Suspensions of types

module synthetic-homotopy-theory.suspensions-of-types where
open import foundation.constant-maps
open import foundation.contractible-types
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.equivalences
open import foundation.function-extensionality
open import foundation.functions
open import foundation.functoriality-dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.homotopies
open import foundation.identity-systems
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.structure-identity-principle
open import foundation.type-arithmetic-dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.unit-type
open import foundation.universal-property-unit-type
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import structured-types.pointed-equivalences
open import structured-types.pointed-maps
open import structured-types.pointed-types

open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.cocones-under-spans
open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.loop-spaces
open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.pushouts
open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.universal-property-pushouts


Suspension structure

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (X : UU l1) (Y : UU l2)

  suspension-structure : UU (l1  l2)
  suspension-structure = Σ Y  N  Σ Y  S  (x : X)  N  S))

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {X : UU l1} {Y : UU l2}

  N-suspension-structure : suspension-structure X Y  Y
  N-suspension-structure c = pr1 c

  S-suspension-structure : suspension-structure X Y  Y
  S-suspension-structure c = (pr1  pr2) c

  merid-suspension-structure :
    (c : suspension-structure X Y) 
    X  N-suspension-structure c  S-suspension-structure c
  merid-suspension-structure c = (pr2  pr2) c

Suspension cocones on a type

suspension-cocone :
  {l1 l2 : Level} (X : UU l1) (Y : UU l2)  UU (l1  l2)
suspension-cocone X Y = cocone (const X unit star) (const X unit star) Y

cocone-suspension-structure :
  {l1 l2 : Level} (X : UU l1) (Y : UU l2) 
  suspension-structure X Y  suspension-cocone X Y
cocone-suspension-structure X Y (pair N (pair S merid)) =
    ( const unit Y N)
    ( pair
      ( const unit Y S)
      ( merid))

The universal property of the suspension of a type X

universal-property-suspension' :
  (l : Level) {l1 l2 : Level} (X : UU l1) (Y : UU l2)
  (susp-str : suspension-structure X Y)  UU (lsuc l  l1  l2)
universal-property-suspension' l X Y susp-str-Y =
  universal-property-pushout l
    ( const X unit star)
    ( const X unit star)
    ( cocone-suspension-structure X Y susp-str-Y)

is-suspension :
  (l : Level) {l1 l2 : Level} (X : UU l1) (Y : UU l2)  UU (lsuc l  l1  l2)
is-suspension l X Y =
  Σ (suspension-structure X Y) (universal-property-suspension' l X Y)

The suspension of an ordinary type X

suspension :
  {l : Level}  UU l  UU l
suspension X = pushout (const X unit star) (const X unit star)

N-susp :
  {l : Level} {X : UU l}  suspension X
N-susp {X = X} = inl-pushout (const X unit star) (const X unit star) star

S-susp :
  {l : Level} {X : UU l}  suspension X
S-susp {X = X} = inr-pushout (const X unit star) (const X unit star) star

merid-susp :
  {l : Level} {X : UU l}  X  Id (N-susp {X = X}) (S-susp {X = X})
merid-susp {X = X} = glue-pushout (const X unit star) (const X unit star)

suspension-structure-suspension :
  {l : Level} (X : UU l)  suspension-structure X (suspension X)
pr1 (suspension-structure-suspension X) = N-susp
pr1 (pr2 (suspension-structure-suspension X)) = S-susp
pr2 (pr2 (suspension-structure-suspension X)) = merid-susp

The suspension of a pointed type

suspension-Pointed-Type :
  {l : Level}  Pointed-Type l  Pointed-Type l
pr1 (suspension-Pointed-Type X) = suspension (type-Pointed-Type X)
pr2 (suspension-Pointed-Type X) = N-susp


