w (e ⊙ w) ⊂w-⊙ {b = b}{e = e} {⟨ _ ⟩} = ⊂w-right ⟨ b ⟩ (e ⊙ ⟨ b ⟩) ⊂w-⊙ {b = b}{e = e} {x ⊙ w} = ⊂w-right (x ⊙ w) (e ⊙ ⟨ b ⟩) ⊂w-⊙' : ∀ {a b c d z} → {w₁ : Walk G a b} {w₂ : Walk G c d} → isSubwalk w₁ w₂ → {e : Edge G z c} → isSubwalk w₁ (e ⊙ w₂) ⊂w-⊙' pp = ⊂w-trans pp ⊂w-⊙ ∈w-to-⊂w : ∀ {x y z} → {w : Walk G y z} → x ∈w w --------------------------- → isSubwalk ⟨ x ⟩ w ∈w-to-⊂w {w = e ⊙ w} (inl idp) = ⊂w-left ⟨ _ ⟩ (e ⊙ w) ∈w-to-⊂w {x} {w = e ⊙ w} (inr xinw) = ⊂w-⊙' (∈w-to-⊂w xinw) cong-⊙-⊂w' : ∀ {x y z} → {e : Edge G x y} → {w : Walk G y z} → isSubwalk (e ⊙ ⟨ y ⟩) (e ⊙ w) cong-⊙-⊂w' {e = e} {w} = ⊂w-left (e ⊙ ⟨ _ ⟩) w -- Prefix relation ------------------------------------------------------- data Prefix : ∀ {a b c} → Walk G a b → Walk G a c → Type ℓ where head : ∀ {a b} → {w : Walk G a b} ---------------------------- → Prefix ⟨ a ⟩ w by-edge : ∀ {a b c d} → {e : Edge G a b} → {w₁ : Walk G b c} → {w₂ : Walk G b d} → Prefix w₁ w₂ ------------------------------ → Prefix (e ⊙ w₁) (e ⊙ w₂)
find-suffix : ∀ {a b c} → (w₁ : Walk G a b) (w : Walk G a c) → Prefix w₁ w → ∑[ w₂ ∶ Walk G b c ] (w ≡ (w₁ ·w w₂)) find-suffix ⟨ _ ⟩ w₂ _ = (w₂ , idp) find-suffix (e ⊙ w₁) (e ⊙ w) (by-edge p₁) = ( w₂ , (begin (e ⊙ w) ≡⟨ cong (e ⊙_) (proj₂ IH) ⟩ (e ⊙ (w₁ ·w w₂)) ≡⟨ ! ∙w-assoc _ w₁ w₂ ⟩ ((e ⊙ w₁) ·w w₂) ∎)) where IH : ∑[ w₂ ] (w ≡ (w₁ ·w w₂)) IH = find-suffix w₁ w p₁ w₂ = proj₁ IH prefix-·w : ∀ {a b c d} → {w₁ : Walk G b c} {w₂ : Walk G b d} → Prefix w₁ w₂ → {p : Walk G a b} ------------------------------------ → Prefix (p ·w w₁) (p ·w w₂) prefix-·w {w₁ = w₁} {w₂} w₁<w₂ {⟨ _ ⟩} = w₁<w₂ prefix-·w {w₁ = w₁} {w₂} w₁<w₂ {x ⊙ p} = by-edge (prefix-·w w₁<w₂) prefix-preserves-left-∙w : ∀ {a b c d} → {w₁ : Walk G b c} {w₂ : Walk G b d} → Prefix w₁ w₂ → {p : Walk G a b} ------------------------------------ → Prefix (p ·w w₁) (p ·w w₂) prefix-preserves-left-∙w {w₁ = ⟨ _ ⟩} {w₂} w₁<w₂ {⟨ _ ⟩} = head prefix-preserves-left-∙w {w₁ = ⟨ _ ⟩} {w₂} head {x ⊙ p} = by-edge (prefix-preserves-left-∙w head) prefix-preserves-left-∙w {w₁ = x ⊙ w₁} {x ⊙ w₂} (by-edge w₁<w₂) {p} = tr (λ p → Prefix p _) (change-prefix w₁) (tr (λ p → Prefix ((newprefix ∙w w₁)) p) (change-prefix w₂) proof) where tx = (target G x) newprefix = (p ·w (x ⊙ ⟨ tx ⟩ )) change-prefix : ∀ {d} → (w : Walk G tx d) → (newprefix ∙w w) ≡ (p ·w (x ⊙ w)) change-prefix w = (∙w-assoc p ((x ⊙ ⟨ (target G x) ⟩ )) w) proof : Prefix (newprefix ∙w w₁) (newprefix ∙w w₂) proof = prefix-preserves-left-∙w w₁<w₂ left-part-⊂w : ∀ {a b c} → (p : Walk G a b) → {w : Walk G a c} → (∑[ q ∶ Walk G b c ] (w ≡ (p ·w q))) -------------------------------------- → isSubwalk p w left-part-⊂w p {w} (q , o) rewrite o = ⊂w-left p q right-part-⊂w : ∀ {a b c} → (q : Walk G b c) → {w : Walk G a c} → (∑[ p ∶ Walk G a b ] (w ≡ (p ·w q))) -------------------------------------- → isSubwalk q w right-part-⊂w q {w} (p , o) rewrite o = ⊂w-right q p ∈-∙w-right : ∀ {a b c p} → (w : Walk G b c) → (p ∈w w) → (q : Walk G a b) ------------------- → (p ∈w (q ·w w)) ∈-∙w-right {a} (e ⊙ w) (inl idp) ⟨ .a ⟩ = inl