Pointed equivalences

module structured-types.pointed-equivalences where
open import foundation.cartesian-product-types
open import foundation.contractible-maps
open import foundation.contractible-types
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.equivalences
open import foundation.fibers-of-maps
open import foundation.functions
open import foundation.functoriality-dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.homotopies
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.propositions
open import foundation.structure-identity-principle
open import foundation.type-arithmetic-dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.univalence
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import foundation-core.function-extensionality

open import structured-types.pointed-homotopies
open import structured-types.pointed-maps
open import structured-types.pointed-types


A pointed equivalence is an equivalence in the category of pointed spaces. Equivalently, a pointed equivalence is a pointed map of which the underlying function is an equivalence.


Pointed equivalences

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (A : Pointed-Type l1) (B : Pointed-Type l2)

  is-equiv-pointed-map : (A →∗ B)  UU (l1  l2)
  is-equiv-pointed-map f = is-equiv (map-pointed-map A B f)

pointed-equiv :
  {l1 l2 : Level} (A : Pointed-Type l1) (B : Pointed-Type l2)  UU (l1  l2)
pointed-equiv A B =
  Σ ( type-Pointed-Type A  type-Pointed-Type B)
    ( λ e  map-equiv e (point-Pointed-Type A)  point-Pointed-Type B)

_≃∗_ = pointed-equiv

compute-pointed-equiv :
  {l1 l2 : Level} (A : Pointed-Type l1) (B : Pointed-Type l2) 
  (A ≃∗ B)  Σ (A →∗ B) (is-equiv-pointed-map A B)
compute-pointed-equiv A B = equiv-right-swap-Σ

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (A : Pointed-Type l1) (B : Pointed-Type l2) (e : A ≃∗ B)

  equiv-pointed-equiv : type-Pointed-Type A  type-Pointed-Type B
  equiv-pointed-equiv = pr1 e

  map-equiv-pointed-equiv : type-Pointed-Type A  type-Pointed-Type B
  map-equiv-pointed-equiv = map-equiv equiv-pointed-equiv

  is-equiv-map-equiv-pointed-equiv : is-equiv map-equiv-pointed-equiv
  is-equiv-map-equiv-pointed-equiv = is-equiv-map-equiv equiv-pointed-equiv

  preserves-point-equiv-pointed-equiv :
    Id (map-equiv-pointed-equiv (point-Pointed-Type A)) (point-Pointed-Type B)
  preserves-point-equiv-pointed-equiv = pr2 e

  pointed-map-pointed-equiv : A →∗ B
  pr1 pointed-map-pointed-equiv = map-equiv-pointed-equiv
  pr2 pointed-map-pointed-equiv = preserves-point-equiv-pointed-equiv

  is-equiv-pointed-map-pointed-equiv :
    is-equiv-pointed-map A B pointed-map-pointed-equiv
  is-equiv-pointed-map-pointed-equiv = is-equiv-map-equiv-pointed-equiv

The identity pointed equivalence

id-pointed-equiv : {l : Level} (A : Pointed-Type l)  A ≃∗ A
pr1 (id-pointed-equiv A) = id-equiv
pr2 (id-pointed-equiv A) = refl

Composition of pointed equivalences

comp-pointed-equiv :
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} (A : Pointed-Type l1) (B : Pointed-Type l2)
  (C : Pointed-Type l3)  (B ≃∗ C)  (A ≃∗ B)  (A ≃∗ C)
pr1 (comp-pointed-equiv A B C f e) =
  equiv-pointed-equiv B C f ∘e equiv-pointed-equiv A B e
pr2 (comp-pointed-equiv A B C f e) =
  preserves-point-comp-pointed-map A B C
    ( pointed-map-pointed-equiv B C f)
    ( pointed-map-pointed-equiv A B e)

Pointed isomorphisms

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (A : Pointed-Type l1) (B : Pointed-Type l2) (f : A →∗ B)

  sec-pointed-map : UU (l1  l2)
  sec-pointed-map =
    Σ ( B →∗ A)
      ( λ g 
        htpy-pointed-map B B
          ( comp-pointed-map B A B f g)
          ( id-pointed-map))

  retr-pointed-map : UU (l1  l2)
  retr-pointed-map =
    Σ ( B →∗ A)
      ( λ g 
        htpy-pointed-map A A
          ( comp-pointed-map A B A g f)
          ( id-pointed-map))

  is-iso-pointed-map : UU (l1  l2)
  is-iso-pointed-map = sec-pointed-map × retr-pointed-map


