Commuting cubes of maps

module foundation.commuting-cubes-of-maps where
open import foundation-core.commuting-cubes-of-maps public

open import foundation-core.cones-over-cospans
open import foundation-core.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation-core.functions
open import foundation-core.homotopies
open import foundation-core.universe-levels


Any coherence of commuting cubes induces a coherence of parallel cones

coherence-htpy-parallel-cone-coherence-cube-maps :
  {l1 l2 l3 l4 l1' l2' l3' l4' : Level}
  {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {C : UU l3} {D : UU l4}
  (f : A  B) (g : A  C) (h : B  D) (k : C  D)
  {A' : UU l1'} {B' : UU l2'} {C' : UU l3'} {D' : UU l4'}
  (f' : A'  B') (g' : A'  C') (h' : B'  D') (k' : C'  D')
  (hA : A'  A) (hB : B'  B) (hC : C'  C) (hD : D'  D)
  (top : (h'  f') ~ (k'  g'))
  (back-left : (f  hA) ~ (hB  f'))
  (back-right : (g  hA) ~ (hC  g'))
  (front-left : (h  hB) ~ (hD  h'))
  (front-right : (k  hC) ~ (hD  k'))
  (bottom : (h  f) ~ (k  g)) 
  (c : coherence-cube-maps f g h k f' g' h' k' hA hB hC hD
       top back-left back-right front-left front-right bottom) 
    ( front-left)
    ( refl-htpy' k)
    ( pair f'
      ( pair
        ( g  hA)
        ( rectangle-back-left-bottom-cube
          f g h k f' g' h' k' hA hB hC hD
          top back-left back-right front-left front-right bottom)))
    ( pair f'
      ( pair
        ( hC  g')
        ( rectangle-top-front-right-cube
          f g h k f' g' h' k' hA hB hC hD
          top back-left back-right front-left front-right bottom)))
    ( refl-htpy' f')
    ( back-right)
  f g h k f' g' h' k' hA hB hC hD
  top back-left back-right front-left front-right bottom c =
  ( assoc-htpy
    ( h ·l (inv-htpy back-left))
    ( bottom ·r hA)
    ( (k ·l back-right) ∙h (refl-htpy' (k  (hC  g'))))) ∙h
  ( ( ap-concat-htpy'
      ( h ·l (inv-htpy back-left))
      ( inv-htpy (h ·l back-left))
      ( _)
      ( left-whisk-inv-htpy h back-left)) ∙h
    ( inv-htpy-inv-con-htpy (h ·l back-left) _ _
      ( ( (inv-htpy-assoc-htpy (h ·l back-left) (front-left ·r f') _) ∙h
          ( ( inv-htpy-assoc-htpy
              ( (h ·l back-left) ∙h (front-left ·r f'))
              ( hD ·l top)
              ( (inv-htpy front-right) ·r g')) ∙h
            ( inv-htpy-con-inv-htpy _ (front-right ·r g') _
              ( (assoc-htpy (bottom ·r hA) _ _) ∙h (inv-htpy c))))) ∙h
        ( ap-concat-htpy (bottom ·r hA) _ _ inv-htpy-right-unit-htpy))))