Modules over rings

module ring-theory.modules-rings where
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.sets
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import group-theory.abelian-groups
open import group-theory.addition-homomorphisms-abelian-groups
open import group-theory.endomorphism-rings-abelian-groups
open import group-theory.homomorphisms-abelian-groups

open import ring-theory.homomorphisms-rings
open import ring-theory.opposite-rings
open import ring-theory.rings


A (left) module M over a ring R consists of an abelian group M equipped with an action R → M → M such

  r(x+y) = rx + ry
      r0 = 0
   r(-x) = -(rx)
  (r+s)x = rx + sx
      0x = 0
   (-r)x = -(rx)
   (sr)x = s(rx)
      1x = x

In other words, a left module M over a ring R consists of an abelian group M equipped with a ring homomorphism R → endomorphism-ring-Ab M. A right module over R consists of an abelian group M equipped with a ring homomorphism R → opposite-Ring (endomorphism-ring-Ab M).


Left modules over rings

left-module-Ring :
  {l1 : Level} (l2 : Level) (R : Ring l1)  UU (l1  lsuc l2)
left-module-Ring l2 R =
  Σ (Ab l2)  A  type-hom-Ring R (endomorphism-ring-Ab A))

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (R : Ring l1) (M : left-module-Ring l2 R)

  ab-left-module-Ring : Ab l2
  ab-left-module-Ring = pr1 M

  set-left-module-Ring : Set l2
  set-left-module-Ring = set-Ab ab-left-module-Ring

  type-left-module-Ring : UU l2
  type-left-module-Ring = type-Ab ab-left-module-Ring

  add-left-module-Ring :
    (x y : type-left-module-Ring)  type-left-module-Ring
  add-left-module-Ring = add-Ab ab-left-module-Ring

  zero-left-module-Ring : type-left-module-Ring
  zero-left-module-Ring = zero-Ab ab-left-module-Ring

  neg-left-module-Ring : type-left-module-Ring  type-left-module-Ring
  neg-left-module-Ring = neg-Ab ab-left-module-Ring

  associative-add-left-module-Ring :
    (x y z : type-left-module-Ring) 
    Id ( add-left-module-Ring (add-left-module-Ring x y) z)
       ( add-left-module-Ring x (add-left-module-Ring y z))
  associative-add-left-module-Ring =
    associative-add-Ab ab-left-module-Ring

  left-unit-law-add-left-module-Ring :
    (x : type-left-module-Ring) 
    Id (add-left-module-Ring zero-left-module-Ring x) x
  left-unit-law-add-left-module-Ring =
    left-unit-law-add-Ab ab-left-module-Ring

  right-unit-law-add-left-module-Ring :
    (x : type-left-module-Ring) 
    Id (add-left-module-Ring x zero-left-module-Ring) x
  right-unit-law-add-left-module-Ring =
    right-unit-law-add-Ab ab-left-module-Ring

  left-inverse-law-add-left-module-Ring :
    (x : type-left-module-Ring) 
    Id ( add-left-module-Ring (neg-left-module-Ring x) x)
       ( zero-left-module-Ring)
  left-inverse-law-add-left-module-Ring =
    left-inverse-law-add-Ab ab-left-module-Ring

  right-inverse-law-add-left-module-Ring :
    (x : type-left-module-Ring) 
    Id ( add-left-module-Ring x (neg-left-module-Ring x))
       ( zero-left-module-Ring)
  right-inverse-law-add-left-module-Ring =
    right-inverse-law-add-Ab ab-left-module-Ring

  endomorphism-ring-ab-left-module-Ring : Ring l2
  endomorphism-ring-ab-left-module-Ring =
    endomorphism-ring-Ab ab-left-module-Ring

  mul-hom-left-module-Ring :
    type-hom-Ring R endomorphism-ring-ab-left-module-Ring
  mul-hom-left-module-Ring = pr2 M

  mul-left-module-Ring :
    type-Ring R  type-left-module-Ring  type-left-module-Ring
  mul-left-module-Ring x =
      ( ab-left-module-Ring)
      ( ab-left-module-Ring)
      ( map-hom-Ring R
        ( endomorphism-ring-Ab ab-left-module-Ring)
        ( mul-hom-left-module-Ring)
        ( x))

