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Investigations on graph-theoretical constructions in Homotopy type theory

Jonathan Prieto-Cubides j.w.w. Håkon Robbestad Gylterud

Department of Informatics

University of Bergen, Norway

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --exact-split #-}
module foundations.HLevelLemmas where

open import foundations.TransportLemmas
open import foundations.EquivalenceType

open import foundations.ProductIdentities
open import foundations.CoproductIdentities

open import foundations.HomotopyType
open import foundations.HomotopyLemmas

open import foundations.HalfAdjointType
open import foundations.QuasiinverseType
open import foundations.QuasiinverseLemmas

open import foundations.UnivalenceAxiom
open import foundations.HLevelTypes

The following lemmas are not exactly in some coherent order. We are planning to fix that. For now, we are only adding lemmas as soon as we need them.

module HLevelLemmas where

Contractible types are Propositions:

  :  { : Level} {A : Type }
   isContr A
   isProp A

contrIsProp (a , p) x y = ! (p x) · p y

-- More syntax:
isContr→isProp = contrIsProp
contr-is-prop  = contrIsProp

To be contractible is itself a proposition.

  :  { : Level} {A : Type }
   isProp A
   Contractible A

contractible-from-inhabited-prop a p = (a , p a )
  :  { : Level}{A : Type }
   (x : A)
   isContr (∑[ a ] (a  x ))

∑-contr x = (x , refl x) , λ {(a , idp)  pair= (idp , idp) }

Propositions are Sets:

  :  { : Level} {A : Type }
   isProp A
   isSet A

propIsSet {A = A} f a _ p q = lemma p · inv (lemma q)
    triang : {y z : A} {p : y  z}  (f a y) · p  f a z
    triang {y}{p = idp} = inv (·-runit (f a y))

    lemma : {y z : A} (p : y  z)  p  ! (f a y) · (f a z)
    lemma {y = y}{w} p =
        p                       ≡⟨ ap ( p) (inv (·-linv (f a y))) 
        ! (f a y) · f a y · p   ≡⟨ ·-assoc (! (f a y)) (f a y) p 
        ! (f a y) · (f a y · p) ≡⟨ ap (! (f a y) ·_) triang 
        ! (f a y) · (f a w)

More syntax:

prop-is-set  = propIsSet
prop→set     = propIsSet
isProp-isSet = propIsSet
Prop-is-Set  = propIsSet

Propositions are Sets:

  :  { : Level} {A : Type }
   isSet A
   isGroupoid A

Set-is-Groupoid {A} A-is-set = λ x y  prop-is-set (A-is-set x y)
is-prop-A+B +-prop
  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   isProp A  isProp B  ¬ (A × B)
   isProp (A + B)

is-prop-A+B ispropA ispropB ¬A×B (inl x) (inl x₁) = ap inl (ispropA x x₁)
is-prop-A+B ispropA ispropB ¬A×B (inl x) (inr x₁) = ⊥-elim (¬A×B (x , x₁))
is-prop-A+B ispropA ispropB ¬A×B (inr x) (inl x₁) = ⊥-elim (¬A×B (x₁ , x))
is-prop-A+B ispropA ispropB ¬A×B (inr x) (inr x₁) = ap inr (ispropB x x₁)

+-prop = is-prop-A+B

Propositions are propositions. This time, please notice the strong use of function extensionality, used twice here.

  :  { : Level} {A : Type }
   isProp (isProp A)

propIsProp {_}{A} =
  λ x y  funext  a 
            funext  b
               propIsSet x a b (x a b) (y a b)))
  where open import foundations.FunExtAxiom
prop-is-prop-always = propIsProp
prop-is-prop        = propIsProp
prop→prop           = propIsProp
isProp-isProp       = propIsProp
is-prop-is-prop     = propIsProp

The dependent function type to proposition types is itself a proposition.

