Subgroups generated by subsets of groups

module group-theory.subgroups-generated-by-subsets-groups where
open import foundation.cartesian-product-types
open import foundation.coproduct-types
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.fibers-of-maps
open import foundation.functions
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.powersets
open import foundation.propositional-truncations
open import foundation.propositions
open import foundation.subtypes
open import foundation.unit-type
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import group-theory.full-subgroups
open import group-theory.groups
open import group-theory.subgroups

open import lists.concatenation-lists
open import lists.lists

open import univalent-combinatorics.standard-finite-types


If S is a subset of a group G, then the subgroup generated by S is the least subgroup containing S. This idea expresses the universal property of the subgroup generated by a subset of a group. We will construct it as the type of finite combinations of elements in S and of inverses of elements in S.


Universal property of subgroups generated by a subset of a group

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} (G : Group l1) (S : subset-Group l2 G)
  (U : Subgroup l3 G) (H : S  subset-Subgroup G U)

  is-subgroup-generated-by-subset-Group :
    (l : Level)  UU (l1  l2  l3  lsuc l)
  is-subgroup-generated-by-subset-Group l =
    (U' : Subgroup l G) 
    S  subset-Subgroup G U' 
    subset-Subgroup G U  subset-Subgroup G U'

Construction of subgroups generated by a subset of a group

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (G : Group l1) (S : subset-Group l2 G)

  formal-combination-subset-Group : UU (l1  l2)
  formal-combination-subset-Group = list (Fin 2 × type-subtype S)

  ev-formal-combination-subset-Group :
    formal-combination-subset-Group  type-Group G
  ev-formal-combination-subset-Group nil = unit-Group G
  ev-formal-combination-subset-Group (cons (pair (inl (inr star)) x) l) =
    mul-Group G
      ( inv-Group G (inclusion-subtype S x))
      ( ev-formal-combination-subset-Group l)
  ev-formal-combination-subset-Group (cons (pair (inr star) x) l) =
    mul-Group G (inclusion-subtype S x) (ev-formal-combination-subset-Group l)

  preserves-concat-ev-formal-combination-subset-Group :
    (u v : formal-combination-subset-Group) 
    Id ( ev-formal-combination-subset-Group (concat-list u v))
       ( mul-Group G
         ( ev-formal-combination-subset-Group u)
         ( ev-formal-combination-subset-Group v))
  preserves-concat-ev-formal-combination-subset-Group nil v =
    inv (left-unit-law-mul-Group G (ev-formal-combination-subset-Group v))
    ( cons (pair (inl (inr star)) x) u)
    ( v) =
    ( ap
      ( mul-Group G (inv-Group G (inclusion-subtype S x)))
      ( preserves-concat-ev-formal-combination-subset-Group u v)) 
      ( inv
        ( associative-mul-Group G
          ( inv-Group G (inclusion-subtype S x))
          ( ev-formal-combination-subset-Group u)
          ( ev-formal-combination-subset-Group v)))
    ( cons (pair (inr star) x) u)
    ( v) =
    ( ap
      ( mul-Group G (inclusion-subtype S x))
      ( preserves-concat-ev-formal-combination-subset-Group u v)) 
      ( inv
        ( associative-mul-Group G
          (inclusion-subtype S x)
          ( ev-formal-combination-subset-Group u)
          ( ev-formal-combination-subset-Group v)))

  inv-formal-combination-subset-Group :
    formal-combination-subset-Group  formal-combination-subset-Group
  inv-formal-combination-subset-Group nil = nil
  inv-formal-combination-subset-Group (cons (pair s x) u) =
      ( inv-formal-combination-subset-Group u)
      ( unit-list (pair (succ-Fin 2 s) x))

  preserves-inv-ev-formal-combination-subset-Group :
    (u : formal-combination-subset-Group) 
    Id ( ev-formal-combination-subset-Group
         ( inv-formal-combination-subset-Group u))
       ( inv-Group G (ev-formal-combination-subset-Group u))
  preserves-inv-ev-formal-combination-subset-Group nil =
    inv (inv-unit-Group G)
    ( cons (pair (inl (inr star)) x) u) =
    ( preserves-concat-ev-formal-combination-subset-Group
      ( inv-formal-combination-subset-Group u)
      ( unit-list (pair (inr star) x))) 
      ( ( ap
        ( λ y 
          mul-Group G y (mul-Group G (inclusion-subtype S x) (unit-Group G)))
        ( preserves-inv-ev-formal-combination-subset-Group u)) 
        ( ( ap
          ( mul-Group G (inv-Group G (ev-formal-combination-subset-Group u)))
          ( ( right-unit-law-mul-Group G (inclusion-subtype S x)) 
            ( inv (inv-inv-Group G (inclusion-subtype S x))))) 
          ( inv
            ( distributive-inv-mul-Group G
              ( inv-Group G (inclusion-subtype S x))
              ( ev-formal-combination-subset-Group u)))))
    ( cons (pair (inr star) x) u) =
    ( preserves-concat-ev-formal-combination-subset-Group
      ( inv-formal-combination-subset-Group u)
      ( unit-list (pair (inl (inr star)) x))) 
      ( ( ap
        ( λ y 
          mul-Group G
          ( y)
          ( mul-Group G (inv-Group G (inclusion-subtype S x)) (unit-Group G)))
        ( preserves-inv-ev-formal-combination-subset-Group u)) 
        ( ( ap
          ( mul-Group G (inv-Group G (ev-formal-combination-subset-Group u)))
          ( right-unit-law-mul-Group G (inv-Group G (inclusion-subtype S x)))) 
          ( inv
            ( distributive-inv-mul-Group G
              (inclusion-subtype S x)
              ( ev-formal-combination-subset-Group u)))))

