Morphisms of directed trees

module trees.morphisms-directed-trees where
open import foundation.binary-transport
open import foundation.contractible-types
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.equality-dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.equivalences
open import foundation.functions
open import foundation.functoriality-dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.homotopies
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.negation
open import foundation.type-arithmetic-empty-type
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import graph-theory.morphisms-directed-graphs
open import graph-theory.walks-directed-graphs

open import trees.directed-trees


A morphism of directed trees from S to T is simply a morphism between their underlying directed graphs.


Morphisms of directed trees

hom-Directed-Tree :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (S : Directed-Tree l1 l2) (T : Directed-Tree l3 l4) 
  UU (l1  l2  l3  l4)
hom-Directed-Tree S T =
  hom-Directed-Graph (graph-Directed-Tree S) (graph-Directed-Tree T)

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (S : Directed-Tree l1 l2) (T : Directed-Tree l3 l4)
  (f : hom-Directed-Tree S T)

  node-hom-Directed-Tree : node-Directed-Tree S  node-Directed-Tree T
  node-hom-Directed-Tree =
      ( graph-Directed-Tree S)
      ( graph-Directed-Tree T)
      ( f)

  edge-hom-Directed-Tree :
    {x y : node-Directed-Tree S} 
    edge-Directed-Tree S x y 
    edge-Directed-Tree T (node-hom-Directed-Tree x) (node-hom-Directed-Tree y)
  edge-hom-Directed-Tree =
      ( graph-Directed-Tree S)
      ( graph-Directed-Tree T)
      ( f)

  direct-predecessor-hom-Directed-Tree :
    (x : node-Directed-Tree S) 
    Σ ( node-Directed-Tree S)  y  edge-Directed-Tree S y x) 
    Σ ( node-Directed-Tree T)
      ( λ y  edge-Directed-Tree T y (node-hom-Directed-Tree x))
  direct-predecessor-hom-Directed-Tree x =
      ( λ y  edge-Directed-Tree T y (node-hom-Directed-Tree x))
      ( node-hom-Directed-Tree)
      ( λ y  edge-hom-Directed-Tree)

  walk-hom-Directed-Tree :
    {x y : node-Directed-Tree S} 
    walk-Directed-Tree S x y 
    walk-Directed-Tree T (node-hom-Directed-Tree x) (node-hom-Directed-Tree y)
  walk-hom-Directed-Tree =
      ( graph-Directed-Tree S)
      ( graph-Directed-Tree T)
      ( f)

Identity morphisms of directed trees

id-hom-Directed-Tree :
  {l1 l2 : Level} (T : Directed-Tree l1 l2)  hom-Directed-Tree T T
id-hom-Directed-Tree T =
  id-hom-Directed-Graph (graph-Directed-Tree T)

Composition of morphisms of directed trees

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 : Level}
  (R : Directed-Tree l1 l2) (S : Directed-Tree l3 l4) (T : Directed-Tree l5 l6)
  (g : hom-Directed-Tree S T) (f : hom-Directed-Tree R S)

  node-comp-hom-Directed-Tree :
    node-Directed-Tree R  node-Directed-Tree T
  node-comp-hom-Directed-Tree =
      ( graph-Directed-Tree R)
      ( graph-Directed-Tree S)
      ( graph-Directed-Tree T)
      ( g)
      ( f)

  edge-comp-hom-Directed-Tree :
    (x y : node-Directed-Tree R) (e : edge-Directed-Tree R x y) 
    edge-Directed-Tree T
      ( node-comp-hom-Directed-Tree x)
      ( node-comp-hom-Directed-Tree y)
  edge-comp-hom-Directed-Tree =
      ( graph-Directed-Tree R)
      ( graph-Directed-Tree S)
      ( graph-Directed-Tree T)
      ( g)
      ( f)

  comp-hom-Directed-Tree :
    hom-Directed-Tree R T
  comp-hom-Directed-Tree =
      ( graph-Directed-Tree R)
      ( graph-Directed-Tree S)
      ( graph-Directed-Tree T)
      ( g)
      ( f)

Homotopies of morphisms of directed trees

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (S : Directed-Tree l1 l2) (T : Directed-Tree l3 l4)
  (f g : hom-Directed-Tree S T)

  htpy-hom-Directed-Tree : UU (l1  l2  l3  l4)
  htpy-hom-Directed-Tree =
      ( graph-Directed-Tree S)
      ( graph-Directed-Tree T)
      ( f)
      ( g)

  node-htpy-hom-Directed-Tree :
    node-hom-Directed-Tree S T f ~ node-hom-Directed-Tree S T g
  node-htpy-hom-Directed-Tree =
      ( graph-Directed-Tree S)
      ( graph-Directed-Tree T)
      ( f)
      ( g)