idp ∈-∙w-right {a} (e ⊙ w) (inr x) ⟨ .a ⟩ = inr x ∈-∙w-right w'@(e ⊙ w) (inl idp) (e' ⊙ oo) = inr (∈-∙w-right w' (inl idp) oo) ∈-∙w-right w'@(e ⊙ w) (inr p∈w) (e' ⊙ oo) = inr (∈-∙w-right w' (∈-∙w-right w p∈w (e ⊙ ⟨ (target G e) ⟩)) oo) ∈-∙w-left : ∀ {a b c p} → (w : Walk G a b) → (p ∈w w) → (q : Walk G b c) ------------------- → (p ∈w (w ·w q)) ∈-∙w-left {b = b} (x ⊙ w) (inl idp) ⟨ .b ⟩ = inl idp ∈-∙w-left {a} (e ⊙ w) (inl idp) (x₁ ⊙ q) = inl idp ∈-∙w-left {b = b} (e ⊙ w) (inr p∈w) ⟨ .b ⟩ = inr ((∈-∙w-left w p∈w _)) ∈-∙w-left {a} w'@(x ⊙ w) (inr p∈w) (x₂ ⊙ q) = inr (∈-∙w-left w p∈w _) ∈-⊙b : ∀ {a b c p} → (w : Walk G a b) → (p ∈w w) → (e : Edge G b c) ------------------- → (p ∈w (w ⊙b e)) ∈-⊙b (x ⊙ w) (inl idp) e = inl idp ∈-⊙b (x ⊙ w) (inr x∈w) e = inr (∈-⊙b w x∈w e) ⊂-smaller : ∀ {a b c d} → (w' : Walk G b c) (w : Walk G a d) → {e : Edge G a b} → isSubwalk (e ⊙ w') w ----------------------------------------- → isSubwalk w' w ⊂-smaller w' w {e} e⊙w'⊂w = ⊂w-trans ⊂w-⊙ e⊙w'⊂w ⊂w-to-∈ : ∀ {a b c d p} → (w₁ : Walk G a b) (w₂ : Walk G c d) → isSubwalk w₁ w₂ → (p ∈w w₁) ------------------------------------ → (p ∈w w₂) ⊂w-to-∈ (e ⊙ w₁) _ (⊂w-right .(e ⊙ w₁) p₁) p = ∈-∙w-right (e ⊙ w₁) p p₁ ⊂w-to-∈ (e ⊙ w₁) _ (⊂w-left .(e ⊙ w₁) w) p = ∈-∙w-left (e ⊙ w₁) p w ⊂w-to-∈ {p = p} (e ⊙ w₁) w₂ (⊂w-trans w₁<q q<w₂) p₁∈e⊙w₁ = ⊂w-to-∈ _ _ q<w₂ (⊂w-to-∈ (e ⊙ w₁) _ w₁<q p₁∈e⊙w₁) prefix-is-subwalk : ∀ {a b c} → (w₁ : Walk G a b) (w₂ : Walk G a c) → Prefix w₁ w₂ ------------------------------------ → isSubwalk w₁ w₂ prefix-is-subwalk ⟨ _ ⟩ w₂ p₁2 = ⊂w-left ⟨ _ ⟩ w₂ prefix-is-subwalk {b = b} (x ⊙ w₁) w₂ p = left-part-⊂w (x ⊙ w₁) (proj₁ suffix , proj₂ suffix) where suffix : ∑[ rest ] (w₂ ≡ ((x ⊙ w₁) ·w rest)) suffix = find-suffix (x ⊙ w₁) w₂ p -- Split walks by a given vertex ----------------------------------------- data SplitAt {x z : Node G} (w : Walk G x z) (y : Node G) : Type ℓ where nothing : ¬ (y ∈w w) → SplitAt w y just : (w₁ : Walk G x y) → Prefix w₁ w → ¬ (y ∈w w₁) ---------------- → SplitAt w y -- The following function splits a walk at some given point. split_at_ : ∀ {x z : Node G} → (w : Walk G x z) → (y : Node G) → SplitAt w y -- x-e-b-z -- y split ⟨ x ⟩ at y = nothing id split (e ⊙ w) at y with y ≟Node source G e ... | inl idp = just ⟨ y ⟩ head id ... | inr y≠x with split w at y ... | nothing w∌y = nothing (λ {(inl y≡x) → ⊥-elim (y≠x y≡x) ; (inr y∈w) → ⊥-elim (w∌y y∈w)}) ... | just w₁ p w₁∌y = just (e ⊙ w₁) (by-edge p) λ { (inl y≡x) → y≠x y≡x ; (inr y∈w₁) → w₁∌y y∈w₁ } -- Two handy lemmas on simple walks -------------------------------------- ⊙-quasi-simple-is-quasi-simple : ∀ {x y z : Node G} → {e : Edge G x y} → {w : Walk G y z} → w is-quasi-simple → ¬ (x ∈w w) → (e ⊙ w) is-quasi-simple ⊙-quasi-simple-is-quasi-simple {x}{e = e}{w} w-is-quasi-simple w∌x r = is-prop-A+B (Node-is-set G _ _) (w-is-quasi-simple r) helper where helper : ∀ {r} → ¬ ((r ≡ x) × (r ∈w w)) helper {r} (idp , x∈w) = w∌x x∈w ?is-quasi-simple : ∀ {x y} → (w : Walk G x y) → Dec (w is-quasi-simple) ?is-quasi-simple {x = x} {.x} ⟨ .x ⟩ = yes (one-point-walk-is-quasi-simple x) ?is-quasi-simple {x = x} {y} (e ⊙ w) with ?is-quasi-simple w ... | no ¬p = no λ {p → ¬p (λ x x∈1w x∈2w → inr-is-injective (p x (inr x∈1w) (inr x∈2w)))} ... | yes w-is-quasi-simple with x ?