Characterization of equalities in suspension-structure

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {X : UU l1} {Z : UU l2}

  htpy-suspension-structure :
    (c c' : suspension-structure X Z)  UU (l1  l2)
  htpy-suspension-structure c c' =
    Σ ( (N-suspension-structure c)  (N-suspension-structure c'))
      ( λ p 
        Σ ( ( S-suspension-structure c)  ( S-suspension-structure c'))
          ( λ q 
            ( x : X) 
            ( merid-suspension-structure c x  q) 
            ( p  merid-suspension-structure c' x)))

  extensionality-suspension-structure :
    (c c' : suspension-structure X Z) 
    (c  c')  (htpy-suspension-structure c c')
  extensionality-suspension-structure (N , S , merid) =
      ( λ y p 
        Σ (S  pr1 y)  q  (x : X)  (merid x  q)  (p  pr2 y x)))
      ( refl)
      ( refl , right-unit-htpy)
      ( λ z  id-equiv)
      ( extensionality-Σ
        ( λ H q  (x : X)  (merid x  q)  H x)
        ( refl)
        ( right-unit-htpy)
        ( λ z  id-equiv)
        ( λ H  equiv-concat-htpy right-unit-htpy H ∘e equiv-funext))

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {X : UU l1} {Z : UU l2} {c c' : suspension-structure X Z}

  htpy-eq-suspension-structure : (c  c')  htpy-suspension-structure c c'
  htpy-eq-suspension-structure =
    map-equiv (extensionality-suspension-structure c c')

  eq-htpy-suspension-structure : htpy-suspension-structure c c'  (c  c')
  eq-htpy-suspension-structure =
    map-inv-equiv (extensionality-suspension-structure c c')

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {X : UU l1} {Z : UU l2} {c : suspension-structure X Z}

  refl-htpy-suspension-structure : htpy-suspension-structure c c
  refl-htpy-suspension-structure = refl , (refl , right-unit-htpy)

  is-refl-refl-htpy-suspension-structure :
    refl-htpy-suspension-structure  htpy-eq-suspension-structure refl
  is-refl-refl-htpy-suspension-structure = refl

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {X : UU l1} {Z : UU l2} {c : suspension-structure X Z}

  ind-htpy-suspension-structure :
    { l : Level}
    ( P :
      ( c' : suspension-structure X Z) 
      ( htpy-suspension-structure c c') 
      UU l) 
    ( P c refl-htpy-suspension-structure) 
    ( ( c' : suspension-structure X Z)
      ( H : htpy-suspension-structure c c') 
      P c' H)
  ind-htpy-suspension-structure P =
      ( Ind-identity-system
        ( c)
        ( refl-htpy-suspension-structure)
        ( is-contr-equiv
          ( Σ (suspension-structure X Z)  c'  c  c'))
          ( inv-equiv
            ( equiv-tot (extensionality-suspension-structure c)))
          ( is-contr-total-path c))
        ( P))

The action of paths of the projections have the expected effect

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {X : UU l1} {Z : UU l2} (c : suspension-structure X Z)

  ap-pr1-eq-htpy-suspension-structure :
    (c' : suspension-structure X Z) (H : htpy-suspension-structure c c') 
    (ap (pr1) (eq-htpy-suspension-structure H))  (pr1 H)
  ap-pr1-eq-htpy-suspension-structure =
      ( λ c' H  (ap (pr1) (eq-htpy-suspension-structure H))  (pr1 H))
      ( (ap
        ( ap pr1)
        ( isretr-map-inv-equiv (extensionality-suspension-structure c c) refl)))

  ap-pr1∘pr2-eq-htpy-suspension-structure :
    (c' : suspension-structure X Z) (H : htpy-suspension-structure c c') 
    (ap (pr1  pr2) (eq-htpy-suspension-structure H))  ((pr1  pr2) H)
  ap-pr1∘pr2-eq-htpy-suspension-structure =
      ( λ c' H 
        ap (pr1  pr2) (eq-htpy-suspension-structure H)  (pr1  pr2) H)
      ( ap
        ( ap (pr1  pr2))
        ( isretr-map-inv-equiv (extensionality-suspension-structure c c) refl))

