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{-# OPTIONS --without-K --exact-split #-} module lib.graph-embeddings.Map.Spherical-is-enough where open import foundations.Core open import lib.graph-definitions.Graph open import lib.graph-transformations.U open Graph open import lib.graph-embeddings.Map open import lib.graph-embeddings.Map.Face.Walk.Homotopy open import lib.graph-embeddings.Map.Spherical
module hom-normalisation {ℓ : Level} (G : Graph ℓ) (_≟Node_ : (x y : Node (U G)) → (x ≡ y) + (x ≠ y)) (M : Map G) (M-is-spherical : isSphericalMap G M) where open import lib.graph-walks.Walk.QuasiSimple open WR (U G) (_≟Node_) open quasi-simple-walks {ℓ}{G = U G} open import lib.graph-walks.Walk hiding (length) open import lib.graph-walks.Walk.Composition open ∈-walk (U G) open ∙-walk (U G) open import foundations.Nat ℓ open dec-< open import lib.graph-embeddings.Map.Face.Walk.Homotopy open import lib.graph-embeddings.Map.Face.Walk.Whiskering e⊙∼ : ∀ {x}{e : Edge (U G) x x} → ∥ (e ⊙ ⟨ _ ⟩) ∼⟨ M ⟩∼ ⟨ _ ⟩ ∥ e⊙∼ {x = x} {e = e} = M-is-spherical _ _ _ _ (one-edge-is-quasi-simple e) (one-point-walk-is-quasi-simple x) PNom : ∀ {x z : Node (U G)} → Walk (U G) x z → Type (lsuc ℓ) PNom {x = x}{z} = λ w → ∑[ v ∶ Walk (U G) x z ] ((w →r* v) × ((Normal v) × ∥ w ∼⟨ M ⟩∼ v ∥)) hom-normalize : ∀ {x z} → (w : Walk (U G) x z) → PNom w hom-normalize = ∑∑walk-rec PNom body where open HomotopyWalks {ℓ = ℓ}{G} M open Whiskering {ℓ = ℓ}{G} M body : ∀ {x z : Node G} (b : Walk (U G) x z) → ({x' z' : Node G} (a : Walk (U G) x' z') → ∑∑walk a ⊰ ∑∑walk b → PNom a) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- → PNom b body ⟨ x ⟩ φ = ⟨ x ⟩ , (⟨ _ ⟩ →r*∎) , (normal (one-point-walk-is-quasi-simple x) (No-reduce-no-step ⟨ x ⟩ is-dot)) , ∣ hwalk-refl ∣ body {x = x}{z} (e ⊙ ⟨ _ ⟩) φ with x ≟Node z ... | inl idp = ⟨ x ⟩ , one-step (ξ₁ _ _ (is-loop idp ⟨ x ⟩) (is-dot idp)) , (normal (one-point-walk-is-quasi-simple x) (No-reduce-no-step ⟨ x ⟩ is-dot)) , M-is-spherical _ _ (e ⊙ ⟨ x ⟩ ) ⟨ x ⟩ (one-edge-is-quasi-simple e) (one-point-walk-is-quasi-simple x) ... | inr x≠z = (e ⊙ ⟨ _ ⟩) , ((e ⊙ ⟨ z ⟩) →r*∎) , (normal (one-edge-is-quasi-simple e) (No-reduce-no-step _ (is-edge x≠z))) , ∣ whiskerL (e ⊙ ⟨ _ ⟩ ) hwalk-refl ∣ body {x = x}{z} (e ⊙ w@(_ ⊙ _)) φ with (let y = start-of (U G) w in x ≟Node y) ... | inl idp = helper where helper : PNom (e ⊙ w) helper with φ w (<-succ (length w)) ... | (w' , w→w' , (WR.normal w'-is-quasi-simple no-red) , w∼w') with x ≟Node z ... | inl idp = ⟨ x ⟩ , one-step (ξ₁ (e ⊙ w) ⟨ x ⟩ (is-loop idp _) (is-dot idp)) , (normal (one-point-walk-is-quasi-simple x) (No-reduce-no-step ⟨ x ⟩ is-dot)) , trunc-elim trunc-is-prop (λ e∼ → trunc-elim trunc-is-prop (λ w∼ → trunc-elim trunc-is-prop (λ w'∼ → ∣ whisker-h e∼ (hwalk-trans