  left-unit-law-mul-left-module-Ring :
    (x : type-left-module-Ring) 
    Id ( mul-left-module-Ring (one-Ring R) x) x
  left-unit-law-mul-left-module-Ring =
      ( ab-left-module-Ring)
      ( ab-left-module-Ring)
      ( map-hom-Ring R
        ( endomorphism-ring-ab-left-module-Ring)
        ( mul-hom-left-module-Ring)
        ( one-Ring R))
      ( id-hom-Ab ab-left-module-Ring)
      ( preserves-unit-hom-Ring R
        ( endomorphism-ring-ab-left-module-Ring)
        ( mul-hom-left-module-Ring))

  left-distributive-mul-add-left-module-Ring :
    (r : type-Ring R) (x y : type-left-module-Ring) 
    Id ( mul-left-module-Ring r (add-left-module-Ring x y))
       ( add-left-module-Ring
         ( mul-left-module-Ring r x)
         ( mul-left-module-Ring r y))
  left-distributive-mul-add-left-module-Ring r =
      ( ab-left-module-Ring)
      ( ab-left-module-Ring)
      ( map-hom-Ring R

  right-distributive-mul-add-left-module-Ring :
    (r s : type-Ring R) (x : type-left-module-Ring) 
    Id ( mul-left-module-Ring (add-Ring R r s) x)
       ( add-left-module-Ring
         ( mul-left-module-Ring r x)
         ( mul-left-module-Ring s x))
  right-distributive-mul-add-left-module-Ring r s =
      ( ab-left-module-Ring)
      ( ab-left-module-Ring)
      ( map-hom-Ring R
        ( endomorphism-ring-ab-left-module-Ring)
        ( mul-hom-left-module-Ring)
        ( add-Ring R r s))
      ( add-hom-Ab
        ( ab-left-module-Ring)
        ( ab-left-module-Ring)
        ( map-hom-Ring R
          ( endomorphism-ring-ab-left-module-Ring)
          ( mul-hom-left-module-Ring)
          ( r))
        ( map-hom-Ring R
          ( endomorphism-ring-ab-left-module-Ring)
          ( mul-hom-left-module-Ring)
          ( s)))
      ( preserves-add-hom-Ring R
        ( endomorphism-ring-ab-left-module-Ring)
        ( mul-hom-left-module-Ring)
        ( r)
        ( s))

  associative-mul-left-module-Ring :
    (r s : type-Ring R) (x : type-left-module-Ring) 
    Id ( mul-left-module-Ring (mul-Ring R r s) x)
       ( mul-left-module-Ring r (mul-left-module-Ring s x))
  associative-mul-left-module-Ring r s =
      ( ab-left-module-Ring)
      ( ab-left-module-Ring)
      ( map-hom-Ring R
        ( endomorphism-ring-ab-left-module-Ring)
        ( mul-hom-left-module-Ring)
        ( mul-Ring R r s))
      ( comp-hom-Ab
        ( ab-left-module-Ring)
        ( ab-left-module-Ring)
        ( ab-left-module-Ring)
        ( map-hom-Ring R
          ( endomorphism-ring-ab-left-module-Ring)
          ( mul-hom-left-module-Ring)
          ( r))
        ( map-hom-Ring R
          ( endomorphism-ring-ab-left-module-Ring)
          ( mul-hom-left-module-Ring)
          ( s)))
      ( preserves-mul-hom-Ring R
        ( endomorphism-ring-ab-left-module-Ring)
        ( mul-hom-left-module-Ring)
        ( r)
        ( s))

  left-zero-law-mul-left-module-Ring :
    (x : type-left-module-Ring) 
    Id ( mul-left-module-Ring (zero-Ring R) x) zero-left-module-Ring
  left-zero-law-mul-left-module-Ring =
      ( ab-left-module-Ring)
      ( ab-left-module-Ring)
      ( map-hom-Ring R
        ( endomorphism-ring-ab-left-module-Ring)
        ( mul-hom-left-module-Ring)
        ( zero-Ring R))
      ( zero-hom-Ab ab-left-module-Ring ab-left-module-Ring)
      ( preserves-zero-hom-Ring R
        ( endomorphism-ring-ab-left-module-Ring)
        ( mul-hom-left-module-Ring))