The universal property of the suspension as a pushout

ev-suspension :
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} {X : UU l1} {Y : UU l2} 
  (susp-str-Y : suspension-structure X Y) 
  (Z : UU l3)  (Y  Z)  suspension-structure X Z
ev-suspension (pair N (pair S merid)) Z h =
  pair (h N) (pair (h S) (h ·l merid))

universal-property-suspension :
  (l : Level) {l1 l2 : Level} (X : UU l1) (Y : UU l2) 
  suspension-structure X Y  UU (lsuc l  l1  l2)
universal-property-suspension l X Y susp-str-Y =
  (Z : UU l)  is-equiv (ev-suspension susp-str-Y Z)

comparison-suspension-cocone :
  {l1 l2 : Level} (X : UU l1) (Z : UU l2) 
  suspension-cocone X Z  suspension-structure X Z
comparison-suspension-cocone X Z =
    ( λ z1  Σ Z  z2  (x : X)  Id z1 z2))
    ( equiv-universal-property-unit Z)
    ( λ z1 
        ( λ z2  (x : X)  Id (z1 star) z2)
        ( equiv-universal-property-unit Z)
        ( λ z2  id-equiv))

map-comparison-suspension-cocone :
  {l1 l2 : Level} (X : UU l1) (Z : UU l2) 
  suspension-cocone X Z  suspension-structure X Z
map-comparison-suspension-cocone X Z =
  map-equiv (comparison-suspension-cocone X Z)

is-equiv-map-comparison-suspension-cocone :
  {l1 l2 : Level} (X : UU l1) (Z : UU l2) 
  is-equiv (map-comparison-suspension-cocone X Z)
is-equiv-map-comparison-suspension-cocone X Z =
  is-equiv-map-equiv (comparison-suspension-cocone X Z)

triangle-ev-suspension :
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} {X : UU l1} {Y : UU l2} 
  (susp-str-Y : suspension-structure X Y) 
  (Z : UU l3) 
  ( ( map-comparison-suspension-cocone X Z) 
    ( cocone-map
      ( const X unit star)
      ( const X unit star)
      ( cocone-suspension-structure X Y susp-str-Y))) ~
  ( ev-suspension susp-str-Y Z)
triangle-ev-suspension (pair N (pair S merid)) Z h = refl

is-equiv-ev-suspension :
  { l1 l2 l3 : Level} {X : UU l1} {Y : UU l2} 
  ( susp-str-Y : suspension-structure X Y) 
  ( up-Y : universal-property-suspension' l3 X Y susp-str-Y) 
  ( Z : UU l3)  is-equiv (ev-suspension susp-str-Y Z)
is-equiv-ev-suspension {X = X} susp-str-Y up-Y Z =
    ( ev-suspension susp-str-Y Z)
    ( map-comparison-suspension-cocone X Z)
    ( cocone-map
      ( const X unit star)
      ( const X unit star)
      ( cocone-suspension-structure X _ susp-str-Y))
    ( inv-htpy (triangle-ev-suspension susp-str-Y Z))
    ( up-Y Z)
    ( is-equiv-map-comparison-suspension-cocone X Z)

The suspension of X has the universal property of suspensions

module _
  {l1 : Level} (X : UU l1)

  up-suspension :
    {l : Level} 
    universal-property-suspension l X
      ( suspension X)
      ( suspension-structure-suspension X)
  up-suspension Z =
      ( ev-suspension (suspension-structure-suspension X) Z)
      ( triangle-ev-suspension
        { X = X}
        { Y = suspension X}
        ( suspension-structure-suspension X) Z)
      ( is-equiv-map-equiv
        ( ( comparison-suspension-cocone X Z) ∘e
          ( equiv-up-pushout (const X unit star) (const X unit star) Z)))

  equiv-up-suspension :
    {l : Level} (Z : UU l)  (suspension X  Z)  (suspension-structure X Z)
  pr1 (equiv-up-suspension Z) =
    ev-suspension (suspension-structure-suspension X) Z
  pr2 (equiv-up-suspension Z) = up-suspension Z

  map-inv-up-suspension :
    {l : Level} (Z : UU l)  suspension-structure X Z  suspension X  Z
  map-inv-up-suspension Z =
    map-inv-equiv (equiv-up-suspension Z)