  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : A  Type ℓ₂}
  -- (funext : Function-Extensionality)
   ((a : A)  isProp (B a))
   isProp ((a : A)  B a)

isProp-pi props f g = funext λ a  props a (f a) (g a)
 where open import foundations.FunExtAxiom
pi-is-prop = isProp-pi
Π-isProp   = isProp-pi
piIsProp   = isProp-pi

Propositional extensionality, here stated as , is a consequence of univalence axiom.

  :  { : Level} {A B : Type }
  -- (ua : Univalence Axiom)
   isProp A
   isProp B
   (A  B)
   A  B

prop-ext propA propB (f , g) =
  ua (qinv-≃ f (g ,  x  propB _ _) ,  x  propA _ _)))

  :  { : Level} {A B : Type }
  -- (ua : Univalence Axiom)
   isProp A
   isProp B
   (A  B)
   A  B

prop-ext-≃ propA propB (f , g) = qinv-≃ f (g ,  x  propB _ _) ,  x  propA _ _))


props-⇔-to-≡ = prop-ext
ispropA-B     = prop-ext
propositional-extensionality = prop-ext
  :  { : Level} {A : Type }
   isProp (isSet A)

setIsProp {} {A} p₁ p₂ =
  funext  x 
    funext  y 
      funext  p 
        funext  q  propIsSet (p₂ x y) p q (p₁ x y p q) (p₂ x y p q)))))
       where open import foundations.FunExtAxiom
set-is-prop = setIsProp
set→prop    = setIsProp

The product of propositions is itself a proposition.

  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   isProp A
   isProp B
   isProp (A × B)

isProp-prod p q x y = prodByComponents ((p _ _) , (q _ _))
×-is-prop      = isProp-prod
ispropA×B      = isProp-prod
×-isProp       = isProp-prod
prop×prop→prop = isProp-prod
  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   isSet A  isSet B
   isSet (A × B)

isSet-prod sa sb (a , b) (c , d) p q = begin
    ≡⟨ inv (prodByCompInverse p) 
   prodByComponents (prodComponentwise p)
    ≡⟨ ap prodByComponents (prodByComponents (sa a c _ _ , sb b d _ _)) 
   prodByComponents (prodComponentwise q)
    ≡⟨ prodByCompInverse q 


×-is-set      = isSet-prod
isSetA×B      = isSet-prod
×-isSet       = isSet-prod
set×set→set   = isSet-prod
  :  { : Level} {A : Type }
   (P : A  hProp )
    {a₀ a₁} p₀ p₁ {α : a₀  a₁}
   p₀  p₁ [ (#  P) / α ]

Prop-/-≡ P {a₀} p₀ p₁ {α = idp} = proj₂ (P a₀) p₀ p₁

H-levels actually are preserved by products, coproducts, pi-types and sigma-types.

  :  { : Level} {A : Type }
   isSet A
   {a a' : A}
   a  a'  isContr (a  a')

id-contractible-from-set iA {a}{.a} idp
  = idp , λ q  iA a a idp q
-- This is quite obvious from the hset definition.
-- But it's nice to spell it out fully.

Lemma 3.11.3: For any type A, is a mere proposition.

  :  { : Level} {A : Type }
   isProp (isContr A)

isContrIsProp {_} {A} (a , p) (b , q) =
  Σ-bycomponents (inv (q a) , isProp-pi (AisSet b) _ q)
      AisSet : isSet A
      AisSet = propIsSet (contrIsProp (a , p))

BookLemma3113 = isContrIsProp

Lemma 3.3.3 (HoTT-Book):

  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   isProp A  isProp B
   (A  B)   (B  A)
   A  B

lemma333 iA iB f g = qinv-≃ f (g , gf , fg)
    fg : (f :> g)  id
    fg a = iA ((f :> g) a) a

    gf : (g :> f)  id
    gf b = iB ((g :> f) b) b

BookLemma333 = lemma333

Lemma 3.3.2 (HoTT-Book):

  :  { : Level} {A : Type }
   isProp A
   (a : A)
   A  (𝟙 )

prop-inhabited-≃𝟙 iA a =
  lemma333 iA 𝟙-is-prop  _  unit)  _  a)