Extensionality of the universe of pointed types

module _
  {l1 : Level} (A : Pointed-Type l1)

  is-contr-total-equiv-Pointed-Type :
    is-contr (Σ (Pointed-Type l1)  B  A ≃∗ B))
  is-contr-total-equiv-Pointed-Type =
      ( λ X x e  map-equiv e (point-Pointed-Type A)  x)
      ( is-contr-total-equiv (type-Pointed-Type A))
      ( pair (type-Pointed-Type A) id-equiv)
      ( is-contr-total-path (point-Pointed-Type A))

  extensionality-Pointed-Type : (B : Pointed-Type l1)  Id A B  (A ≃∗ B)
  extensionality-Pointed-Type =
      ( λ b e  Id (map-equiv e (point-Pointed-Type A)) b)
      ( id-equiv)
      ( refl)
      ( λ B  equiv-univalence)
      ( λ a  id-equiv)

  eq-pointed-equiv : (B : Pointed-Type l1)  A ≃∗ B  Id A B
  eq-pointed-equiv B = map-inv-equiv (extensionality-Pointed-Type B)

Being a pointed equivalence is equivalent to being a pointed isomorphism

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (A : Pointed-Type l1) (B : Pointed-Type l2) (f : A →∗ B)

  is-contr-sec-is-equiv-pointed-map :
    is-equiv-pointed-map A B f  is-contr (sec-pointed-map A B f)
  is-contr-sec-is-equiv-pointed-map H =
      ( λ g p (G : (map-pointed-map A B f  g) ~ id) 
          Id { A = Id { A = type-Pointed-Type B}
                      ( map-pointed-map A B f (g (point-Pointed-Type B)))
                      ( point-Pointed-Type B)}
             ( G (point-Pointed-Type B))
             ( ( ( ap (map-pointed-map A B f) p) 
                 ( preserves-point-pointed-map A B f)) 
               ( refl)))
      ( is-contr-sec-is-equiv H)
      ( pair (map-inv-is-equiv H) (issec-map-inv-is-equiv H))
      ( is-contr-equiv
        ( fib
          ( ap (map-pointed-map A B f))
          ( ( issec-map-inv-is-equiv H (point-Pointed-Type B)) 
            ( inv (preserves-point-pointed-map A B f))))
        ( equiv-tot
          ( λ p 
            ( ( equiv-con-inv
                ( ap (map-pointed-map A B f) p)
                ( preserves-point-pointed-map A B f)
                ( issec-map-inv-is-equiv H (point-Pointed-Type B))) ∘e
              ( equiv-inv
                ( issec-map-inv-is-equiv H (point-Pointed-Type B))
                ( ( ap (map-pointed-map A B f) p) 
                  ( preserves-point-pointed-map A B f)))) ∘e
            ( equiv-concat'
              ( issec-map-inv-is-equiv H (point-Pointed-Type B))
              ( right-unit))))
        ( is-contr-map-is-equiv
          ( is-emb-is-equiv H
            ( map-inv-is-equiv H (point-Pointed-Type B))
            ( point-Pointed-Type A))
          ( ( issec-map-inv-is-equiv H (point-Pointed-Type B)) 
            ( inv (preserves-point-pointed-map A B f)))))

  is-contr-retr-is-equiv-pointed-map :
    is-equiv-pointed-map A B f  is-contr (retr-pointed-map A B f)
  is-contr-retr-is-equiv-pointed-map H =
      ( λ g p (G : (g  map-pointed-map A B f) ~ id) 
        Id {A = Id { A = type-Pointed-Type A}
                   ( g (map-pointed-map A B f (point-Pointed-Type A)))
                   ( point-Pointed-Type A)}
           ( G (point-Pointed-Type A))
           ( ( ( ap g (preserves-point-pointed-map A B f)) 
               ( p)) 
             ( refl)))
      ( is-contr-retr-is-equiv H)
      ( pair (map-inv-is-equiv H) (isretr-map-inv-is-equiv H))
      ( is-contr-equiv
        ( fib
          ( λ p 
            ( ( ap
                ( map-inv-is-equiv H)
                ( preserves-point-pointed-map A B f)) 
              ( p)) 
            ( refl))
          ( isretr-map-inv-is-equiv H (point-Pointed-Type A)))
        ( equiv-tot  p  equiv-inv _ _))
        ( is-contr-map-is-equiv
          ( is-equiv-comp
            ( λ q  q  refl)
            ( λ p 
              ( ap
                ( map-inv-is-equiv H)
                ( preserves-point-pointed-map A B f)) 
              ( p))
            ( is-equiv-concat
              ( ap
                ( map-inv-is-equiv H)
                ( preserves-point-pointed-map A B f))
              ( point-Pointed-Type A))
            ( is-equiv-concat'
              ( map-inv-is-equiv
                ( H)
                ( map-pointed-map A B f (point-Pointed-Type A)))
              ( refl)))
          ( isretr-map-inv-is-equiv H (point-Pointed-Type A))))