∈ w ... | no w∌x = yes (⊙-quasi-simple-is-quasi-simple {e = e} w-is-quasi-simple w∌x) ... | yes x∈w = no (λ p → get-⊥ (x-in-different-pos p)) where x-in-different-pos : ((e ⊙ w) is-quasi-simple) → inr x∈w ≡ inl idp x-in-different-pos w-s = w-s x (inr x∈w) (inl idp) get-⊥ : inr x∈w ≡ inl idp → ⊥ ℓ get-⊥ () conservation : ∀ {x y z : Node G} → (e : Edge G x y)(p : Walk G y z) → (e ⊙ p) is-quasi-simple → p is-quasi-simple conservation {x = x}{y} e p ep-quasi-simple n = λ m∈₁ m∈₂ → inr-is-injective (ep-quasi-simple n (inr m∈₁) (inr m∈₂)) ¬⊂w⟨⟩ : ∀ {a b c} {w : Walk G b c} {e : Edge G a b} → ¬ ((e ⊙ w) ⊂w ⟨ a ⟩) ¬⊂w⟨⟩ {a} {e = e} e⊂w⟨a⟩ = a∈⟨a⟩ where a∈⟨a⟩ : a ∈w ⟨ a ⟩ a∈⟨a⟩ = ⊂w-to-∈ (e ⊙ _) (⟨ a ⟩) e⊂w⟨a⟩ (inl idp)
private variable a b c d k k' k1 k2 : Node G n : ℕ -- Special cases on walks ------------------------------------------------ data Loop : ∀ {x y} → Walk G x y → Type ℓ where is-loop : ∀ {x y} {w : Walk G x y} → x ≡ y → Loop w data NonTrivialLoop : ∀ {x y} → Walk G x y → Type ℓ where is-loop : ∀ {x y z} {e : Edge G x y} → (x≡z : x ≡ z) → (w : Walk G y z) → NonTrivialLoop (e ⊙ w) data NonTrivial : ∀ {x y} → Walk G x y → Type ℓ where has-edge : ∀ {x y z} {w : Walk G y z} → (e : Edge G x y) → NonTrivial (e ⊙ w) is-concat : ∀ {x y z : Node G} → (u : Walk G x y) → (nt : NonTrivial u) → {v : Walk G y z} → NonTrivial (u ∙w v) is-concat (e ⊙ u) nt {v} = has-edge {w = u ∙w v} e data NoReduce : ∀ {x y} → Walk G x y → Type ℓ where is-dot : ∀ {x} → NoReduce ⟨ x ⟩ is-edge : ∀ {x y} {e : Edge G x y} → (≠ : x ≠ y) → NoReduce (e ⊙ ⟨ y ⟩) data Trivial : ∀ {x y} → Walk G x y → Type ℓ where is-dot : ∀ {x y} {w : Walk G x y} → 0 ≡ length w → Trivial w -- Two handy lemmas we need after ---------------------------------------- different-endpoints-is-nontrivial : ∀ {x y} → (x ≠ y) → (w : Walk G x y) → NonTrivial w different-endpoints-is-nontrivial x≠y ⟨ _ ⟩ = ⊥-elim (x≠y idp) different-endpoints-is-nontrivial x≠y (e ⊙ w) = has-edge e ∈-non-trivial : ∀ {x y} → (w : Walk G x y) → NonTrivial w → x ∈w w ∈-non-trivial w (has-edge _) = inl idp -- A relation for normalisation on walks --------------------------------- -- One (harder to work with) alternative is to generalize the relation to -- consider _→r_ between walks with different endpoints. infix 4 _→r_ data _→r_ : ∀ {a b : Node G} → Walk G a b → Walk G a b → Type ℓ where ξ₁ : (Ω : Walk G a b) (● : Walk G a b) → (is-loop : NonTrivialLoop Ω) → (to-dot : Trivial ●) ------------------------ → Ω →r ● ξ₂ : (e : Edge G a k) (p q : Walk G k c) → ¬ Loop (e ⊙ p) → a ≠ k → p →r q -------------------- → (e ⊙ p) →r (e ⊙ q) ξ₃ : (e : Edge G a k) (p : Walk G k a) (q : Walk G a b) → (¬l : ¬ Loop ((e ⊙ p) ∙w q)) → (l : Loop (e ⊙ p)) → (nt : NonTrivial q) → (p' : Walk G a b) → (un : p' ≡ ((e ⊙ p) ∙w q)) --------------------------------------------- → p' →r