BookLemma332 = prop-inhabited-≃𝟙

From Exercise 3.5 (HoTT-Book):

  :  { : Level} {A : Type }
   isProp A  (A  isContr A)

isProp-≃-isContr {A = A} =
  lemma333 isProp-isProp (pi-is-prop  a  isContrIsProp)) go back
      go : isProp A  (A  isContr A)
      go iA a = a , λ a'  iA a a'

      back : (A  isContr A)  isProp A
      back f = λ a a'  (! π₂ (f a) a) · (π₂ (f a) a')

contr-≃-𝟙 :  { : Level}{A : Type }
   isContr A 
   A  𝟙  
contr-≃-𝟙 A-is-contr = prop-inhabited-≃𝟙 (contr-is-prop A-is-contr) (center-of A-is-contr)

Equivalence of two types is a proposition Moreover, equivalences preserve propositions.

Contractible maps are propositions:

  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   (f : A  B)
   isProp (isContrMap f)

isContrMapIsProp f = pi-is-prop  _  isContrIsProp)
  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   (f : A  B)
   isProp (isEquiv f)

isEquivIsProp = isContrMapIsProp
is-equiv-is-prop = isEquivIsProp

Equality of same-morphism equivalences

  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   {α β : A  B}
   π₁ α  π₁ β
      α  β

sameEqv {α = (f , σ)} {(g , τ)} p = Σ-bycomponents (p , (isEquivIsProp g _ τ))
  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   isProp A
   isProp B
   isProp (A  B)

equiv-iff-hprop {A = A}{B} iA iB ef eg
  = sameEqv f≡g
    f≡g : (π₁ ef)  (π₁ eg)
    f≡g = pi-is-prop  _  iB) (π₁ ef) (π₁ eg)
  :  { : Level} {A B : Type }
   isProp A
   isProp B
   isProp (A  B)

propEqvIsprop iA iB p q =
      ≡⟨ ! (ua-η p) 
    ua (idtoeqv p)
      ≡⟨ ap ua (equiv-iff-hprop iA iB (idtoeqv p) (idtoeqv q)) 
    ua (idtoeqv q)
      ≡⟨ ua-η q 

Equivalences preserve propositions

isProp-≃ equiv-preserves-prop
  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   (A  B)
   isProp A
   isProp B

isProp-≃ eq prop x y =
    x                       ≡⟨ inv (lrmap-inverse eq) 
    lemap eq ((remap eq) x) ≡⟨ ap  u  lemap eq u) (prop _ _) 
    lemap eq ((remap eq) y) ≡⟨ lrmap-inverse eq 
equiv-preserves-prop = isProp-≃

isContr-≃  equiv-preserves-contr
   :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
    (A  B)
    isContr A
    isContr B

isContr-≃ {A = A}{B} e A-is-contr
 -- below, could be shorted, by an explicity center, and so on.
   = contractible-from-inhabited-prop center-of-B
           (equiv-preserves-prop e A-is-prop)))
   A-is-prop : A is-prop
   A-is-prop = contr-is-prop A-is-contr
   center-of-B : B
   center-of-B = (e ∙→) (center-of A-is-contr)
equiv-preserves-contr = isContr-≃
is-set-equiv-to-set  equiv-preserves-sets
  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   A  B
   isSet A
   isSet B

is-set-equiv-to-set {A = A}{B} e iA
  x y  =  isProp-≃ aux (iA (!f x) (!f y))
   f : A  B
   f = lemap e

   !f : B  A
   !f = remap e

   aux : (remap e x  remap e y)  (x  y)
     = qinv-≃  p  ! (lrmap-inverse e) · ap f p · lrmap-inverse e)
              ((λ { idp  idp})
              ,  { idp  H₁})
              , λ {p  iA (!f x) (!f y) _ p})
     H₁ : (! lrmap-inverse e · idp) · lrmap-inverse e {x}  idp
     H₁ = begin
       (! lrmap-inverse e · idp) · lrmap-inverse e
         ≡⟨ ap  w  w · (lrmap-inverse e)) (! (·-runit _)) 
       ! lrmap-inverse e · lrmap-inverse e
         ≡⟨ ·-linv (lrmap-inverse e) 
equiv-with-a-set-is-set = is-set-equiv-to-set
≃-with-a-set-is-set = is-set-equiv-to-set
equiv-preserves-sets = is-set-equiv-to-set