  right-zero-law-mul-left-module-Ring :
    (r : type-Ring R) 
    Id ( mul-left-module-Ring r zero-left-module-Ring) zero-left-module-Ring
  right-zero-law-mul-left-module-Ring r =
      ( ab-left-module-Ring)
      ( ab-left-module-Ring)
      ( map-hom-Ring R
        ( endomorphism-ring-ab-left-module-Ring)
        ( mul-hom-left-module-Ring)
        ( r))

  left-negative-law-mul-left-module-Ring :
    (r : type-Ring R) (x : type-left-module-Ring) 
    Id ( mul-left-module-Ring (neg-Ring R r) x)
       ( neg-left-module-Ring (mul-left-module-Ring r x))
  left-negative-law-mul-left-module-Ring r =
      ( ab-left-module-Ring)
      ( ab-left-module-Ring)
      ( map-hom-Ring R
        ( endomorphism-ring-ab-left-module-Ring)
        ( mul-hom-left-module-Ring)
        ( neg-Ring R r))
      ( neg-hom-Ab
        ( ab-left-module-Ring)
        ( ab-left-module-Ring)
        ( map-hom-Ring R
          ( endomorphism-ring-ab-left-module-Ring)
          ( mul-hom-left-module-Ring)
          ( r)))
      ( preserves-neg-hom-Ring R
        ( endomorphism-ring-ab-left-module-Ring)
        ( mul-hom-left-module-Ring)
        ( r))

  right-negative-law-mul-left-module-Ring :
    (r : type-Ring R) (x : type-left-module-Ring) 
    Id ( mul-left-module-Ring r (neg-left-module-Ring x))
       ( neg-left-module-Ring (mul-left-module-Ring r x))
  right-negative-law-mul-left-module-Ring r =
      ( ab-left-module-Ring)
      ( ab-left-module-Ring)
      ( map-hom-Ring R
        ( endomorphism-ring-ab-left-module-Ring)
        ( mul-hom-left-module-Ring)
        ( r))

Right modules over rings

right-module-Ring :
  {l1 : Level} (l2 : Level) (R : Ring l1)  UU (l1  lsuc l2)
right-module-Ring l2 R =
  Σ (Ab l2)  A  type-hom-Ring R (op-Ring (endomorphism-ring-Ab A)))

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (R : Ring l1) (M : right-module-Ring l2 R)

  ab-right-module-Ring : Ab l2
  ab-right-module-Ring = pr1 M

  set-right-module-Ring : Set l2
  set-right-module-Ring = set-Ab ab-right-module-Ring

  type-right-module-Ring : UU l2
  type-right-module-Ring = type-Ab ab-right-module-Ring

  add-right-module-Ring :
    (x y : type-right-module-Ring)  type-right-module-Ring
  add-right-module-Ring = add-Ab ab-right-module-Ring

  zero-right-module-Ring : type-right-module-Ring
  zero-right-module-Ring = zero-Ab ab-right-module-Ring

  neg-right-module-Ring : type-right-module-Ring  type-right-module-Ring
  neg-right-module-Ring = neg-Ab ab-right-module-Ring

  associative-add-right-module-Ring :
    (x y z : type-right-module-Ring) 
    Id ( add-right-module-Ring (add-right-module-Ring x y) z)
       ( add-right-module-Ring x (add-right-module-Ring y z))
  associative-add-right-module-Ring =
    associative-add-Ab ab-right-module-Ring

  left-unit-law-add-right-module-Ring :
    (x : type-right-module-Ring) 
    Id (add-right-module-Ring zero-right-module-Ring x) x
  left-unit-law-add-right-module-Ring =
    left-unit-law-add-Ab ab-right-module-Ring