w∼ w'∼) ∣) w'∼dot) w∼w') (e⊙∼ {e = e}) where w'∼dot : ∥ w' ∼⟨ M ⟩∼ ⟨ x ⟩ ∥ w'∼dot = M-is-spherical _ _ w' ⟨ x ⟩ w'-is-quasi-simple (one-point-walk-is-quasi-simple x) ... | inr x≠z = w' , (begin→r* e ⊙ w →r*⟨ (e ⊙ w) →r*∎ ⟩ (e ⊙ ⟨ x ⟩) ∙w w →r*⟨ one-step (ξ₃ _ ⟨ _ ⟩ _ (λ { (is-loop x) → x≠z x}) (is-loop idp) (has-edge _) _ idp) ⟩ w →r*⟨ w→w' ⟩ w' →r*∎) , (normal w'-is-quasi-simple no-red) , trunc-elim trunc-is-prop (λ ew∼w → trunc-elim trunc-is-prop (λ w∼ → ∣ whisker-h ew∼w w∼ ∣ ) w∼w') e⊙∼ ... | inr x≠y with split w at x ... | just w1 w1prefix w1∌x = helper where helper : _ helper with find-suffix w1 w w1prefix ... | (w2 , w≡w1∙w2) = helper2 where helper2 : PNom (e ⊙ w) helper2 with φ w2 (right-part<whole w w1 w2 w≡w1∙w2) ... | (w' , w2→w' , (normal w'-is-quasi-simple no-red) , w2∼w') with x ≟Node z ... | inl idp = ⟨ x ⟩ , one-step (ξ₁ (e ⊙ w) ⟨ x ⟩ (is-loop idp _) (is-dot idp)) , (normal (one-point-walk-is-quasi-simple x) (No-reduce-no-step ⟨ x ⟩ is-dot)) , trunc-elim trunc-is-prop (λ e⊙w∼ → trunc-elim trunc-is-prop (λ w'∼ → ∣ hwalk-trans e⊙w∼ w'∼ ∣) w'∼dot) helper3 where w'∼dot : ∥ w' ∼⟨ M ⟩∼ ⟨ x ⟩ ∥ w'∼dot = M-is-spherical _ _ w' ⟨ x ⟩ w'-is-quasi-simple (one-point-walk-is-quasi-simple x) helper3 : ∥ (e ⊙ w) ∼⟨ M ⟩∼ w' ∥ helper3 with φ w1 (left-part<whole w w1 w2 w≡w1∙w2) ... | v , w1→v , (normal v-is-quasi-simple no-red) , w1∼v = trunc-elim trunc-is-prop (λ ev∼dot → trunc-elim trunc-is-prop (λ w1∼ → trunc-elim trunc-is-prop (λ w2∼ → ∣ hwalk-trans (tr (λ o → (e ⊙ o) ∼⟨ M ⟩∼ w2) (! w≡w1∙w2) (whiskerR (hwalk-trans (whiskerL (e ⊙ ⟨ _ ⟩) w1∼) ev∼dot) w2)) w2∼ ∣) w2∼w') w1∼v ) e⊙v∼dot where e⊙v-is-quasi-simple : (e ⊙ v) is-quasi-simple e⊙v-is-quasi-simple = ⊙-quasi-simple-is-quasi-simple {e = e} v-is-quasi-simple (nf-¬∈ w1 w1∌x v w1→v) e⊙v∼dot : ∥ (e ⊙ v) ∼⟨ M ⟩∼ ⟨ x ⟩ ∥ e⊙v∼dot = M-is-spherical _ _ (e ⊙ v) ⟨ x ⟩ e⊙v-is-quasi-simple (one-point-walk-is-quasi-simple x) ... | inr x≠z = w' , (begin→r* e ⊙ w →r*⟨ ξ₂-⊙ {a≠b = x≠y}{x≠z}(subs w≡w1∙w2) e ⟩ (e ⊙ w1) ·w w2 →r*⟨ one-step (ξ₃ _ _ _ (λ { (is-loop x) → x≠z x}) (is-loop idp) (different-endpoints-is-nontrivial x≠z w2) _ idp) ⟩ w2 →r*⟨ w2→w' ⟩ w' →r*∎) , (normal w'-is-quasi-simple no-red) , helper3 -- Need two extra lemmas. where helper3 : ∥ (e ⊙ w) ∼⟨ M ⟩∼ w' ∥ helper3 with φ w1 (left-part<whole w w1 w2 w≡w1∙w2) ... | v , w1→v , (normal v-is-quasi-simple no-red) , w1∼v = trunc-elim trunc-is-prop (λ ev∼dot → trunc-elim trunc-is-prop (λ w1∼ → trunc-elim trunc-is-prop (λ w2∼ → ∣ hwalk-trans (tr (λ o → (e ⊙ o) ∼⟨ M ⟩∼ w2) (! w≡w1∙w2) (whiskerR (hwalk-trans (whiskerL (e ⊙ ⟨ _ ⟩) w1∼) ev∼dot) w2)) w2∼ ∣) w2∼w') w1∼v ) e⊙v∼dot where e⊙v-is-quasi-simple : (e ⊙ v) is-quasi-simple e⊙v-is-quasi-simple = ⊙-quasi-simple-is-quasi-simple {e = e} v-is-quasi-simple (nf-¬∈ w1 w1∌x v