  is-contr-is-iso-is-equiv-pointed-map :
    is-equiv-pointed-map A B f  is-contr (is-iso-pointed-map A B f)
  is-contr-is-iso-is-equiv-pointed-map H =
      ( is-contr-sec-is-equiv-pointed-map H)
      ( is-contr-retr-is-equiv-pointed-map H)

  is-iso-is-equiv-pointed-map :
    is-equiv-pointed-map A B f  is-iso-pointed-map A B f
  is-iso-is-equiv-pointed-map H =
    center (is-contr-is-iso-is-equiv-pointed-map H)

  is-equiv-is-iso-pointed-map :
    is-iso-pointed-map A B f  is-equiv-pointed-map A B f
  pr1 (pr1 (is-equiv-is-iso-pointed-map H)) = pr1 (pr1 (pr1 H))
  pr2 (pr1 (is-equiv-is-iso-pointed-map H)) = pr1 (pr2 (pr1 H))
  pr1 (pr2 (is-equiv-is-iso-pointed-map H)) = pr1 (pr1 (pr2 H))
  pr2 (pr2 (is-equiv-is-iso-pointed-map H)) = pr1 (pr2 (pr2 H))

  is-prop-is-iso-pointed-map : is-prop (is-iso-pointed-map A B f)
  is-prop-is-iso-pointed-map =
      ( λ H 
        is-contr-is-iso-is-equiv-pointed-map (is-equiv-is-iso-pointed-map H))

  equiv-is-iso-is-equiv-pointed-map :
    is-equiv-pointed-map A B f  (is-iso-pointed-map A B f)
  pr1 equiv-is-iso-is-equiv-pointed-map = is-iso-is-equiv-pointed-map
  pr2 equiv-is-iso-is-equiv-pointed-map =
      ( is-property-is-equiv (map-pointed-map A B f))
      ( is-prop-is-iso-pointed-map)
      ( is-equiv-is-iso-pointed-map)

Precomposing by pointed equivalences is a pointed equivalence

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (A : Pointed-Type l1) (B : Pointed-Type l2) (f : A →∗ B)

  is-equiv-is-equiv-precomp-pointed-map :
    ( {l : Level} (C : Pointed-Type l) 
      is-equiv (precomp-pointed-map A B C f)) 
    is-equiv-pointed-map A B f
  is-equiv-is-equiv-precomp-pointed-map H =
      ( map-pointed-map B A g)
      ( htpy-eq
        ( ap pr1
          ( ap pr1
            ( eq-is-contr
              ( is-contr-map-is-equiv (H B) f)
              { pair
                ( comp-pointed-map B A B f g)
                ( eq-htpy-pointed-map A B
                  ( comp-pointed-map A B B
                    ( comp-pointed-map B A B f g)
                    ( f))
                  ( f)
                  ( concat-htpy-pointed-map A B
                    ( comp-pointed-map A B B
                      ( comp-pointed-map B A B f g)
                      ( f))
                    ( comp-pointed-map A A B f
                      ( comp-pointed-map A B A g f))
                    ( f)
                    ( associative-comp-pointed-map A B A B f g f)
                    ( concat-htpy-pointed-map A B
                      ( comp-pointed-map A A B f
                        ( comp-pointed-map A B A g f))
                      ( comp-pointed-map A A B f id-pointed-map)
                      ( f)
                      ( left-whisker-htpy-pointed-map A A B f
                        ( comp-pointed-map A B A g f)
                        ( id-pointed-map)
                        ( G))
                      ( right-unit-law-comp-pointed-map A B f))))}
              { pair
                ( id-pointed-map)
                ( eq-htpy-pointed-map A B
                  ( comp-pointed-map A B B id-pointed-map f)
                  ( f)
                  ( left-unit-law-comp-pointed-map A B f))}))))
      ( pr1 G)
    g : B →∗ A
    g = pr1 (center (is-contr-map-is-equiv (H A) id-pointed-map))
    G : htpy-pointed-map A A (comp-pointed-map A B A g f) id-pointed-map
    G = map-equiv
          ( extensionality-pointed-map A A
            ( comp-pointed-map A B A g f)
        ( pr2 (center (is-contr-map-is-equiv (H A) id-pointed-map)))