Above, we might want to use univalence to rewrite (x ≡B y). Unfortunately, we can not because a universe level matters, at least for now. A first proof would have been saying (x ≡A y) is a mere proposition and since (A ≃ B), (x ≡B y) is also a mere proposition. So, (B) is a set. Second proof is to construct a term of `isSet B’ by using the inverse function from the equivalence and some path algebra. Not happy with this but it works.

  :  {} {A B : Type }
   (α : A  B)
   ≃-trans α (≃-flip α)  A≃A

≃-trans-inv α = sameEqv (
    π₁ (≃-trans α (≃-sym α)) ≡⟨ refl _ 
    π₁ (≃-sym α)  π₁ α      ≡⟨ funext (rlmap-inverse-h α) 
  ) where open import foundations.FunExtAxiom

The following lemma is telling us, something we should probably knew already: Equivalence of propositions is the same logical equivalence.

  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   isProp A
   isProp B
   (A  B)  (A  B)

twoprops-to-equiv-≃-⇔ {A = A} {B} ispropA ispropB  = qinv-≃ f (g , H₁ , H₂)
  f : (A  B)  (A  B)
  f e = e ∙→ , e ∙←

  g : (A  B)  (A  B)
  g (h→ , h←) = qinv-≃ h→ (h← ,  b  ispropB (h→ (h← b)) b) ,  a  ispropA (h← (h→ a)) a))

  H₁ : f  g  id
  H₁ (h→ , h←) = idp

  H₂ : g  f  id
  H₂ e =
      g (e ∙→ , e ∙←)
      e ∙→ , _
        ≡⟨ Σ-bycomponents (idp , isEquivIsProp (e ∙→) _ _) 
  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : A  Type ℓ₂}
   isProp A
   ((a : A)  isProp (B a))
   isProp ( A B)

∑-prop {B = B} iA λ-iB u v
  = pair= (α , β)
    α : π₁ u  π₁ v
    α = iA (π₁ u) (π₁ v)

    β : (π₂ u)  (π₂ v) [ B / α ]
    β = λ-iB (π₁ v) (tr B α (π₂ u)) (π₂ v)

isProp-Σ = ∑-prop
isProp-∑ = ∑-prop
Σ-prop   = ∑-prop
  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : A  Type ℓ₂}
   ((a : A)  isSet (B a))
   isSet ( A B)

pi-is-set  setBa f g = b
  open import foundations.FunExtAxiom
  a : isProp (f  g)
  a h1 h2 = funext λ x  setBa x (f x) (g x) (h1 x) (h2 x)

  b : isProp (f  g)
  b = isProp-≃ (≃-sym eqFunExt) (pi-is-prop λ a  setBa a (f a) (g a))
∏-set = pi-is-set
Π-set = pi-is-set

The following is a custom version useful to deal with functions with implicit parameters.

   :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : A  Type ℓ₂}
    ((a : A)  isProp (B a))
    isProp ({a : A}  B a)

pi-is-prop-implicit {A = A} {B} f = isProp-≃ explicit-≃-implicit (pi-is-prop f)
     : ((a : A)  B a)  ({a : A}  B a)
   explicit-≃-implicit = qinv-≃ go ((λ x x₁  x) ,  x  idp) ,  x  idp))
       go : ((a : A)  B a)  ({a : A}  B a)
       go f {a} = f a
  :  {}  isSet (𝟘 )
𝟘-is-set = prop-is-set 𝟘-is-prop
open HLevelLemmas public
 :  {} (P : Type )  Type _

LEM P = isProp P  P + (¬ P)

and the more general propositions-as-types formulation of the law of excluded middle is:

   :  { : Level} (A : Type )
    Type _

LEM∞ A = A + (¬ A)

   :  { : Level} {P : Type }
    (LEM∞ P)
    isProp P
    (¬ (¬ P))  P

law-double-negation lem iP with lem
law-double-negation lem iP | inl x = λ _  x
law-double-negation lem iP | inr x = λ p→⊥→⊥  ⊥-elim (p→⊥→⊥ x)

Law excluded middle and law of double negation are both equivalent.