  right-unit-law-add-right-module-Ring :
    (x : type-right-module-Ring) 
    Id (add-right-module-Ring x zero-right-module-Ring) x
  right-unit-law-add-right-module-Ring =
    right-unit-law-add-Ab ab-right-module-Ring

  left-inverse-law-add-right-module-Ring :
    (x : type-right-module-Ring) 
    Id ( add-right-module-Ring (neg-right-module-Ring x) x)
       ( zero-right-module-Ring)
  left-inverse-law-add-right-module-Ring =
    left-inverse-law-add-Ab ab-right-module-Ring

  right-inverse-law-add-right-module-Ring :
    (x : type-right-module-Ring) 
    Id ( add-right-module-Ring x (neg-right-module-Ring x))
       ( zero-right-module-Ring)
  right-inverse-law-add-right-module-Ring =
    right-inverse-law-add-Ab ab-right-module-Ring

  endomorphism-ring-ab-right-module-Ring : Ring l2
  endomorphism-ring-ab-right-module-Ring =
    endomorphism-ring-Ab ab-right-module-Ring

  mul-hom-right-module-Ring :
    type-hom-Ring R (op-Ring endomorphism-ring-ab-right-module-Ring)
  mul-hom-right-module-Ring = pr2 M

  mul-right-module-Ring :
    type-Ring R  type-right-module-Ring  type-right-module-Ring
  mul-right-module-Ring x =
      ( ab-right-module-Ring)
      ( ab-right-module-Ring)
      ( map-hom-Ring R
        ( op-Ring endomorphism-ring-ab-right-module-Ring)
        ( mul-hom-right-module-Ring)
        ( x))

  left-unit-law-mul-right-module-Ring :
    (x : type-right-module-Ring) 
    Id ( mul-right-module-Ring (one-Ring R) x) x
  left-unit-law-mul-right-module-Ring =
      ( ab-right-module-Ring)
      ( ab-right-module-Ring)
      ( map-hom-Ring R
        ( op-Ring endomorphism-ring-ab-right-module-Ring)
        ( mul-hom-right-module-Ring)
        ( one-Ring R))
      ( id-hom-Ab ab-right-module-Ring)
      ( preserves-unit-hom-Ring R
        ( op-Ring endomorphism-ring-ab-right-module-Ring)
        ( mul-hom-right-module-Ring))

  left-distributive-mul-add-right-module-Ring :
    (r : type-Ring R) (x y : type-right-module-Ring) 
    Id ( mul-right-module-Ring r (add-right-module-Ring x y))
       ( add-right-module-Ring
         ( mul-right-module-Ring r x)
         ( mul-right-module-Ring r y))
  left-distributive-mul-add-right-module-Ring r =
      ( ab-right-module-Ring)
      ( ab-right-module-Ring)
      ( map-hom-Ring R
        ( op-Ring endomorphism-ring-ab-right-module-Ring)
        ( mul-hom-right-module-Ring)
        ( r))

  right-distributive-mul-add-right-module-Ring :
    (r s : type-Ring R) (x : type-right-module-Ring) 
    Id ( mul-right-module-Ring (add-Ring R r s) x)
       ( add-right-module-Ring
         ( mul-right-module-Ring r x)
         ( mul-right-module-Ring s x))
  right-distributive-mul-add-right-module-Ring r s =
      ( ab-right-module-Ring)
      ( ab-right-module-Ring)
      ( map-hom-Ring R
        ( op-Ring endomorphism-ring-ab-right-module-Ring)
        ( mul-hom-right-module-Ring)
        ( add-Ring R r s))
      ( add-hom-Ab
        ( ab-right-module-Ring)
        ( ab-right-module-Ring)
        ( map-hom-Ring R
          ( op-Ring endomorphism-ring-ab-right-module-Ring)
          ( mul-hom-right-module-Ring)
          ( r))
        ( map-hom-Ring R
          ( op-Ring endomorphism-ring-ab-right-module-Ring)
          ( mul-hom-right-module-Ring)
          ( s)))
      ( preserves-add-hom-Ring R
        ( op-Ring endomorphism-ring-ab-right-module-Ring)
        ( mul-hom-right-module-Ring)
        ( r)
        ( s))