w1→v) e⊙v∼dot : ∥ (e ⊙ v) ∼⟨ M ⟩∼ ⟨ x ⟩ ∥ e⊙v∼dot = M-is-spherical _ _ (e ⊙ v) ⟨ x ⟩ e⊙v-is-quasi-simple (one-point-walk-is-quasi-simple x) ... | nothing w∌x with φ w (<-succ (length w)) ... | ⟨ _ ⟩ , w→w' , (normal pp no-red) , w∼w' = helper where helper : _ helper with x ≟Node z ... | inl idp = ⟨ x ⟩ , one-step (ξ₁ (e ⊙ w) ⟨ x ⟩ (is-loop idp _) (is-dot idp)) , (normal (one-point-walk-is-quasi-simple x) (No-reduce-no-step ⟨ x ⟩ is-dot)) , trunc-elim trunc-is-prop (λ ew∼w → trunc-elim trunc-is-prop (λ w∼ → ∣ whisker-h ew∼w w∼ ∣ ) w∼w') e⊙∼ ... | inr x≠z = (e ⊙ ⟨ z ⟩) , ξ₂-⊙ {a≠b = x≠z}{x≠z} w→w' e , (normal (one-edge-is-quasi-simple e) (No-reduce-no-step (e ⊙ ⟨ z ⟩) (is-edge x≠z))) , trunc-elim trunc-is-prop (λ h∼ → ∣ whiskerL (e ⊙ ⟨ _ ⟩) h∼ ∣) w∼w' ... | (w'@(m ⊙ sw) , w→w' , (normal w'-is-quasi-simple no-red) , w∼w') with x ≟Node z ... | inl idp = ⟨ x ⟩ , one-step (ξ₁ (e ⊙ w) ⟨ x ⟩ (is-loop idp _) (is-dot idp)) , (normal (one-point-walk-is-quasi-simple x) (No-reduce-no-step ⟨ x ⟩ is-dot)) , trunc-elim trunc-is-prop (λ e⊙w'∼ → trunc-elim trunc-is-prop (λ w∼ → ∣ hwalk-trans (whiskerL (e ⊙ ⟨ _ ⟩) w∼) e⊙w'∼ ∣) w∼w' ) e⊙w'∼dot where e⊙w'-is-quasi-simple : (e ⊙ w') is-quasi-simple e⊙w'-is-quasi-simple = ⊙-quasi-simple-is-quasi-simple {e = e} {w'} w'-is-quasi-simple ¬x∈w' where ¬x∈w' : ¬ (x ∈w w') ¬x∈w' x∈w' = ⊥-elim (w∌x x∈w) where x∈w : x ∈w w x∈w = nf-∈' w' x∈w' w w→w' e⊙w'∼dot : ∥ (e ⊙ w') ∼⟨ M ⟩∼ ⟨ x ⟩ ∥ e⊙w'∼dot = M-is-spherical _ _ _ ⟨ x ⟩ e⊙w'-is-quasi-simple (one-point-walk-is-quasi-simple x) ... | inr x≠z = (e ⊙ w') , e⊙w-to-e⊙w' , (normal e⊙w'-is-quasi-simple ¬red-e⊙w') , trunc-elim trunc-is-prop (λ h∼ → ∣ whiskerL (e ⊙ ⟨ _ ⟩) h∼ ∣) w∼w' where e⊙w-to-e⊙w' : (e ⊙ w) →r* (e ⊙ w') e⊙w-to-e⊙w' = ξ₂-⊙ {a≠b = x≠y}{x≠z} w→w' e e⊙w'-is-quasi-simple : (e ⊙ w') is-quasi-simple e⊙w'-is-quasi-simple = ⊙-quasi-simple-is-quasi-simple {e = e} {w'} w'-is-quasi-simple ¬x∈w' where ¬x∈w' : ¬ (x ∈w w') ¬x∈w' x∈w' = ⊥-elim (w∌x x∈w) where x∈w : x ∈w w x∈w = nf-∈' w' x∈w' w w→w' ¬red-e⊙w' : Reduce (e ⊙ w') → ⊥ ℓ ¬red-e⊙w' (reduction (ξ₁ _ _ (is-loop x≡y _) to-dot)) = ⊥-elim (x≠z x≡y) ¬red-e⊙w' (reduction (ξ₂ _ _ _ _ _ w'→q)) = no-red (reduction w'→q) ¬red-e⊙w' (reduction (ξ₃ e p q ¬l l nt .(_ ⊙ (m ⊙ sw)) w≡)) = get-⊥ x-in-different-pos where x∈q : x ∈w (p ∙w q) x∈q = ∈-∙w-right _ (∈-non-trivial q nt) p x∈w' : x ∈w w' x∈w' with ≡-walks-to-∑ w≡ ... | idp , m⊙sw≡p∙q = tr (λ o → x ∈w o) (! m⊙sw≡p∙q) x∈q x-in-different-pos : inr x∈w' ≡ inl idp x-in-different-pos = e⊙w'-is-quasi-simple x (inr x∈w') (inl idp) get-⊥ : inr x∈w' ≡ inl idp → ⊥ ℓ get-⊥ ()
