The order of an element in a group

module group-theory.orders-of-elements-groups where
open import

open import foundation.universe-levels

open import
open import group-theory.groups
open import group-theory.kernels
open import group-theory.normal-subgroups


For each element g : G of a group G we have a unique group homomorphism f : ℤ → G such that f 1 = g. The order of g is defined to be the kernel of this group homomorphism f. Since kernels are ordered by inclusion, it follows that the orders of elements of a group are ordered by reversed inclusion.

If the group G has decidable equality, then we can reduce the order of g to a natural number. In this case, the orders of elements of G are ordered by divisibility.

If the unique group homomorphism f : ℤ → G such that f 1 = g is injective, and G has decidable equality, then the order of g is set to be 0, which is a consequence of the point of view that orders are normal subgroups of .


The type of orders of elements in groups

order-Group : (l : Level)  UU (lsuc l)
order-Group l = Normal-Subgroup l ℤ-Group

The order of an element in a group

module _
  {l : Level} (G : Group l)

  order-element-Group : type-Group G  order-Group l
  order-element-Group g =
    kernel-hom-Group ℤ-Group G (hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ G g)