  is-equiv-precomp-is-equiv-pointed-map :
    is-equiv-pointed-map A B f 
    {l : Level}  (C : Pointed-Type l)  is-equiv (precomp-pointed-map A B C f)
  is-equiv-precomp-is-equiv-pointed-map E C =
      ( pair
        ( precomp-pointed-map B A C h)
        ( λ k 
          eq-htpy-pointed-map A C
            ( comp-pointed-map A B C (comp-pointed-map B A C k h) f)
            ( k)
            ( concat-htpy-pointed-map A C
              ( comp-pointed-map A B C (comp-pointed-map B A C k h) f)
              ( comp-pointed-map A A C k (comp-pointed-map A B A h f))
              ( k)
              ( associative-comp-pointed-map A B A C k h f)
              ( concat-htpy-pointed-map A C
                ( comp-pointed-map A A C k (comp-pointed-map A B A h f))
                ( comp-pointed-map A A C k id-pointed-map)
                ( k)
                ( left-whisker-htpy-pointed-map A A C k
                  ( comp-pointed-map A B A h f)
                  ( id-pointed-map)
                  ( H))
                ( right-unit-law-comp-pointed-map A C k)))))
      ( pair
        ( precomp-pointed-map B A C g)
        ( λ k 
          eq-htpy-pointed-map B C
            ( comp-pointed-map B A C (comp-pointed-map A B C k f) g)
            ( k)
            ( concat-htpy-pointed-map B C
              ( comp-pointed-map B A C (comp-pointed-map A B C k f) g)
              ( comp-pointed-map B B C k (comp-pointed-map B A B f g))
              ( k)
              ( associative-comp-pointed-map B A B C k f g)
              ( concat-htpy-pointed-map B C
                ( comp-pointed-map B B C k (comp-pointed-map B A B f g))
                ( comp-pointed-map B B C k id-pointed-map)
                ( k)
                ( left-whisker-htpy-pointed-map B B C k
                  ( comp-pointed-map B A B f g)
                  ( id-pointed-map)
                  ( G))
                ( right-unit-law-comp-pointed-map B C k)))))
    I : is-iso-pointed-map A B f
    I = is-iso-is-equiv-pointed-map A B f E
    g : B →∗ A
    g = pr1 (pr1 I)
    G : htpy-pointed-map B B (comp-pointed-map B A B f g) id-pointed-map
    G = pr2 (pr1 I)
    h : B →∗ A
    h = pr1 (pr2 I)
    H : htpy-pointed-map A A (comp-pointed-map A B A h f) id-pointed-map
    H = pr2 (pr2 I)

equiv-precomp-pointed-map :
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} (A : Pointed-Type l1) (B : Pointed-Type l2)
  (C : Pointed-Type l3)  (A ≃∗ B)  (B →∗ C)  (A →∗ C)
pr1 (equiv-precomp-pointed-map A B C f) g =
  comp-pointed-map A B C g (pointed-map-pointed-equiv A B f)
pr2 (equiv-precomp-pointed-map A B C f) =
  is-equiv-precomp-is-equiv-pointed-map A B
    ( pointed-map-pointed-equiv A B f)
    ( is-equiv-map-equiv-pointed-equiv A B f)
    ( C)