  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : A  Type ℓ₂}
   isSet A  ((a : A)  isSet (B a))
   isSet (Σ A B)

isSet-Σ {A = A}{B} iA f x y
  = isProp-≃
    (pair=Equiv A B)
    (∑-prop (iA (π₁ x) (π₁ y))
       a  f _ (tr  x   B x) a (π₂ x)) (π₂ y) ))
  open import foundations.SigmaEquivalence
sigma-is-set = isSet-Σ
∑-set   = isSet-Σ
isSet-∑ = isSet-Σ
  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   isSet A
   isSet B
   isSet (A  B)

≃-is-set-from-sets {A = A}{B} ia ib
  = isSet-Σ (pi-is-set   _  ib))  _  prop-is-set (isEquivIsProp _))
  :  { : Level} {A B : Type }
   isSet A
   isSet B
   isSet (A  B)

≡-is-set-from-sets iA iB = equiv-with-a-set-is-set (≃-sym eqvUnivalence) (≃-is-set-from-sets iA iB)
≡-set = ≡-is-set-from-sets

A handy result is that the two point type is a set. We know already that 𝟙 is indeed mere propositions and hence a set. The two point type 𝟚 is in fact equivalent to the type 𝟙 + 𝟙. The fact 𝟚 is a set is used later to show A + B is a set when both are sets.

𝟙-is-set :  { : Level}  isSet (𝟙 )
𝟙-is-set = prop-is-set (𝟙-is-prop)
𝟙+𝟙-is-set :  { : Level}  isSet (𝟙  + 𝟙 )
𝟙+𝟙-is-set (inl ) (inl ) idp idp = idp
𝟙+𝟙-is-set (inr ) (inr ) idp idp = idp
  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level}
   𝟚 ℓ₁  𝟙 ℓ₂ + 𝟙 ℓ₂

𝟚-≃-𝟙+𝟙 {ℓ₁}{ℓ₂} = quasiinverse-to-≃ f (g ,
   { (inl x)  ap inl idp ; (inr x)  ap inr idp}) ,
  λ { 𝟘₂  idp ; 𝟙₂  idp})
    f : 𝟚 ℓ₁  𝟙 ℓ₂ + 𝟙 ℓ₂
    f 𝟘₂ = inl 
    f 𝟙₂ = inr 

    g : 𝟚 ℓ₁  𝟙 ℓ₂ + 𝟙 ℓ₂
    g (inl x) = 𝟘₂
    g (inr x) = 𝟙₂
𝟚-is-set :  { : Level}  isSet (𝟚 )
𝟚-is-set {} = ≃-with-a-set-is-set {}{lsuc } (≃-sym (𝟚-≃-𝟙+𝟙 )) 𝟙+𝟙-is-set

Another fact we might use later is the fact, natural numbers forms a set. We can see ℕ as a type is equivalent to ∑ (n : ℕ) 𝟙.

The coproduct A + B is equivalent to the sigma type ∑ 𝟚 P, where P is the type family that maps 𝟘₂ to A and consequently, 𝟙₂ maps to B.

