
module organic-chemistry.alcohols where
open import foundation.cartesian-product-types
open import foundation.decidable-subtypes
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.negation
open import foundation.propositional-truncations
open import foundation.universe-levels
open import foundation.unordered-pairs

open import organic-chemistry.hydrocarbons
open import organic-chemistry.saturated-carbons


An alcohol is a hydrocarbon with at least one -OH group. The type of alcohols can therefore be defined as the type of hydrocarbons equipped with a distinguished subset of the available (unbonded) electrons of the carbon atoms.


alcohol : UU (lsuc lzero)
alcohol =
  Σ ( hydrocarbon lzero lzero)
    ( λ X 
      Σ ( (c : vertex-hydrocarbon X) 
          decidable-subtype lzero (electron-carbon-atom-hydrocarbon X c))
        ( λ OH 
          ( ( c c' : vertex-hydrocarbon X) 
            ( b : edge-hydrocarbon X (standard-unordered-pair c c')) 
            ¬ (is-in-decidable-subtype (OH c) (bonding-hydrocarbon X b))) ×
          ( ( type-trunc-Prop
            ( Σ ( vertex-hydrocarbon X)
                ( λ c  type-decidable-subtype (OH c)))) ×
            ( ( c : vertex-hydrocarbon X) 
              type-decidable-subtype (OH c) 
              is-saturated-carbon-hydrocarbon X c

More explicitly, an alcohol is a hydrocarbon equipped with, for each of its carbons, a subset of its electrons, where membership in that subset indicates whether or not a hydroxyl group is bonded to that specific electron. We require the following conditions:

  • The electron shared between a carbon atom and a hydroxyl group can not also be shared between that carbon atom and a different carbon.
  • There must be at least one hydroxyl group.
  • Atoms to which hydroxyl groups are bonded must be saturated.