Postcomposing by pointed equivalences is a pointed equivalence

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (A : Pointed-Type l1) (B : Pointed-Type l2) (f : A →∗ B)

  is-equiv-is-equiv-comp-pointed-map :
    ({l : Level} (X : Pointed-Type l) 
    is-equiv (comp-pointed-map X A B f)) 
    is-equiv-pointed-map A B f
  is-equiv-is-equiv-comp-pointed-map H =
      ( map-pointed-map B A g)
      ( pr1 G)
      ( htpy-eq
        ( ap pr1
          ( ap pr1
            ( eq-is-contr
              ( is-contr-map-is-equiv (H A) f)
                { pair
                  ( comp-pointed-map A B A g f)
                  ( eq-htpy-pointed-map A B
                    ( comp-pointed-map A A B f
                      ( comp-pointed-map A B A g f))
                    ( f)
                    ( concat-htpy-pointed-map A B
                      ( comp-pointed-map A A B f
                        ( comp-pointed-map A B A g f))
                      ( comp-pointed-map A B B
                        ( comp-pointed-map B A B f g) f)
                      ( f)
                      ( inv-associative-comp-pointed-map A B A B f g f)
                      ( concat-htpy-pointed-map A B
                        ( comp-pointed-map A B B
                          ( comp-pointed-map B A B f g)
                          ( f))
                        ( comp-pointed-map A B B id-pointed-map f)
                        ( f)
                        ( right-whisker-htpy-pointed-map A B B
                          ( comp-pointed-map B A B f g)
                          ( id-pointed-map)
                          ( G)
                          ( f))
                        ( left-unit-law-comp-pointed-map A B f))))}
                { pair
                  ( id-pointed-map)
                  ( eq-htpy-pointed-map A B
                    ( comp-pointed-map A A B f id-pointed-map)
                    ( f)
                    ( right-unit-law-comp-pointed-map A B f))}))))
    g : B →∗ A
    g = pr1 (center (is-contr-map-is-equiv (H B) id-pointed-map))
    G : htpy-pointed-map B B (comp-pointed-map B A B f g) id-pointed-map
    G = map-equiv
          ( extensionality-pointed-map B B
            ( comp-pointed-map B A B f g)
        ( pr2 (center (is-contr-map-is-equiv (H B) id-pointed-map)))

  is-equiv-comp-is-equiv-pointed-map :
    is-equiv-pointed-map A B f 
    {l : Level} (X : Pointed-Type l)  is-equiv (comp-pointed-map X A B f)
  is-equiv-comp-is-equiv-pointed-map E X =
      ( pair
        ( comp-pointed-map X B A g)
        ( λ k 
          eq-htpy-pointed-map X B
            ( comp-pointed-map X A B f (comp-pointed-map X B A g k))
            ( k)
            ( concat-htpy-pointed-map X B
              ( comp-pointed-map X A B f (comp-pointed-map X B A g k))
              ( comp-pointed-map X B B (comp-pointed-map B A B f g) k)
              ( k)
              ( inv-associative-comp-pointed-map X B A B f g k)
              ( concat-htpy-pointed-map X B
                ( comp-pointed-map X B B (comp-pointed-map B A B f g) k)
                ( comp-pointed-map X B B id-pointed-map k)
                ( k)
                ( right-whisker-htpy-pointed-map X B B
                  ( comp-pointed-map B A B f g)
                  ( id-pointed-map)
                  ( G)
                  ( k))
                ( left-unit-law-comp-pointed-map X B k)))))
      ( pair
        ( comp-pointed-map X B A h)
        ( λ k 
          eq-htpy-pointed-map X A
            ( comp-pointed-map X B A h (comp-pointed-map X A B f k))
            ( k)
            ( concat-htpy-pointed-map X A
              ( comp-pointed-map X B A h (comp-pointed-map X A B f k))
              ( comp-pointed-map X A A (comp-pointed-map A B A h f) k)
              ( k)
              ( inv-associative-comp-pointed-map X A B A h f k)
              ( concat-htpy-pointed-map X A
                ( comp-pointed-map X A A (comp-pointed-map A B A h f) k)
                ( comp-pointed-map X A A id-pointed-map k)
                ( k)
                ( right-whisker-htpy-pointed-map X A A
                  ( comp-pointed-map A B A h f)
                  ( id-pointed-map)
                  ( H)
                  ( k))
                ( left-unit-law-comp-pointed-map X A k)))))
    I : is-iso-pointed-map A B f
    I = is-iso-is-equiv-pointed-map A B f E
    g : B →∗ A
    g = pr1 (pr1 I)
    G : htpy-pointed-map B B (comp-pointed-map B A B f g) id-pointed-map
    G = pr2 (pr1 I)
    h : B →∗ A
    h = pr1 (pr2 I)
    H : htpy-pointed-map A A (comp-pointed-map A B A h f) id-pointed-map
    H = pr2 (pr2 I)