q -- Point do not reduce. trivial-walks-do-not-reduce : ∀ {a x} (m : Edge G a x)(q : Walk G x a) → ⟨ a ⟩ →r (m ⊙ q) → ⊥ ℓ trivial-walks-do-not-reduce m q (ξ₁ _ _ _ (is-dot ())) -- Reduction reasoning --------------------------------------------------- infix 1 begin→r*_ infixr 2 _→r⟨_⟩_ infixr 2 _→r*⟨_⟩_ infix 2 _→r*_ infix 3 _→r*∎ -- Reflexive and transitive closure for our →r relation on walks --------- data _→r*_ : ∀ {a b : Node G} → Walk G a b → Walk G a b → Type ℓ where _→r*∎ : ∀ (p : Walk G a b) -------------------- → p →r* p _→r⟨_⟩_ : ∀ (p : Walk G a b) {q r : Walk G a b} → (p →r q) → (q →r* r) -------------------- → p →r* r _→r*⟨_⟩_ : ∀ (p : Walk G a b) {q r : Walk G a b} → p →r* q → q →r* r --------- → p →r* r _→r*⟨_⟩_ p {.p} (.p →r*∎) qr = qr _→r*⟨_⟩_ p {q} (.p →r⟨ x ⟩ pq) qr = p →r⟨ x ⟩ (_ →r*⟨ pq ⟩ qr) one-step : ∀ {p q : Walk G a b} → p →r q → p →r* q one-step {p = p}{q} pq = p →r⟨ pq ⟩ q →r*∎ begin→r*_ : ∀ {M N : Walk G a b} → M →r* N ------ → M →r* N begin→r* M→r*N = M→r*N -- Some handy functions to recover walks from the reductions -------------- subs : ∀ {p q : Walk G a b} → p ≡ q → p →r* q subs {p = p} idp = p →r*∎ get-original-walk : {p q : Walk G a b} → p →r* q → Walk G a b get-original-walk {p = p} _ = p get-reduced-walk : {p q : Walk G a b} → p →r* q → Walk G a b get-reduced-walk {q = q} _ = q -- Essential lemmas ------------------------------------------------------ nf-∈ : {x : Node G} → (q : Walk G a c) → x ∈w q → (p : Walk G a c) → p →r q ------------------------------ → x ∈w p nf-∈ (e ⊙ q') (inl idp) ⟨ _ ⟩ (ξ₁ _ _ () _) nf-∈ (e ⊙ q') (inl idp) (x ⊙ p) pq = inl idp nf-∈ {x = x} (e ⊙ q') (inr x∈q') p pq with split q' at x ... | nothing x₁ = ⊥-elim (x₁ x∈q') ... | just w₁ w₁-is-prefix-of-q' w₁∌x with pq ... | ξ₁ _ _ _ (is-dot ()) ... | ξ₂ _ q _ _ _ q→q' = inr x∈q where x∈q : x ∈w q x∈q = nf-∈ _ x∈q' _ q→q' ... | ξ₃ e₁ p₁ .(e ⊙ q') l l₁ nt .(e₁ ⊙ (G ∙-walk.·w p₁) (e ⊙ q')) idp = inr ((∈-∙w-right ((e ⊙ q')) x∈e⊙q' _)) where x∈e⊙q' : x ∈w (e ⊙ q') x∈e⊙q' = ∈-∙w-right q' x∈q' (e ⊙ _) nf-∈' : {x : Node G} → (q : Walk G a c) → x ∈w q → (p : Walk G a c) → p →r* q ----------------------------- → x ∈w p nf-∈' {x = x} q x∈q .q (.q →r*∎) = x∈q nf-∈' {x = x} q x∈q p (.p →r⟨ x₁ ⟩ pq) = nf-∈ q₁ x∈q₁ p x₁ where q₁ = get-original-walk pq x∈q₁ : x ∈w q₁ x∈q₁ = nf-∈' {x = x} q x∈q q₁ pq -- contrapositive nf-¬∈ : {x : Node G} → (p : Walk G a c) → ¬ (x ∈w p) → (q : Walk G a c) → p →r* q ------------------------------ → ¬ (x ∈w q) nf-¬∈ p ¬x∈p q p→q = contrapositive (nf-∈' q) (λ o → ¬x∈p (o p p→q))
-- Length evolution through the reductions ------------------------------- length-lem→r : (p q : Walk G a b) → p →r q ----------------------------------------------- → (length q < length p) length-lem→r ⟨ _ ⟩ q (ξ₁ .(⟨ _ ⟩) .q () to-dot) length-lem→r ⟨ _ ⟩ q (ξ₃ e p .q ¬l (is-loop x) nt .(⟨ _ ⟩) un) = ⊥-elim (¬l (is-loop idp)) length-lem→r (x ⊙ p) q (ξ₁ .(x ⊙ p) .q is-loop₁ (is-dot x₁)) = tr (λ o → o < length (x ⊙ p)) x₁ ∗ length-lem→r (x ⊙ p) .(x ⊙ r) (ξ₂ .x .p r nl x₁ pq) = length-lem→r _ _ pq length-lem→r (x ⊙ .((G ∙-walk.·w p₁) q)) q (ξ₃ .x p₁ .q ¬l l nt .(x ⊙ (G ∙-walk.·w p₁) q) idp) = right-part<whole _ p₁ q idp
