module reflection.fixity where
open import elementary-number-theory.addition-integers open import foundation.identity-types open import foundation.universe-levels open import primitives.floats open import reflection.names
The fixity of a quoted name is given by
- An associativity, i.e. it is left-associative, right-associative or neither.
- A precedence, i.e. it is unrelated (it has no precedence) or it is related and has a float precedence.
data Associativity : UU lzero where left-associative : Associativity right-associative : Associativity non-associative : Associativity data Precedence : UU lzero where related : Float → Precedence unrelated : Precedence data Fixity : UU lzero where fixity : Associativity → Precedence → Fixity {-# BUILTIN ASSOC Associativity #-} {-# BUILTIN ASSOCLEFT left-associative #-} {-# BUILTIN ASSOCRIGHT right-associative #-} {-# BUILTIN ASSOCNON non-associative #-} {-# BUILTIN PRECEDENCE Precedence #-} {-# BUILTIN PRECRELATED related #-} {-# BUILTIN PRECUNRELATED unrelated #-} {-# BUILTIN FIXITY Fixity #-} {-# BUILTIN FIXITYFIXITY fixity #-} primitive primQNameFixity : Name → Fixity
_ : primQNameFixity (quote add-ℤ) = fixity non-associative unrelated _ = refl _ : primQNameFixity (quote (_+ℤ_)) = fixity non-associative (related 30.0) _ = refl