  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ : Level}
   (A : Type ℓ₁)(B : Type ℓ₂)
   𝟚 ℓ₃  Type (ℓ₁  ℓ₂)

P𝟚-to-A+B A B = λ { 𝟘₂   (level-of B) A ; 𝟙₂   (level-of A) B}
  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
   A + B   (𝟚 ℓ₃) (P𝟚-to-A+B A B)

+-≃-∑ {ℓ₁}{ℓ₂}{ℓ₃}{A}{B} = quasiinverse-to-≃ f (g
  ,  { (𝟘₂ , Lift lower₁)  idp ; (𝟙₂ , Lift lower₁)  idp})
  , λ { (inl x)  idp ; (inr x)  idp})
  f : A + B   (𝟚 ℓ₃) (P𝟚-to-A+B A B)
  f (inl x) = 𝟘₂ , Lift x
  f (inr x) = 𝟙₂ , Lift x

  g : A + B   (𝟚 ℓ₃) (P𝟚-to-A+B A B)
  g (𝟘₂ , Lift a) = inl a
  g (𝟙₂ , Lift b) = inr b
  +-of-sets-is-set +-set
    :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : Type ℓ₂}
     isSet A  isSet B
     isSet (A + B)

  +-of-sets-is-set {ℓ₁}{ℓ₂}{A}{B} iA iB
    = ≃-with-a-set-is-set (≃-sym (+-≃-∑ {ℓ₃ = ℓ₂}{A = A}{B}))
      (∑-set 𝟚-is-set λ { 𝟘₂  fact₁ ; 𝟙₂  fact₂})
      open import foundations.BasicEquivalences
      fact₁ : isSet (P𝟚-to-A+B {ℓ₃ = ℓ₂} A B 𝟘₂)
      fact₁ = ≃-with-a-set-is-set (lifting-equivalence A) iA

      fact₂ : isSet (P𝟚-to-A+B {ℓ₃ = ℓ₂} A B 𝟙₂)
      fact₂ = ≃-with-a-set-is-set (lifting-equivalence B) iB
  +-set = +-of-sets-is-set
  :  { : Level} {n : }
   isSet {} ( n ⟧₂)

⟦⟧₂-is-set {}{0} = 𝟘-is-set {}
⟦⟧₂-is-set {}{succ n} = +-of-sets-is-set 𝟙-is-set ⟦⟧₂-is-set
  :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level}
   {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : A  Type ℓ₂}
   ((a : A)  isContr (B a))
    A B  A

∑-≃-base {A = A}{B} discrete-base
  = quasiinverse-to-≃ f (g , (H₁ , H₂))
   f :  A B  A
   f (a , b) = a

   g :  A B  A
   g a = (a ,  π₁ (discrete-base a))

   H₁ : f  g  id
   H₁ x = idp

   H₂ : g  f  id
   H₂ x = pair= (idp , contrIsProp (discrete-base (π₁ x)) _ _)
  :  { : Level} {A : Type }
   isSet A
   isGroupoid A

set-is-groupoid A-is-set a b = prop-is-set (A-is-set a b)

Another device to remember this fact (set-is-groupoid) is to see that any simple graph can be seen as a multigraph. Here, the graph represents the path structure of the type in question.

module _ { : Level}(A : Type ) where
    : A is-contr  A is-set

  contr-is-set A-is-contr = prop-is-set (contr-is-prop A-is-contr)
    :  {x y : A}
     A is-prop
     (x  y) is-prop

  ≡-preserves-prop {x}{y} A-is-prop = prop-is-set A-is-prop x y
    : {x y : A}
     (A is-set
     (x  y) is-set)

  ≡-preserves-set {x}{y} A-is-set = set-is-groupoid A-is-set x y

Quite recurrent are the fixed ∑-types like (∑ (t : A) (t ≡ x)). Such types are contractible as we show with the following lemmas.

    : (x : A)
     (Σ[ t ] (t  x)) is-contr

  pathto-is-contr x = (x , refl x) ,  λ {(a , idp)  idp}
  ∑≡x-contr = pathto-is-contr
    : (x : A)
     (Σ[ t ] (x  t)) is-contr

  pathfrom-is-contr x = (x , refl x) , λ {(a , idp)  idp}
  ∑x≡-contr = pathfrom-is-contr

Being contractible give you a section.