  issec-map-inv-up-suspension :
    {l : Level} (Z : UU l) 
    ( ( ev-suspension ((suspension-structure-suspension X)) Z) 
      ( map-inv-up-suspension Z)) ~ id
  issec-map-inv-up-suspension Z = issec-map-inv-is-equiv (up-suspension Z)

  isretr-map-inv-up-suspension :
    {l : Level} (Z : UU l) 
    ( ( map-inv-up-suspension Z) 
      ( ev-suspension ((suspension-structure-suspension X)) Z)) ~ id
  isretr-map-inv-up-suspension Z = isretr-map-inv-is-equiv (up-suspension Z)

  up-suspension-N-susp :
    {l : Level} (Z : UU l) (c : suspension-structure X Z) 
    (map-inv-up-suspension Z c N-susp)  pr1 c
  up-suspension-N-susp Z c =
    pr1 (htpy-eq-suspension-structure ((issec-map-inv-up-suspension Z) c))

  up-suspension-S-susp :
    {l : Level} (Z : UU l) (c : suspension-structure X Z) 
    (map-inv-up-suspension Z c S-susp)  pr1 (pr2 c)
  up-suspension-S-susp Z c =
    pr1 (pr2 (htpy-eq-suspension-structure ((issec-map-inv-up-suspension Z) c)))

  up-suspension-merid-susp :
    {l : Level} (Z : UU l) (c : suspension-structure X Z) (x : X) 
    ( ( ap (map-inv-up-suspension Z c) (merid-susp x)) 
      ( up-suspension-S-susp Z c)) 
    ( ( up-suspension-N-susp Z c)  ( pr2 (pr2 c)) x)
  up-suspension-merid-susp Z c =
    pr2 (pr2 (htpy-eq-suspension-structure ((issec-map-inv-up-suspension Z) c)))

  ev-suspension-up-suspension :
    {l : Level} (Z : UU l) (c : suspension-structure X Z) 
    ( ev-suspension
      ( suspension-structure-suspension X)
      ( Z)
      ( map-inv-up-suspension Z c))  c
  ev-suspension-up-suspension {l} Z c =
      ( ( up-suspension-N-susp Z c) ,
        ( ( up-suspension-S-susp Z c) ,
          ( up-suspension-merid-susp Z c)))

The suspension-loop space adjunction

Here we prove the universal property of the suspension of a pointed type: the suspension is left adjoint to the loop space. We do this by constructing an equivalence ((suspension A) →∗ B) ≃ (A →∗ Ω B) and showing this equivalences is given by λ f → Ω(f) ∘ unit

The unit and counit of the adjunction

module _
  {l1 : Level} (X : Pointed-Type l1)

  shift : (type-Ω (suspension-Pointed-Type X))  (N-susp  S-susp)
  shift l = l  (merid-susp (point-Pointed-Type X))

  shift* :
    Ω (suspension-Pointed-Type X) →∗
    ((N-susp  S-susp) , (merid-susp (point-Pointed-Type X)))
  pr1 shift* = shift
  pr2 shift* = refl

  unshift : (N-susp  S-susp)  (type-Ω (suspension-Pointed-Type X))
  unshift p = p  inv (merid-susp (point-Pointed-Type X))

  unshift* :
    ((N-susp  S-susp) , (merid-susp (point-Pointed-Type X))) →∗
    Ω (suspension-Pointed-Type X)
  pr1 unshift* = unshift
  pr2 unshift* = right-inv (merid-susp (point-Pointed-Type X))

  is-equiv-shift : is-equiv shift
  is-equiv-shift = is-equiv-concat' N-susp (merid-susp (point-Pointed-Type X))

  pointed-equiv-shift :
    ( Ω (suspension-Pointed-Type X)) ≃∗
    ( (N-susp  S-susp) , merid-susp (point-Pointed-Type X))
  pr1 (pr1 pointed-equiv-shift) = shift
  pr2 (pr1 pointed-equiv-shift) = is-equiv-shift
  pr2 pointed-equiv-shift = preserves-point-pointed-map _ _ shift*