-- More handy lemmas to shorten the coming proofs ------------------------ ξ₂-⊙ : ∀ {q r : Walk G b c} {a≠b : a ≠ b}{a≠c : a ≠ c} → q →r* r → (e : Edge G a b) ------------------------------ → (e ⊙ q) →r* (e ⊙ r) ξ₂-⊙ {q = ⟨ _ ⟩} {.(⟨ _ ⟩)} (.(⟨ _ ⟩) →r*∎) e = (e ⊙ ⟨ _ ⟩) →r*∎ ξ₂-⊙ {q = ⟨ _ ⟩} {r}{a≠b}{a≠c} (.(⟨ _ ⟩) →r⟨ x ⟩ qr) e = (e ⊙ ⟨ _ ⟩) →r⟨ ξ₂ _ _ _ (λ { (is-loop x) → a≠c x}) a≠c x ⟩ ξ₂-⊙ {a≠b = a≠b}{a≠c} qr e ξ₂-⊙ {q = x ⊙ q} {.(x ⊙ q)} (.(x ⊙ q) →r*∎) e = (e ⊙ (x ⊙ q)) →r*∎ ξ₂-⊙ {q = x ⊙ q} {r}{a≠b}{a≠c} (.(x ⊙ q) →r⟨ x₁ ⟩ qr) e = (e ⊙ (x ⊙ q)) →r⟨ ξ₂ _ _ _ (λ { (is-loop x) → a≠c x}) a≠b x₁ ⟩ ξ₂-⊙ {a≠b = a≠b}{a≠c} qr e
-- Normal form on walks under the →r relation ---------------------------- data Reduce {x y} (p : Walk G x y) : Type ℓ where reduction : {q : Walk G x y} → p →r q -------- → Reduce p data Normal {x y}(p : Walk G x y) : Type ℓ where normal : p is-quasi-simple → ¬ Reduce p → Normal p normal-is-quasi-simple : ∀ {x y}{w : Walk G x y} → Normal w → w is-quasi-simple normal-is-quasi-simple (normal w-is-quasi-simple _) = w-is-quasi-simple Normal-is-prop : ∀ {x y} {w : Walk G x y} → isProp (Normal w) Normal-is-prop {w = w} (normal w-s1 ¬r1) (normal w-s2 ¬r2) = ap² normal (being-quasi-simple-is-prop _ w-s1 w-s2) (pi-is-prop (λ _ → ⊥-is-prop) ¬r1 ¬r2) {- A simple walk can be a loop but without inner loops. We have some examples: - a dot, and edge, or even edge forming a loop. - also, a walk with a loop attached at the end. Simple walks are not the normal forms. One further reduction step is necessary to get their normal form. In other words, normal forms on walks are simple walks with no more reductions. -} -- Progress property of the →r relation. -- A walk reduces or it is in its normal form. data Progress {x y} (p : Walk G x y) : Type ℓ where step : Reduce p → Progress p done : Normal p → Progress p -- Dots and nonloop edges do not reduce. No-reduce-no-step : (p : Walk G a b) → NoReduce p → ¬ Reduce p No-reduce-no-step ⟨ _ ⟩ is-dot (reduction (ξ₁ .(⟨ _ ⟩) _ () to-dot)) No-reduce-no-step ⟨ _ ⟩ is-dot (reduction (ξ₃ e p _ ¬l l nt .(⟨ _ ⟩) un)) = ⊥-elim (¬l (is-loop idp)) No-reduce-no-step (x ⊙ .(⟨ _ ⟩)) (is-edge ≠) (reduction (ξ₁ .(x ⊙ ⟨ _ ⟩) _ (is-loop x≡z .(⟨ _ ⟩)) to-dot)) = ⊥-elim (≠ x≡z) No-reduce-no-step (x ⊙ .(⟨ _ ⟩)) (is-edge ≠) (reduction (ξ₂ .x .(⟨ _ ⟩) r nl x₁ (ξ₁ .(⟨ _ ⟩) .r () to-dot))) No-reduce-no-step (x ⊙ .(⟨ _ ⟩)) (is-edge ≠) (reduction (ξ₂ .x .(⟨ _ ⟩) r nl x₁ (ξ₃ e p .r ¬l l nt .(⟨ _ ⟩) ()))) No-reduce-no-step (x ⊙ .(⟨ _ ⟩)) (is-edge ≠) (reduction (ξ₃ .x ⟨ _ ⟩ _ ¬l l nt .