Cycle partitions of finite types

module univalent-combinatorics.cycle-partitions where
open import elementary-number-theory.natural-numbers

open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.equivalences
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import univalent-combinatorics.cyclic-types
open import univalent-combinatorics.finite-types


A cycle partition of a finite type A is a finite family of cyclic finite types equipped with an equivalence from A to the total space of the underlying types of the family. The type of cyclic partitions of A is equivalent to the type of permutations of A.


cyclic-partition-𝔽 :
  {l : Level} (l2 l3 : Level)  𝔽 l  UU (l  lsuc l2  lsuc l3)
cyclic-partition-𝔽 l2 l3 X =
  Σ ( 𝔽 l2)
    ( λ Y 
      Σ ( type-𝔽 Y  Σ   n  Cyclic-Type l3 (succ-ℕ n)))
        ( λ C 
          type-𝔽 X 
          Σ ( type-𝔽 Y)
            ( λ y  type-Cyclic-Type (succ-ℕ (pr1 (C y))) (pr2 (C y)))))

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} (X : 𝔽 l1) (C : cyclic-partition-𝔽 l2 l3 X)

  finite-indexing-type-cyclic-partition-𝔽 : 𝔽 l2
  finite-indexing-type-cyclic-partition-𝔽 = pr1 C

  indexing-type-cyclic-partition-𝔽 : UU l2
  indexing-type-cyclic-partition-𝔽 =
    type-𝔽 finite-indexing-type-cyclic-partition-𝔽

  order-cycle-cyclic-partition-𝔽 :
  order-cycle-cyclic-partition-𝔽 y = succ-ℕ (pr1 (pr1 (pr2 C) y))

  cycle-cyclic-partition-𝔽 :
    (y : indexing-type-cyclic-partition-𝔽) 
    Cyclic-Type l3 (order-cycle-cyclic-partition-𝔽 y)
  cycle-cyclic-partition-𝔽 y =
    pr2 (pr1 (pr2 C) y)

  type-cycle-cyclic-partition-𝔽 :
    indexing-type-cyclic-partition-𝔽  UU l3
  type-cycle-cyclic-partition-𝔽 y =
      ( order-cycle-cyclic-partition-𝔽 y)
      ( cycle-cyclic-partition-𝔽 y)

  equiv-cyclic-partition-𝔽 :
    type-𝔽 X  Σ indexing-type-cyclic-partition-𝔽 type-cycle-cyclic-partition-𝔽
  equiv-cyclic-partition-𝔽 = pr2 (pr2 C)