Style conventions for files

This document outlines the style conventions for files in the library. These conventions are based on the design principles of the library.

General conventions

File names should be descriptive

File names should be descriptive of the concept it introduces or the main theorem proven. The file names could be considered indexing terms, with the list of files functioning much like the index in the back of a book. Usually, file names consist of a noun or a noun phrase. File names should be natural, sufficiently precise, concise, and consistent with those of related files. Additionally, prepositions are usually included in the file name. E.g. fibers-of-maps as opposed to fibers-maps.

File names are all lowercase with words separated by hyphens

File names should be entirely in lowercase, with words separated by hyphens. Avoid abbreviating words in file names unless the abbreviated term is a widely accepted mathematical term, such as poset.

The file format is literate Agda with markdown

Files that are part of the formalisation should be in literate Agda using markdown. The file extension is

File header and module declaration

Every file should begin with a header in the following format:

# The title of the file

and immediately after this, the module declaration and any option pragmas should be declared.

Imports block

After the module declaration, include an Agda code block of all module imports starting with <details><summary>Imports</summary> and ending with </details>. This Agda block should only contain module imports. Do not import further modules later in the file. On the documentation pages, this Agda imports block will be hidden by default, but it can be revealed by clicking on the Imports link.

Sections and headings

Organize the rest of the file into sections, subsections, and possibly subsubsections. Use ## headings for the main sections of the file and reserve # headings only for the title of the file. Common sections include ## Idea, ## Definitions, and ## Properties. Occasionally, you might include a section like ## Examples or ## Theorem, based on the purpose of the file.

Ideally, the first section of a file explains the idea, the second section proceeds to give the main definition that is the focus of the file, then the third section proceeds possibly with examples or by deriving basic properties of the defined concept.


Use ### headings for subsections within the main sections. If a code block following a heading is very long, you can use #### headings to subdivide the subsections further. Ensure that subsection headings concisely describe the content of the following code block. However, don't hesitate to include explanatory text within a section when necessary.

See also and references

At the end of the file you may add a See also or References subsection where you reference related sources such as other modules or articles related to the contents of the file.

  • You can reference another module by module title using [The univalence axiom](, which will be displayed as The univalence axiom.
  • You can reference another module by module name using [`foundation.univalence`](, which will be displayed as foundation.univalence.
  • If you just want to add a clickable link, use the pattern <>. This will be displayed as
  • Or if you want to add a clickable link with custom text use [UniMath/agda-unimath]( This will be displayed as UniMath/agda-unimath.


Please note that some conventions above are enforced by our pre-commit hooks. You can read more about them in our installation guide.