Functoriality of dependent pair types

module foundation.functoriality-dependent-pair-types where
open import foundation-core.functoriality-dependent-pair-types public

open import foundation-core.cones-over-cospans
open import foundation-core.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation-core.equality-dependent-pair-types
open import foundation-core.equivalences
open import foundation-core.functions
open import foundation-core.homotopies
open import foundation-core.identity-types
open import foundation-core.pullbacks
open import foundation-core.type-arithmetic-dependent-pair-types
open import foundation-core.universe-levels


A family of squares over a pullback squares is a family of pullback squares if and only if the induced square of total spaces is a pullback square

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l7 l8 : Level}
  {X : UU l1} {A : UU l2} {B : UU l3} {C : UU l4}
  (PX : X  UU l5) {PA : A  UU l6} {PB : B  UU l7} {PC : C  UU l8}
  {f : A  X} {g : B  X}
  (f' : (a : A)  PA a  PX (f a)) (g' : (b : B)  PB b  PX (g b))
  (c : cone f g C) (c' : cone-family PX f' g' c PC)

  tot-cone-cone-family :
    cone (map-Σ PX f f') (map-Σ PX g g') (Σ C PC)
  pr1 tot-cone-cone-family =
    map-Σ _ (vertical-map-cone f g c)  x  pr1 (c' x))
  pr1 (pr2 tot-cone-cone-family) =
    map-Σ _ (horizontal-map-cone f g c)  x  (pr1 (pr2 (c' x))))
  pr2 (pr2 tot-cone-cone-family) =
    htpy-map-Σ PX
      ( coherence-square-cone f g c)
      ( λ z 
        ( f' (vertical-map-cone f g c z)) 
        ( vertical-map-cone
          ( ( tr PX (coherence-square-cone f g c z)) 
            ( f' (vertical-map-cone f g c z)))
          ( g' (horizontal-map-cone f g c z))
          ( c' z)))
      ( λ z 
          ( ( tr PX (coherence-square-cone f g c z)) 
            ( f' (vertical-map-cone f g c z)))
          ( g' (horizontal-map-cone f g c z))
          ( c' z))

  map-canonical-pullback-tot-cone-cone-fam-right-factor :
    Σ ( canonical-pullback f g)
      ( λ t  canonical-pullback ((tr PX (π₃ t))  (f' (π₁ t))) (g' (π₂ t))) 
    Σ ( Σ A PA)
      ( λ aa'  Σ (Σ B  b  Id (f (pr1 aa')) (g b)))
        ( λ   Σ (PB (pr1 ))
          ( λ b'  Id
            ( tr PX (pr2 ) (f' (pr1 aa') (pr2 aa')))
            ( g' (pr1 ) b'))))
  map-canonical-pullback-tot-cone-cone-fam-right-factor =
      ( λ a  a'  Σ (PB (pr1 ))
        ( λ b'  Id (tr PX (pr2 ) (f' a a')) (g' (pr1 ) b')))

  map-canonical-pullback-tot-cone-cone-fam-left-factor :
    (aa' : Σ A PA) 
    Σ (Σ B  b  Id (f (pr1 aa')) (g b)))
      ( λ   Σ (PB (pr1 ))
        ( λ b'  Id
          ( tr PX (pr2 ) (f' (pr1 aa') (pr2 aa')))
          ( g' (pr1 ) b'))) 
    Σ ( Σ B PB)
      ( λ bb'  Σ (Id (f (pr1 aa')) (g (pr1 bb')))
        ( λ α  Id (tr PX α (f' (pr1 aa') (pr2 aa'))) (g' (pr1 bb') (pr2 bb'))))
  map-canonical-pullback-tot-cone-cone-fam-left-factor aa' =
    ( map-interchange-Σ-Σ
      ( λ b α b'  Id (tr PX α (f' (pr1 aa') (pr2 aa'))) (g' b b')))

  map-canonical-pullback-tot-cone-cone-family :
    Σ ( canonical-pullback f g)
      ( λ t  canonical-pullback ((tr PX (π₃ t))  (f' (π₁ t))) (g' (π₂ t))) 
    canonical-pullback (map-Σ PX f f') (map-Σ PX g g')
  map-canonical-pullback-tot-cone-cone-family =
    ( tot  aa' 
      ( tot  bb'  eq-pair-Σ')) 
      ( map-canonical-pullback-tot-cone-cone-fam-left-factor aa'))) 
    ( map-canonical-pullback-tot-cone-cone-fam-right-factor)