(x ⊙ ⟨ _ ⟩) idp)) = ⊥-elim (≠ idp) -- Dots and nonloop edges are simple walks. No-reduce-is-quasi-simple : (p : Walk G a b) → NoReduce p → p is-quasi-simple No-reduce-is-quasi-simple ⟨ x ⟩ nored = one-point-walk-is-quasi-simple x No-reduce-is-quasi-simple (e ⊙ ⟨ x ⟩) (is-edge ≠) = ⊙-quasi-simple-is-quasi-simple {e = e} (one-point-walk-is-quasi-simple x) (λ z → z) -- Dots and nonloop edges are in their normal form. No-reduce-is-normal : (p : Walk G a b) → NoReduce p → Normal p No-reduce-is-normal p nored = normal (No-reduce-is-quasi-simple p nored) (No-reduce-no-step p nored) -- To prove normalisation on walks, we need to establish a -- well-foundedness relation on walks to prove termination of -- our algorithm. module WF {ℓ₁}{ℓ₂} (A : Type ℓ₁) (_<'_ : A → A → Type ℓ₂) where -- Accesible data type. data Acc (n : A) : Type (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) where acc : (∀ m → m <' n → Acc m) -- Strong induction. → Acc n -- Well-founded types: those where all its elements are "accesible". Well-founded : Type (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂) Well-founded = ∀ n → Acc n -- We show now the well-foundness on natural numbers related with less than -- relation ("<"). We do this because, the length of our walks is a natural number. -- We will relate walks by their length. -- The main complication in the proof above arises from the non-inductive definition -- of this relation. It's straightforward if one uses an inductive def. module _ where open WF ℕ _<_ nat-wf : Well-founded nat-wf zero = WF.acc λ m p → ⊥-elim (n<0 {ℓ} {n = m} p) nat-wf (succ n) = WF.acc (go n) where accn : Acc n accn = nat-wf n go : ∀ n m → m < succ n → Acc m go zero zero ∗ = nat-wf 0 go zero (succ m) p = tr Acc (! sm≡0) (nat-wf 0) where sm≡0 = k<1→k≡0 {k = succ m} p go (succ n) zero ∗ = nat-wf 0 go (succ n) (succ m) m<sn = WF.acc helper where helper : (m₁ : ℕ) → m₁ < succ m → Acc m₁ helper m₁ m₁<sm with <s-to-<= m₁ m m₁<sm ... | inl idp = go n m₁ m<sn ... | inr m₁<m = go n m₁ (<-trans {x = m₁} m₁<m m<sn) -- We need a well-founded relation on walks which is the following. _⊰_ : (∑[ x ] ∑[ y ] Walk G x y) → (∑[ x ] ∑[ y ] Walk G x y) → Type ℓ (_ , _ , p) ⊰ (_ , (_ , q)) = length p < length q -- For technical reasons, we pack the endpoints of each walk ∑∑walk : ∀ {x y} → (w : Walk G x y) → ∑[ x ] ∑[ y ] Walk G x y ∑∑walk {x = x}{y} w = (x , y , w) -- Inverse-image shows WF. ii-acc' : ∀ {x y} {w : Walk G x y} → WF.Acc ℕ _<_ (length w) → WF.Acc (∑[ x ] ∑[ y ] Walk G x y) _⊰_ (x , y , w) ii-acc' (acc g) = WF.acc (λ {(_ , _ , a) a<w → ii-acc' (g (length a) a<w)}) -- Well-foundedness on walks ∑∑walk-wf : WF.Well-founded (∑[ x ] ∑[ y ] Walk G x y) _⊰_ ∑∑walk-wf (_ , _ , a) = ii-acc' (nat-wf (length a)) -- Recursion principle on walks ------------------------------------------ -- Fold. fold-acc : ∀ {ℓ₂ : Level}(P : ∀ {x y} → Walk G x y → Type ℓ₂) → (∀ {x y} → (b : Walk G x y) → (∀ {x' y'} → (a : Walk G x' y') → ∑∑walk a ⊰ ∑∑walk b → P a) → P b) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ → ∀ {x y} → (w : Walk G x y) → WF.Acc (∑[ x ] ∑[ y ] Walk G x y) _⊰_ (∑∑walk w) → P w fold-acc P φ w (WF.acc g) = φ w (λ a a<w → fold-acc P φ a (g (∑∑walk a) a<w)) -- Rec. ∑∑walk-rec : {ℓ₂ : Level}(P : ∀ {x y} → Walk G x y → Type ℓ₂) → (∀ {x y} → (b : Walk G x y) → (∀ {x' y'} → (a : Walk G x' y') → ∑∑walk a ⊰ ∑∑walk b → P a) → P b) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- → ∀ {x y} → (w : Walk G x y) → P w ∑∑walk-rec P = rec ∑∑walk-wf where rec : WF.Well-founded (∑[ x ] ∑[ y ] Walk G x y) _⊰_ → (∀ {x y} → (b : Walk G x y) → (∀ {x' y'} → (a : Walk G x' y') → ∑∑walk a ⊰ ∑∑walk b → P a) → P b) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- → ∀ {x y} → (w : Walk G x y) → P w rec wf φ w = fold-acc P φ w (wf (∑∑walk w)) -- Normalization on walks ------------------------------------------------ module _ where P : ∀ {x z : Node G} → Walk G x z → Type ℓ P {x = x}{z} = λ w → ∑[ v ∶ Walk G x z ] (w →r* v) × Normal v normalize : ∀ {x z} → (w : Walk G x z) → P w normalize = ∑∑walk-rec P body where body : ∀ {x z : Node G} (b : Walk G x z) → ({x' z' : Node G} (a : Walk G x' z') → ∑∑walk a ⊰ ∑∑walk b → P a) → P b body ⟨ x ⟩ φ = ⟨ x ⟩ , (⟨ _ ⟩ →r*∎) , (normal (one-point-walk-is-quasi-simple x) (No-reduce-no-step ⟨ x ⟩ is-dot)) body {x = x}{z} (e ⊙ ⟨ _ ⟩) φ with x ≟Node z ... | inl idp = ⟨ x ⟩ , one-step (ξ₁ _ _ (is-loop idp ⟨ x ⟩) (is-dot idp)) , (normal (one-point-walk-is-quasi-simple x) (No-reduce-no-step ⟨ x ⟩ is-dot)) ... | inr x≠z = (e ⊙ ⟨ _ ⟩) , ((e ⊙ ⟨ z ⟩) →r*∎) , (normal (⊙-quasi-simple-is-quasi-simple {e = e} (one-point-walk-is-quasi-simple x) id) (No-reduce-no-step _ (is-edge x≠z))) body {x = x}{z} (e ⊙ w@(_ ⊙ _)) φ with x ≟Node z ... | inl idp = ⟨ x ⟩ , one-step (ξ₁ _ _ (is-loop idp _) (is-dot idp)) , (normal (one-point-walk-is-quasi-simple x) (No-reduce-no-step ⟨ x ⟩ is-dot)) ... | inr x≠z with x ≟Node (start-of G w) ... | inl idp = helper where helper : P (e ⊙ w) helper with φ w (<-succ (length w)) ... | (w' , w→w' , (normal w'-is-quasi-simple no-red)) = w' , (begin→r* e ⊙ w →r*⟨ (e ⊙ w) →r*∎ ⟩ (e ⊙ ⟨ x ⟩) ∙w w →r*⟨ one-step (ξ₃ _ ⟨ _ ⟩ _ (λ { (is-loop x) → x≠z x}) (is-loop idp) (has-edge _) _ idp ) ⟩ w →r*⟨ w→w' ⟩ w' →r*∎) , (normal w'-is-quasi-simple no-red) ... | inr x≠y with split w at x ... | just w₁ w₁prefix w₁∌x = helper where helper : _ helper with find-suffix w₁ w w₁prefix ... | (w₂ , w≡w₁∙w₂) = helper2 where helper2 : P (e ⊙ w) helper2 with φ w₂ (right-part<whole w w₁ w₂ w≡w₁∙w₂) ... | (w' , w₂→w' , (normal w'-is-quasi-simple no-red)) = w' , (begin→r* e ⊙ w →r*⟨ ξ₂-⊙ {a≠b = x≠y}{x≠z}(subs w≡w₁∙w₂) e ⟩ (e ⊙ w₁) ·w w₂ →r*⟨ one-step (ξ₃ _ _ _ (λ { (is-loop x) → x≠z x}) (is-loop idp) (different-endpoints-is-nontrivial x≠z w₂) _ idp) ⟩ w₂ →r*⟨ w₂→w' ⟩ w' →r*∎) , (normal w'-is-quasi-simple no-red) ... | nothing w∌x with φ w (<-succ (length w)) ... | ⟨ _ ⟩ , w→z , (normal pp no-red) = (e ⊙ ⟨ z ⟩) , ξ₂-⊙ {a≠b = x≠z}{x≠z} w→z e , (normal ((⊙-quasi-simple-is-quasi-simple {e = e} (one-point-walk-is-quasi-simple x) id)) (No-reduce-no-step (e ⊙ ⟨ z ⟩) (is-edge x≠z))) ... | w'@(m ⊙ sw) , w→w' , (normal w'-is-quasi-simple no-red) = (e ⊙ w') , e⊙w-to-e⊙w' , (normal e⊙w'-is-quasi-simple ¬red-e⊙w') where e⊙w-to-e⊙w' : (e ⊙ w) →r* (e ⊙ w') e⊙w-to-e⊙w' = ξ₂-⊙ {a≠b = x≠y}{x≠z} w→w' e e⊙w'-is-quasi-simple : (e ⊙ w') is-quasi-simple e⊙w'-is-quasi-simple = ⊙-quasi-simple-is-quasi-simple {e = e} {w'} w'-is-quasi-simple ¬x∈w' where ¬x∈w' : ¬ (x ∈w w') ¬x∈w' x∈w' = ⊥-elim (w∌x x∈w) where x∈w : x ∈w w x∈w = nf-∈' w' x∈w' w w→w' ¬red-e⊙w' : Reduce (e ⊙ w') → ⊥ ℓ ¬red-e⊙w' (reduction (ξ₁ _ _ (is-loop x≡y _) to-dot)) = ⊥-elim (x≠z x≡y) ¬red-e⊙w' (reduction (ξ₂ _ _ _ _ _ w'→q)) = no-red (reduction w'→q) ¬red-e⊙w' (reduction (ξ₃ e p q ¬l l nt .