Coherently invertible maps

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module foundation-core.coherently-invertible-maps where
open import foundation.commuting-squares-of-identifications

open import foundation-core.cartesian-product-types
open import foundation-core.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation-core.functions
open import foundation-core.homotopies
open import foundation-core.identity-types
open import foundation-core.universe-levels


An inverse for a map f : A → B is a map g : B → A equipped with homotopies (f ∘ g) ~ id and (g ∘ f) ~ id. Such data, however is structure on the map f, and not a property. Therefore we include an coherence condition for the homotopies of an inverse. Coherently invertible map f : A → B is a map equipped with a two-sided inverse and this additional coherence law. They are also called half-adjoint equivalences.


module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2}

  has-inverse : (A  B)  UU (l1  l2)
  has-inverse f = Σ (B  A)  g  ((f  g) ~ id) × ((g  f) ~ id))

  coherence-is-coherently-invertible :
    (f : A  B) (g : B  A) (G : (f  g) ~ id) (H : (g  f) ~ id)  UU (l1  l2)
  coherence-is-coherently-invertible f g G H = (G ·r f) ~ (f ·l H)

  is-coherently-invertible : (A  B)  UU (l1  l2)
  is-coherently-invertible f =
    Σ ( B  A)
      ( λ g  Σ ((f  g) ~ id)
        ( λ G  Σ ((g  f) ~ id)
           H  coherence-is-coherently-invertible f g G H)))

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {f : A  B}

  inv-is-coherently-invertible : is-coherently-invertible f  B  A
  inv-is-coherently-invertible = pr1

  issec-inv-is-coherently-invertible :
    (H : is-coherently-invertible f)  (f  inv-is-coherently-invertible H) ~ id
  issec-inv-is-coherently-invertible H = pr1 (pr2 H)

  isretr-inv-is-coherently-invertible :
    (H : is-coherently-invertible f)  (inv-is-coherently-invertible H  f) ~ id
  isretr-inv-is-coherently-invertible H = pr1 (pr2 (pr2 H))

  coh-inv-is-coherently-invertible :
    (H : is-coherently-invertible f) 
    coherence-is-coherently-invertible f
      ( inv-is-coherently-invertible H)
      ( issec-inv-is-coherently-invertible H)
      ( isretr-inv-is-coherently-invertible H)
  coh-inv-is-coherently-invertible H = pr2 (pr2 (pr2 H))


Invertible maps are coherenctly invertible

Lemma: A coherence for homotopies to an identity map

coh-is-coherently-invertible-id :
  {l : Level} {A : UU l} {f : A  A} (H : f ~  x  x)) 
  (x : A)  H (f x)  ap f (H x)
coh-is-coherently-invertible-id {_} {A} {f} H x =
  is-injective-concat' (H x)
    ( ( ap (concat (H (f x)) x) (inv (ap-id (H x)))) 
      ( nat-htpy H (H x)))

The proof that invertible maps are coherently invertible

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {f : A  B}

  inv-has-inverse : has-inverse f  B  A
  inv-has-inverse H = pr1 H

    issec-inv-has-inverse : (H : has-inverse f)  (f  inv-has-inverse H) ~ id
    issec-inv-has-inverse H y =
      ( inv (pr1 (pr2 H) (f (inv-has-inverse H y)))) 
      ( ap f (pr2 (pr2 H) (inv-has-inverse H y))  (pr1 (pr2 H) y))

    isretr-inv-has-inverse : (H : has-inverse f)  (inv-has-inverse H  f) ~ id
    isretr-inv-has-inverse H = pr2 (pr2 H)

    coherence-inv-has-inverse :
      (H : has-inverse f) 
      (issec-inv-has-inverse H ·r f) ~ (f ·l isretr-inv-has-inverse H)
    coherence-inv-has-inverse H x =
        ( inv-con
          ( pr1 (pr2 H) (f (inv-has-inverse H (f x))))
          ( ap f (pr2 (pr2 H) x))
          ( ( ap f (pr2 (pr2 H) (inv-has-inverse H (f x)))) 
            ( pr1 (pr2 H) (f x)))
          ( coherence-square-identifications-top-paste
            ( pr1 (pr2 H) (f (inv-has-inverse H (f x))))
            ( ap f (pr2 (pr2 H) x))
            ( (ap (f  (inv-has-inverse H  f)) (pr2 (pr2 H) x)))
            ( pr1 (pr2 H) (f x))
            ( ( ap-comp f (inv-has-inverse H  f) (pr2 (pr2 H) x)) 
              ( inv
                ( ap (ap f) (coh-is-coherently-invertible-id (pr2 (pr2 H)) x))))
            ( nat-htpy (htpy-right-whisk (pr1 (pr2 H)) f) (pr2 (pr2 H) x))))

    is-coherently-invertible-has-inverse :
      (H : has-inverse f)  is-coherently-invertible f
    pr1 (is-coherently-invertible-has-inverse H) = inv-has-inverse H
    pr1 (pr2 (is-coherently-invertible-has-inverse H)) = issec-inv-has-inverse H
    pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (is-coherently-invertible-has-inverse H))) =
      isretr-inv-has-inverse H
    pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (is-coherently-invertible-has-inverse H))) =
      coherence-inv-has-inverse H

See also