  merid-susp* : X →∗ ((N-susp  S-susp) , (merid-susp (point-Pointed-Type X)))
  pr1 merid-susp* = merid-susp
  pr2 merid-susp* = refl

  unit-susp-loop-adj* : X →∗ Ω (suspension-Pointed-Type X)
  unit-susp-loop-adj* = comp-pointed-map _ _ _ unshift* merid-susp*

  unit-susp-loop-adj : type-Pointed-Type X  type-Ω (suspension-Pointed-Type X)
  unit-susp-loop-adj = map-pointed-map _ _ unit-susp-loop-adj*

  counit-susp-loop-adj : (suspension (type-Ω X))  type-Pointed-Type X
  counit-susp-loop-adj =
      ( up-suspension (type-Ω X) (type-Pointed-Type X))
      ( ( point-Pointed-Type X) ,
        ( point-Pointed-Type X) ,
        ( id))

  counit-susp-loop-adj* : ((suspension (type-Ω X)) , N-susp) →∗ X
  pr1 counit-susp-loop-adj* = counit-susp-loop-adj
  pr2 counit-susp-loop-adj* =
      ( type-Ω X)
      ( type-Pointed-Type X)
      ( ( point-Pointed-Type X) ,
        ( point-Pointed-Type X) ,
        ( id))

The equivalence between pointed maps out of the suspension of X and pointed maps into the loop space of Y

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (X : Pointed-Type l1) (Y : Pointed-Type l2)

  equiv-susp-loop-adj : (suspension-Pointed-Type X →∗ Y)  (X →∗ Ω Y)
  equiv-susp-loop-adj =
    ( left-unit-law-Σ-is-contr
      ( is-contr-total-path (point-Pointed-Type Y))
      ( (point-Pointed-Type Y) , refl)) ∘e
    ( ( inv-equiv
        ( associative-Σ
          ( type-Pointed-Type Y)
          ( λ z  (point-Pointed-Type Y)  z)
          ( λ t 
            Σ ( type-Pointed-Type X  (point-Pointed-Type Y)  (pr1 t))
              ( λ f  f (point-Pointed-Type X)  (pr2 t))))) ∘e
      ( ( equiv-tot  y1  equiv-left-swap-Σ)) ∘e
        ( ( associative-Σ
            ( type-Pointed-Type Y)
            ( λ y1  type-Pointed-Type X  (point-Pointed-Type Y)  y1)
            ( λ z 
              Σ ( Id (point-Pointed-Type Y) (pr1 z))
                ( λ x  pr2 z (point-Pointed-Type X)  x))) ∘e
          ( ( inv-equiv
              ( right-unit-law-Σ-is-contr
                ( λ ( z : Σ ( type-Pointed-Type Y)
                            ( λ y1 
                              type-Pointed-Type X 
                              point-Pointed-Type Y  y1)) 
                  is-contr-total-path ((pr2 z) (point-Pointed-Type X))))) ∘e
            ( ( left-unit-law-Σ-is-contr
                ( is-contr-total-path' (point-Pointed-Type Y))
                ( (point-Pointed-Type Y) , refl)) ∘e
              ( ( equiv-right-swap-Σ) ∘e
                ( equiv-Σ-equiv-base
                  ( λ c  (pr1 c)  (point-Pointed-Type Y))
                  ( equiv-up-suspension
                    ( type-Pointed-Type X)
                    ( type-Pointed-Type Y)))))))))

The equivalence in the suspension-loop space adjunction is pointed

This remains to be shown.

The suspension of a contractible type is contractible

is-contr-suspension-is-contr :
  {l : Level} {X : UU l}  is-contr X  is-contr (suspension X)
is-contr-suspension-is-contr {l} {X} is-contr-X =
    ( unit)
    ( pr1 (pr2 (cocone-pushout (const X unit star) (const X unit star))))
    ( is-equiv-universal-property-pushout
      ( const X unit star)
      ( const X unit star)
      ( cocone-pushout
        ( const X unit star)
        ( const X unit star))
      ( is-equiv-is-contr (const X unit star) is-contr-X is-contr-unit)
      ( up-pushout (const X unit star) (const X unit star)))
    ( is-contr-unit)