  associative-mul-right-module-Ring :
    (r s : type-Ring R) (x : type-right-module-Ring) 
    Id ( mul-right-module-Ring (mul-Ring R r s) x)
       ( mul-right-module-Ring s (mul-right-module-Ring r x))
  associative-mul-right-module-Ring r s =
      ( ab-right-module-Ring)
      ( ab-right-module-Ring)
      ( map-hom-Ring R
        ( op-Ring endomorphism-ring-ab-right-module-Ring)
        ( mul-hom-right-module-Ring)
        ( mul-Ring R r s))
      ( comp-hom-Ab
        ( ab-right-module-Ring)
        ( ab-right-module-Ring)
        ( ab-right-module-Ring)
        ( map-hom-Ring R
          ( op-Ring endomorphism-ring-ab-right-module-Ring)
          ( mul-hom-right-module-Ring)
          ( s))
        ( map-hom-Ring R
          ( op-Ring endomorphism-ring-ab-right-module-Ring)
          ( mul-hom-right-module-Ring)
          ( r)))
      ( preserves-mul-hom-Ring R
        ( op-Ring endomorphism-ring-ab-right-module-Ring)
        ( mul-hom-right-module-Ring)
        ( r)
        ( s))

  left-zero-law-mul-right-module-Ring :
    (x : type-right-module-Ring) 
    Id ( mul-right-module-Ring (zero-Ring R) x) zero-right-module-Ring
  left-zero-law-mul-right-module-Ring =
      ( ab-right-module-Ring)
      ( ab-right-module-Ring)
      ( map-hom-Ring R
        ( op-Ring endomorphism-ring-ab-right-module-Ring)
        ( mul-hom-right-module-Ring)
        ( zero-Ring R))
      ( zero-hom-Ab ab-right-module-Ring ab-right-module-Ring)
      ( preserves-zero-hom-Ring R
        ( op-Ring endomorphism-ring-ab-right-module-Ring)
        ( mul-hom-right-module-Ring))

  right-zero-law-mul-right-module-Ring :
    (r : type-Ring R) 
    Id ( mul-right-module-Ring r zero-right-module-Ring) zero-right-module-Ring
  right-zero-law-mul-right-module-Ring r =
      ( ab-right-module-Ring)
      ( ab-right-module-Ring)
      ( map-hom-Ring R
        ( op-Ring endomorphism-ring-ab-right-module-Ring)
        ( mul-hom-right-module-Ring)
        ( r))

  left-negative-law-mul-right-module-Ring :
    (r : type-Ring R) (x : type-right-module-Ring) 
    Id ( mul-right-module-Ring (neg-Ring R r) x)
       ( neg-right-module-Ring (mul-right-module-Ring r x))
  left-negative-law-mul-right-module-Ring r =
      ( ab-right-module-Ring)
      ( ab-right-module-Ring)
      ( map-hom-Ring R
        ( op-Ring endomorphism-ring-ab-right-module-Ring)
        ( mul-hom-right-module-Ring)
        ( neg-Ring R r))
      ( neg-hom-Ab
        ( ab-right-module-Ring)
        ( ab-right-module-Ring)
        ( map-hom-Ring R
          ( op-Ring endomorphism-ring-ab-right-module-Ring)
          ( mul-hom-right-module-Ring)
          ( r)))
      ( preserves-neg-hom-Ring R
        ( op-Ring endomorphism-ring-ab-right-module-Ring)
        ( mul-hom-right-module-Ring)
        ( r))

  right-negative-law-mul-right-module-Ring :
    (r : type-Ring R) (x : type-right-module-Ring) 
    Id ( mul-right-module-Ring r (neg-right-module-Ring x))
       ( neg-right-module-Ring (mul-right-module-Ring r x))
  right-negative-law-mul-right-module-Ring r =
      ( ab-right-module-Ring)
      ( ab-right-module-Ring)
      ( map-hom-Ring R
        ( op-Ring endomorphism-ring-ab-right-module-Ring)
        ( mul-hom-right-module-Ring)
        ( r))