    :  {ℓ₂ : Level} {B : A  Type ℓ₂}
     A is-contr  (a : A)
     (u : B a)  Π A B

  contr-has-section {B = B} A-is-contr a u
    = λ a'  tr B (contr-connects A-is-contr a a') u
module _ where
    :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level}
     {A : Type ℓ₁} {B : A  Type ℓ₂}
     (f : ∏[ a  A ] (B a))
     (∏[ a  A ] isProp (B a))
      A B  A
  fiber-prop-∑-is-base f fibers-prop
    = ∑-≃-base  a  (f a , fibers-prop a (f a)))

  open import foundations.EquivalenceReasoning
  open import foundations.SigmaEquivalence

      :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : A  Type ℓ₂}
       {u₁ u₂ : A} {v₁ : B u₁}{v₂ : B u₂}
       ((a : A)  isProp (B a))
       ((u₁ , v₁)  (u₂ , v₂))  (u₁  u₂)
  simplify-pair {A = A}{B}{u₁}{u₂}{v₁}{v₂} B-prop =
        (u₁ , v₁)  (u₂ , v₂)
        ≃⟨ ≃-sym (pair=Equiv _ _) 
        (∑[ α  u₁  u₂ ] (tr B α v₁  v₂))
        ≃⟨ ∑-≃-base  {idp  B-prop _ _ _ ,
        prop-is-set (B-prop _) _ _ (B-prop _ _ _)}) 
        u₁  u₂

      :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : A  Type ℓ₂}
       {C : (a : A)  B a  Type ℓ₃}
       {u₁ u₂ : A} {v₁ : B u₁}{v₂ : B u₂} {c₁ : C u₁ v₁}{c₂ : C u₂ v₂}
       ((a : A) (b : B a)  isProp (C a b))
       (((u₁ , v₁) , c₁)  ((u₂ , v₂) , c₂))
       ((u₁ , v₁)  (u₂ , v₂))

  simplify-triple' {A = A}{B}{C}{u₁}{u₂}{v₁}{v₂}{c₁}{c₂} C-prop =
      ((u₁ , v₁) , c₁)  ((u₂ , v₂) , c₂)
      ≃⟨ ≃-sym (pair=Equiv _ _) 
      (∑[ α  (u₁ , v₁)  (u₂ , v₂) ] (tr _ α c₁  c₂))
      ≃⟨ ∑-≃-base  {idp  C-prop _ _ _ _ , λ {idp  prop-is-set (C-prop _ _) _ _ _ _} }) 
      ((u₁ , v₁)  (u₂ , v₂))

      :  {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ : Level} {A : Type ℓ₁}{B : A  Type ℓ₂}
       {C : (a : A)  B a  Type ℓ₃}
       {u₁ u₂ : A} {v₁ : B u₁}{v₂ : B u₂} {c₁ : C u₁ v₁}{c₂ : C u₂ v₂}
       ((a : A) (b : B a)  isProp (C a b))
       ((u₁ , v₁ , c₁)  (u₂ , v₂ , c₂))
       ((u₁ , v₁)  (u₂ , v₂))
  simplify-triple {A = A}{B}{C} C-prop = ≃-trans tuples-assoc (simplify-triple' {A = A}{B}{C} C-prop)

Latest changes

(2022-12-28)(57c278b4) Last updated: 2021-09-16 15:00:00 by jonathan.cubides
(2022-07-06)(d3a4a8cf) minors by jonathan.cubides
(2022-01-26)(4aef326b) [ reports ] added some revisions by jonathan.cubides
(2021-12-20)(049db6a8) Added code of cubical experiments. by jonathan.cubides
(2021-12-20)(961730c9) [ html ] regular update by jonathan.cubides
(2021-12-20)(e0ef9faa) Fixed compilation and format, remove hidden parts by jonathan.cubides
(2021-12-20)(5120e5d1) Added cubical experiment to the master by jonathan.cubides
(2021-12-17)(828fdd0a) More revisions added for CPP by jonathan.cubides
(2021-12-15)(0d6a99d8) Fixed some broken links and descriptions by jonathan.cubides
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(2021-12-15)(0630ce66) Minor fixes by jonathan.cubides
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(2021-12-09)(538d2859) minor fixes before dinner by jonathan.cubides
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