Finite graphs
module graph-theory.finite-graphs where
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.equivalences open import foundation.fibers-of-maps open import foundation.functions open import foundation.homotopies open import foundation.universe-levels open import foundation.unordered-pairs open import graph-theory.undirected-graphs open import univalent-combinatorics.finite-types
A finite undirected graph consists of a finite set of vertices and a family of finite types of edges indexed by unordered pairs of vertices.
Finite undirected graphs
Undirected-Graph-𝔽 : (l1 l2 : Level) → UU (lsuc l1 ⊔ lsuc l2) Undirected-Graph-𝔽 l1 l2 = Σ (𝔽 l1) (λ X → unordered-pair (type-𝔽 X) → 𝔽 l2) module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (G : Undirected-Graph-𝔽 l1 l2) where vertex-Undirected-Graph-𝔽 : UU l1 vertex-Undirected-Graph-𝔽 = type-𝔽 (pr1 G) unordered-pair-vertices-Undirected-Graph-𝔽 : UU (lsuc lzero ⊔ l1) unordered-pair-vertices-Undirected-Graph-𝔽 = unordered-pair vertex-Undirected-Graph-𝔽 is-finite-vertex-Undirected-Graph-𝔽 : is-finite vertex-Undirected-Graph-𝔽 is-finite-vertex-Undirected-Graph-𝔽 = is-finite-type-𝔽 (pr1 G) edge-Undirected-Graph-𝔽 : (p : unordered-pair-vertices-Undirected-Graph-𝔽) → UU l2 edge-Undirected-Graph-𝔽 p = type-𝔽 (pr2 G p) is-finite-edge-Undirected-Graph-𝔽 : (p : unordered-pair-vertices-Undirected-Graph-𝔽) → is-finite (edge-Undirected-Graph-𝔽 p) is-finite-edge-Undirected-Graph-𝔽 p = is-finite-type-𝔽 (pr2 G p) total-edge-Undirected-Graph-𝔽 : UU (lsuc lzero ⊔ l1 ⊔ l2) total-edge-Undirected-Graph-𝔽 = Σ unordered-pair-vertices-Undirected-Graph-𝔽 edge-Undirected-Graph-𝔽 undirected-graph-Undirected-Graph-𝔽 : Undirected-Graph l1 l2 pr1 undirected-graph-Undirected-Graph-𝔽 = vertex-Undirected-Graph-𝔽 pr2 undirected-graph-Undirected-Graph-𝔽 = edge-Undirected-Graph-𝔽
The following type is expected to be equivalent to Undirected-Graph-𝔽
Undirected-Graph-𝔽' : (l1 l2 : Level) → UU (lsuc l1 ⊔ lsuc l2) Undirected-Graph-𝔽' l1 l2 = Σ ( 𝔽 l1) ( λ V → Σ ( type-𝔽 V → type-𝔽 V → 𝔽 l2) ( λ E → Σ ( (x y : type-𝔽 V) → type-𝔽 (E x y) ≃ type-𝔽 (E y x)) ( λ σ → (x y : type-𝔽 V) → map-equiv ((σ y x) ∘e (σ x y)) ~ id)))
The degree of a vertex x of a graph G is the set of occurences of x as an endpoint of x. Note that the unordered pair {x,x} adds two elements to the degree of x.
incident-edges-vertex-Undirected-Graph-𝔽 : {l1 l2 : Level} (G : Undirected-Graph-𝔽 l1 l2) (x : vertex-Undirected-Graph-𝔽 G) → UU (lsuc lzero ⊔ l1) incident-edges-vertex-Undirected-Graph-𝔽 G x = Σ ( unordered-pair (vertex-Undirected-Graph-𝔽 G)) ( λ p → fib (element-unordered-pair p) x)