(_ ⊙ (m ⊙ sw)) w≡)) = get-⊥ x-in-different-pos where x∈q : x ∈w (p ∙w q) x∈q = ∈-∙w-right _ (∈-non-trivial q nt) p x∈w' : x ∈w w' x∈w' with ≡-walks-to-∑ w≡ ... | idp , m⊙sw≡p∙q = tr (λ o → x ∈w o) (! m⊙sw≡p∙q) x∈q x-in-different-pos : inr x∈w' ≡ inl idp x-in-different-pos = e⊙w'-is-quasi-simple x (inr x∈w') (inl idp) get-⊥ : inr x∈w' ≡ inl idp → ⊥ ℓ get-⊥ ()
progress : ∀ {x y} → (p : Walk G x y) ---------------------------- → Progress p progress ⟨ _ ⟩ = done (No-reduce-is-normal _ is-dot) progress {x = x}{y} (e ⊙ ⟨ _ ⟩) with x ≟Node y ... | inl idp = step (reduction (ξ₁ _ _ (is-loop idp _) (is-dot idp))) ... | inr x≠y = done (No-reduce-is-normal _ (is-edge x≠y)) progress {x = x}{y} w@(e1 ⊙ (e2 ⊙ p)) with normalize w ... | w' , (.w →r⟨ next-step ⟩ w→*w') , (normal w'-is-quasi-simple ¬red-w') = step (reduction next-step) ... | .w , (.w →r*∎) , (normal w'-is-quasi-simple ¬red-w') = done (normal w'-is-quasi-simple ¬red-w') ?normal : ∀ {x y} → (w : Walk G x y) → Dec (Normal w) ?normal w with progress w ... | step red = no λ { (normal x ¬red) → ¬red red} ... | done nf = yes nf ?reduce : ∀ {x y} → (w : Walk G x y) → Dec (Reduce w) ?reduce w with progress w ... | step red = yes red ... | done (normal _ ¬red) = no (λ red → ¬red red)
(2022-12-28)(57c278b4) Last updated: 2021-09-16 15:00:00 by jonathan.cubides (2022-07-06)(d3a4a8cf) minors by jonathan.cubides (2022-01-26)(4aef326b) [ reports ] added some revisions by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-20)(049db6a8) Added code of cubical experiments. by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-20)(961730c9) [ html ] regular update by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-20)(e0ef9faa) Fixed compilation and format, remove hidden parts by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-20)(5120e5d1) Added cubical experiment to the master by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-17)(828fdd0a) More revisions added for CPP by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-15)(0d6a99d8) Fixed some broken links and descriptions by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-15)(662a1f2d) [ .gitignore ] add by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-15)(0630ce66) Minor fixes by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-13)(04f10eba) Fixed a lot of details by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-10)(24195c9f) [ .gitignore ] ignore .zip and arxiv related files by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-09)(538d2859) minor fixes before dinner by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-09)(36a1a69f) [ planar.pdf ] w.i.p revisions to share on arxiv first by jonathan.cubides