  edge-htpy-hom-Directed-Tree :
    ( α : htpy-hom-Directed-Tree) 
    ( x y : node-Directed-Tree S) (e : edge-Directed-Tree S x y) 
      ( edge-Directed-Tree T)
      ( node-htpy-hom-Directed-Tree α x)
      ( node-htpy-hom-Directed-Tree α y)
      ( edge-hom-Directed-Tree S T f e) 
    edge-hom-Directed-Tree S T g e
  edge-htpy-hom-Directed-Tree =
      ( graph-Directed-Tree S)
      ( graph-Directed-Tree T)
      ( f)
      ( g)

  direct-predecessor-htpy-hom-Directed-Tree :
    ( α : htpy-hom-Directed-Tree) 
    ( x : node-Directed-Tree S) 
    ( ( tot
        ( λ y 
            ( edge-Directed-Tree T y)
            ( node-htpy-hom-Directed-Tree α x))) 
      ( direct-predecessor-hom-Directed-Tree S T f x)) ~
    ( direct-predecessor-hom-Directed-Tree S T g x)
  direct-predecessor-htpy-hom-Directed-Tree α x (y , e) =
      ( node-htpy-hom-Directed-Tree α y)
      ( ( compute-binary-tr
          ( edge-Directed-Tree T)
          ( node-htpy-hom-Directed-Tree α y)
          ( node-htpy-hom-Directed-Tree α x)
          ( edge-hom-Directed-Tree S T f e)) 
        ( edge-htpy-hom-Directed-Tree α y x e))

The reflexivity homotopy of morphisms of directed trees

refl-htpy-hom-Directed-Tree :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (S : Directed-Tree l1 l2) (T : Directed-Tree l3 l4) 
  (f : hom-Directed-Tree S T)  htpy-hom-Directed-Tree S T f f
refl-htpy-hom-Directed-Tree S T f =
    ( graph-Directed-Tree S)
    ( graph-Directed-Tree T)
    ( f)


Homotopies characterize identifications of morphisms of directed trees

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (S : Directed-Tree l1 l2) (T : Directed-Tree l3 l4)
  (f : hom-Directed-Tree S T)

  is-contr-total-htpy-hom-Directed-Tree :
    is-contr (Σ (hom-Directed-Tree S T) (htpy-hom-Directed-Tree S T f))
  is-contr-total-htpy-hom-Directed-Tree =
      ( graph-Directed-Tree S)
      ( graph-Directed-Tree T)
      ( f)

  htpy-eq-hom-Directed-Tree :
    (g : hom-Directed-Tree S T)  f  g  htpy-hom-Directed-Tree S T f g
  htpy-eq-hom-Directed-Tree =
      ( graph-Directed-Tree S)
      ( graph-Directed-Tree T)
      ( f)

  is-equiv-htpy-eq-hom-Directed-Tree :
    (g : hom-Directed-Tree S T)  is-equiv (htpy-eq-hom-Directed-Tree g)
  is-equiv-htpy-eq-hom-Directed-Tree =
      ( graph-Directed-Tree S)
      ( graph-Directed-Tree T)
      ( f)

  extensionality-hom-Directed-Tree :
    (g : hom-Directed-Tree S T)  (f  g)  htpy-hom-Directed-Tree S T f g
  extensionality-hom-Directed-Tree =
      ( graph-Directed-Tree S)
      ( graph-Directed-Tree T)
      ( f)

  eq-htpy-hom-Directed-Tree :
    (g : hom-Directed-Tree S T)  htpy-hom-Directed-Tree S T f g  f  g
  eq-htpy-hom-Directed-Tree =
      ( graph-Directed-Tree S)
      ( graph-Directed-Tree T)
      ( f)

If f x is the root of T, then x is the root of S

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (S : Directed-Tree l1 l2) (T : Directed-Tree l3 l4)
  (f : hom-Directed-Tree S T)

  is-root-is-root-node-hom-Directed-Tree :
    (x : node-Directed-Tree S) 
    is-root-Directed-Tree T (node-hom-Directed-Tree S T f x) 
    is-root-Directed-Tree S x
  is-root-is-root-node-hom-Directed-Tree x H =
      ( is-root-Directed-Tree S x)
      ( Σ (node-Directed-Tree S) (edge-Directed-Tree S x))
      ( λ (y , e) 
        no-direct-successor-root-Directed-Tree T
          ( tr
            ( λ u  Σ (node-Directed-Tree T) (edge-Directed-Tree T u))
            ( inv H)
            ( node-hom-Directed-Tree S T f y ,
              edge-hom-Directed-Tree S T f e)))
      ( center (unique-direct-successor-Directed-Tree S x))

  is-not-root-node-hom-is-not-root-Directed-Tree :
    (x : node-Directed-Tree S) 
    ¬ (is-root-Directed-Tree S x) 
    ¬ (is-root-Directed-Tree T (node-hom-Directed-Tree S T f x))
  is-not-root-node-hom-is-not-root-Directed-Tree x =
    map-neg (is-root-is-root-node-hom-Directed-Tree x)

See also