Cavallo's trick

module synthetic-homotopy-theory.cavallos-trick where
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.functions
open import foundation.homotopies
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.sections
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import structured-types.pointed-homotopies
open import structured-types.pointed-maps
open import structured-types.pointed-types


Cavallo's trick is a way of upgrading an unpointed homotopy between pointed maps to a pointed homotopy. Originally, this trick was formulated by Evan Cavallo for homogeneous spaces, but it works as soon as the evaluation map (id ~ id) → Ω B has a section.


module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (A : Pointed-Type l1) (B : Pointed-Type l2)

  cavallos-trick :
    (f g : A →∗ B)  sec  (H : id ~ id)  H (point-Pointed-Type B)) 
    (map-pointed-map A B f ~ map-pointed-map A B g)  f ~∗ g
  pr1 (cavallos-trick (f , refl) (g , q) (K , α) H) a =
    K (inv q  inv (H (point-Pointed-Type A))) (f a)  H a
  pr2 (cavallos-trick (f , refl) (g , q) (K , α) H) =
    ( ap
      ( concat' (f (point-Pointed-Type A)) (H (point-Pointed-Type A)))
      ( α (inv q  inv (H (point-Pointed-Type A))))) 
    ( ( assoc
        ( inv q)
        ( inv (H (point-Pointed-Type A)))
        ( H (point-Pointed-Type A))) 
      ( ( ap
          ( concat (inv q) (g (point-Pointed-Type A)))
          ( left-inv (H (point-Pointed-Type A)))) 
        ( right-unit)))