module _ {ℓ : Level} (G : Graph ℓ) (_≟Node_ : (x y : Node (U G)) → (x ≡ y) + (x ≠ y)) where open import lib.graph-embeddings.Map open import lib.graph-embeddings.Map.Face.Walk.Homotopy open import lib.graph-walks.Walk open import lib.graph-walks.Walk.QuasiSimple open hom-normalisation G (_≟Node_) isSphericalMapS : Map G → Type (lsuc ℓ) isSphericalMapS 𝕄 = (x : Node (U G)) → (w : Walk (U G) x x) → ∥ (w ∼⟨ 𝕄 ⟩∼ ⟨ x ⟩) ∥ isSphericalMap' : Map G → Type (lsuc ℓ) isSphericalMap' 𝕄 = (x y : Node (U G)) → (w₁ w₂ : Walk (U G) x y) → ∥ w₁ ∼⟨ 𝕄 ⟩∼ w₂ ∥ isSphericalMap'-is-prop : (𝕄 : Map G) → isProp (isSphericalMap' 𝕄) isSphericalMap'-is-prop 𝕄 = pi-is-prop $ λ _ → pi-is-prop $ λ _ → pi-is-prop $ λ _ → pi-is-prop $ λ _ → truncated-is-prop spherical-equiv : (𝕄 : Map G) → isSphericalMap G 𝕄 ≃ isSphericalMap' 𝕄 spherical-equiv 𝕄 = qinv-≃ go (back , ((λ x → isSphericalMap'-is-prop 𝕄 _ _)) , λ x → isSphericalMap-is-prop G 𝕄 _ _) where back : isSphericalMap' 𝕄 → isSphericalMap G 𝕄 back g x y w1 w2 _ _ = g x y w1 w2 go : isSphericalMap G 𝕄 → isSphericalMap' 𝕄 go f _ _ w1 w2 with hom-normalize 𝕄 f w1 | hom-normalize 𝕄 f w2 ... | u , _ , WR.normal u-is-quasi-simple _ , w1∼u | v , _ , WR.normal v-is-quasi-simple _ , w2∼v = helper where helper : ∥ w1 ∼⟨ 𝕄 ⟩∼ w2 ∥ helper = trunc-elim trunc-is-prop (λ w1∼ → trunc-elim trunc-is-prop (λ w2∼ → (trunc-elim trunc-is-prop (λ w1'∼w2' → ∣ HomotopyWalks.hwalk-trans w1∼ (HomotopyWalks.hwalk-trans w1'∼w2' (HomotopyWalks.hwalk-symm w2∼))∣) (f _ _ u v u-is-quasi-simple v-is-quasi-simple))) w2∼v) w1∼u
(2022-12-28)(57c278b4) Last updated: 2021-09-16 15:00:00 by jonathan.cubides (2022-07-06)(d3a4a8cf) minors by jonathan.cubides (2022-01-26)(4aef326b) [ reports ] added some revisions by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-20)(049db6a8) Added code of cubical experiments. by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-20)(961730c9) [ html ] regular update by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-20)(e0ef9faa) Fixed compilation and format, remove hidden parts by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-20)(5120e5d1) Added cubical experiment to the master by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-17)(828fdd0a) More revisions added for CPP by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-15)(0d6a99d8) Fixed some broken links and descriptions by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-15)(662a1f2d) [ .gitignore ] add by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-15)(0630ce66) Minor fixes by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-13)(04f10eba) Fixed a lot of details by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-10)(24195c9f) [ .gitignore ] ignore .zip and arxiv related files by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-09)(538d2859) minor fixes before dinner by jonathan.cubides (2021-12-09)(36a1a69f) [ planar.pdf ] w.i.p revisions to share on arxiv first by jonathan.cubides