  subset-subgroup-subset-Group' : type-Group G  UU (l1  l2)
  subset-subgroup-subset-Group' x =
    fib ev-formal-combination-subset-Group x

  subset-subgroup-subset-Group : subset-Group (l1  l2) G
  subset-subgroup-subset-Group x =
    trunc-Prop (subset-subgroup-subset-Group' x)

  contains-unit-subgroup-subset-Group :
    type-Prop (subset-subgroup-subset-Group (unit-Group G))
  contains-unit-subgroup-subset-Group = unit-trunc-Prop (pair nil refl)

  is-closed-under-mul-subgroup-subset-Group' :
    (x y : type-Group G) 
    subset-subgroup-subset-Group' x  subset-subgroup-subset-Group' y 
    subset-subgroup-subset-Group' (mul-Group G x y)
    ( is-closed-under-mul-subgroup-subset-Group' x y
      ( pair l p) (pair k q)) =
    concat-list l k
    ( is-closed-under-mul-subgroup-subset-Group' x y
      ( pair l p) (pair k q)) =
    ( preserves-concat-ev-formal-combination-subset-Group l k) 
      ( ap-mul-Group G p q)

  is-closed-under-mul-subgroup-subset-Group :
    (x y : type-Group G) 
    type-Prop (subset-subgroup-subset-Group x) 
    type-Prop (subset-subgroup-subset-Group y) 
    type-Prop (subset-subgroup-subset-Group (mul-Group G x y))
  is-closed-under-mul-subgroup-subset-Group x y H K =
    apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop H
      ( subset-subgroup-subset-Group (mul-Group G x y))
      ( λ H' 
        apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop K
          ( subset-subgroup-subset-Group (mul-Group G x y))
          ( λ K' 
              ( is-closed-under-mul-subgroup-subset-Group' x y H' K')))

  is-closed-under-inv-subgroup-subset-Group' :
    (x : type-Group G) 
    subset-subgroup-subset-Group' x 
    subset-subgroup-subset-Group' (inv-Group G x)
  pr1 (is-closed-under-inv-subgroup-subset-Group' x (pair l p)) =
    inv-formal-combination-subset-Group l
  pr2 (is-closed-under-inv-subgroup-subset-Group' x (pair l p)) =
    ( preserves-inv-ev-formal-combination-subset-Group l) 
      ( ap (inv-Group G) p)

  is-closed-under-inv-subgroup-subset-Group :
    (x : type-Group G) 
    type-Prop (subset-subgroup-subset-Group x) 
    type-Prop (subset-subgroup-subset-Group (inv-Group G x))
  is-closed-under-inv-subgroup-subset-Group x H =
    apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop H
      ( subset-subgroup-subset-Group (inv-Group G x))
      ( unit-trunc-Prop  is-closed-under-inv-subgroup-subset-Group' x)

  subgroup-subset-Group : Subgroup (l1  l2) G
  pr1 subgroup-subset-Group = subset-subgroup-subset-Group
  pr1 (pr2 subgroup-subset-Group) = contains-unit-subgroup-subset-Group
  pr1 (pr2 (pr2 subgroup-subset-Group)) =
  pr2 (pr2 (pr2 subgroup-subset-Group)) =

  contains-subset-subgroup-subset-Group :
    S  subset-subgroup-subset-Group
  contains-subset-subgroup-subset-Group s H =
      ( pair
        ( unit-list (pair (inr star) (pair s H)))
        ( right-unit-law-mul-Group G (inclusion-subtype S (pair s H))))

  contains-formal-combinations-Subgroup :
    {l3 : Level} (U : Subgroup l3 G)  S  subset-Subgroup G U 
    (x : formal-combination-subset-Group) 
    is-in-Subgroup G U (ev-formal-combination-subset-Group x)
  contains-formal-combinations-Subgroup U H nil =
    contains-unit-Subgroup G U
  contains-formal-combinations-Subgroup U H
    ( cons (pair (inl (inr star)) (pair s K)) c) =
    is-closed-under-mul-Subgroup G U
      ( inv-Group G (inclusion-subtype S (pair s K)))
      ( ev-formal-combination-subset-Group c)
      ( is-closed-under-inv-Subgroup G U s (H s K))
      ( contains-formal-combinations-Subgroup U H c)
    ( U)
    ( H)
    ( cons (pair (inr star) (pair s K)) c) =
    is-closed-under-mul-Subgroup G U
      ( inclusion-subtype S (pair s K))
      ( ev-formal-combination-subset-Group c)
      ( H s K)
      ( contains-formal-combinations-Subgroup U H c)

  is-subgroup-generated-by-subset-subgroup-subset-Group :
    (l : Level) 
    is-subgroup-generated-by-subset-Group G S
      ( subgroup-subset-Group)
      ( contains-subset-subgroup-subset-Group)
      ( l)
  is-subgroup-generated-by-subset-subgroup-subset-Group l U' K x H =
    apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop H (subset-Subgroup G U' x) P
    P : subset-subgroup-subset-Group' x  is-in-Subgroup G U' x
    P (pair c refl) = contains-formal-combinations-Subgroup U' K c

  is-generating-subset-Group : UU (l1  l2)
  is-generating-subset-Group = is-full-Subgroup G subgroup-subset-Group