  is-equiv-map-canonical-pullback-tot-cone-cone-family :
    is-equiv map-canonical-pullback-tot-cone-cone-family
  is-equiv-map-canonical-pullback-tot-cone-cone-family =
      ( tot  aa' 
        ( tot  bb'  eq-pair-Σ')) 
        ( map-canonical-pullback-tot-cone-cone-fam-left-factor aa')))
      ( map-canonical-pullback-tot-cone-cone-fam-right-factor)
      ( is-equiv-map-interchange-Σ-Σ
        ( λ a  a'  Σ (PB (pr1 ))
          ( λ b'  Id (tr PX (pr2 ) (f' a a')) (g' (pr1 ) b'))))
      ( is-equiv-tot-is-fiberwise-equiv  aa'  is-equiv-comp
        ( tot  bb'  eq-pair-Σ'))
        ( map-canonical-pullback-tot-cone-cone-fam-left-factor aa')
        ( is-equiv-map-interchange-Σ-Σ _)
        ( is-equiv-tot-is-fiberwise-equiv  bb'  is-equiv-eq-pair-Σ
          ( pair (f (pr1 aa')) (f' (pr1 aa') (pr2 aa')))
          ( pair (g (pr1 bb')) (g' (pr1 bb') (pr2 bb')))))))

  triangle-canonical-pullback-tot-cone-cone-family :
    ( gap (map-Σ PX f f') (map-Σ PX g g') tot-cone-cone-family) ~
    ( ( map-canonical-pullback-tot-cone-cone-family) 
      ( map-Σ _
        ( gap f g c)
        ( λ x  gap
          ( (tr PX (pr2 (pr2 c) x))  (f' (pr1 c x)))
          ( g' (pr1 (pr2 c) x))
          ( c' x))))
  triangle-canonical-pullback-tot-cone-cone-family x =

  is-pullback-family-is-pullback-tot :
    is-pullback f g c 
      (map-Σ PX f f') (map-Σ PX g g') tot-cone-cone-family 
    (x : C) 
      ( (tr PX (pr2 (pr2 c) x))  (f' (pr1 c x)))
      ( g' (pr1 (pr2 c) x))
      ( c' x)
  is-pullback-family-is-pullback-tot is-pb-c is-pb-tot =
    is-fiberwise-equiv-is-equiv-map-Σ _
      ( gap f g c)
      ( λ x  gap
        ( (tr PX (pr2 (pr2 c) x))  (f' (pr1 c x)))
        ( g' (pr1 (pr2 c) x))
        ( c' x))
      ( is-pb-c)
      ( is-equiv-right-factor-htpy
        ( gap (map-Σ PX f f') (map-Σ PX g g') tot-cone-cone-family)
        ( map-canonical-pullback-tot-cone-cone-family)
        ( map-Σ _
          ( gap f g c)
          ( λ x  gap
            ( (tr PX (pr2 (pr2 c) x))  (f' (pr1 c x)))
            ( g' (pr1 (pr2 c) x))
            ( c' x)))
        ( triangle-canonical-pullback-tot-cone-cone-family)
        ( is-equiv-map-canonical-pullback-tot-cone-cone-family)
        ( is-pb-tot))

  is-pullback-tot-is-pullback-family :
    is-pullback f g c 
    ( (x : C) 
        ( (tr PX (pr2 (pr2 c) x))  (f' (pr1 c x)))
        ( g' (pr1 (pr2 c) x))
        ( c' x)) 
      (map-Σ PX f f') (map-Σ PX g g') tot-cone-cone-family
  is-pullback-tot-is-pullback-family is-pb-c is-pb-c' =
      ( gap (map-Σ PX f f') (map-Σ PX g g') tot-cone-cone-family)
      ( map-canonical-pullback-tot-cone-cone-family)
      ( map-Σ _
        ( gap f g c)
        ( λ x  gap
          ( (tr PX (pr2 (pr2 c) x))  (f' (pr1 c x)))
          ( g' (pr1 (pr2 c) x))
          ( c' x)))
      ( triangle-canonical-pullback-tot-cone-cone-family)
      ( is-equiv-map-Σ _
        ( gap f g c)
        ( λ x  gap
          ( (tr PX (pr2 (pr2 c) x))  (f' (pr1 c x)))
          ( g' (pr1 (pr2 c) x))
          ( c' x))
          ( is-pb-c)
          ( is-pb-c'))
      ( is-equiv-map-canonical-pullback-tot-cone-cone-family)

See also