Morphisms of coherent H-spaces

module structured-types.morphisms-coherent-h-spaces where
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.functions
open import foundation.homotopies
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.path-algebra
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import group-theory.homomorphisms-semigroups

open import structured-types.coherent-h-spaces
open import structured-types.pointed-maps


Morphisms of wild unital magmas are pointed maps that preserve the unital binary operation, including its laws.


Morphisms of wild unital magmas

preserves-left-unit-law-mul :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2}
  (μ : A  A  A) {eA : A}  ((x : A)  Id (μ eA x) x) 
  (ν : B  B  B) {eB : B}  ((y : B)  Id (ν eB y) y) 
  (f : A  B)  Id (f eA) eB  preserves-mul μ ν f  UU (l1  l2)
preserves-left-unit-law-mul {A = A} {B} μ {eA} lA ν {eB} lB f p μf =
  (x : A)  Id (ap f (lA x)) (μf eA x  (ap  t  ν t (f x)) p  lB (f x)))

preserves-right-unit-law-mul :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2}
  (μ : A  A  A) {eA : A}  ((x : A)  Id (μ x eA) x) 
  (ν : B  B  B) {eB : B}  ((y : B)  Id (ν y eB) y) 
  (f : A  B)  Id (f eA) eB  preserves-mul μ ν f  UU (l1  l2)
preserves-right-unit-law-mul {A = A} {B} μ {eA} rA ν {eB} rB f p μf =
  (x : A)  Id (ap f (rA x)) (μf x eA  (ap (ν (f x)) p  rB (f x)))

preserves-coh-unit-laws-mul :
  {l1 l2 : Level} (M : Coherent-H-Space l1) (N : Coherent-H-Space l2) 
  ( f : pointed-type-Coherent-H-Space M →∗ pointed-type-Coherent-H-Space N) 
  ( μf :
    preserves-mul (mul-Coherent-H-Space M) (mul-Coherent-H-Space N) (pr1 f)) 
    ( mul-Coherent-H-Space M)
    ( left-unit-law-mul-Coherent-H-Space M)
    ( mul-Coherent-H-Space N)
    ( left-unit-law-mul-Coherent-H-Space N)
    ( pr1 f)
    ( pr2 f)
    ( μf) 
    ( mul-Coherent-H-Space M)
    ( right-unit-law-mul-Coherent-H-Space M)
    ( mul-Coherent-H-Space N)
    ( right-unit-law-mul-Coherent-H-Space N)
    ( pr1 f)
    ( pr2 f)
    ( μf) 
  UU l2
preserves-coh-unit-laws-mul M
  (pair (pair N ._) μ)
  (pair f refl) μf lf rf =
  Id (ap (ap f) cM  rf eM) (lf eM  ap (concat (μf eM eM) (f eM)) cN)
  eM = unit-Coherent-H-Space M
  cM = coh-unit-laws-mul-Coherent-H-Space M
  cN = pr2 (pr2 (pr2 μ))

Second description of preservation of the coherent unit laws

preserves-coh-unit-laws-mul' :
  {l1 l2 : Level} (M : Coherent-H-Space l1) (N : Coherent-H-Space l2) 
  ( f : pointed-type-Coherent-H-Space M →∗ pointed-type-Coherent-H-Space N) 
  ( μf :
    preserves-mul (mul-Coherent-H-Space M) (mul-Coherent-H-Space N) (pr1 f)) 
    ( mul-Coherent-H-Space M)
    ( left-unit-law-mul-Coherent-H-Space M)
    ( mul-Coherent-H-Space N)
    ( left-unit-law-mul-Coherent-H-Space N)
    ( pr1 f)
    ( pr2 f)
    ( μf) 
    ( mul-Coherent-H-Space M)
    ( right-unit-law-mul-Coherent-H-Space M)
    ( mul-Coherent-H-Space N)
    ( right-unit-law-mul-Coherent-H-Space N)
    ( pr1 f)
    ( pr2 f)
    ( μf) 
  UU l2
preserves-coh-unit-laws-mul' M N f μf lf rf =
    { A =
      Id (ap (pr1 f) (lM eM)  ef) ((μf eM eM  ap-binary μN ef ef)  rN eN)}
    ( ( horizontal-concat-Id² (lf eM) (inv (ap-id ef))) 
      ( ( ap
          ( _∙ (ap id ef))
          ( inv
            ( assoc
              ( μf eM eM)
              ( ap (mul-Coherent-H-Space' N (pr1 f eM)) ef)
              ( lN (pr1 f eM))))) 
        ( ( assoc
            ( μf eM eM  ap (mul-Coherent-H-Space' N (pr1 f eM)) ef)
            ( lN (pr1 f eM))
            ( ap id ef)) 
          ( ( ap
              ( ( μf eM eM  ap (mul-Coherent-H-Space' N (pr1 f eM)) ef) ∙_)
              ( nat-htpy lN ef)) 
            ( ( inv
                ( assoc
                  ( μf eM eM  ap (mul-Coherent-H-Space' N (pr1 f eM)) ef)
                  ( ap (μN eN) ef)
                  ( lN eN))) 
              ( ( ap
                  ( λ t  t  lN eN)
                  ( assoc
                    ( μf eM eM)
                    ( ap (mul-Coherent-H-Space' N (pr1 f eM)) ef)
                    ( ap (μN eN) ef))) 
                ( horizontal-concat-Id²
                  ( ap
                    ( μf eM eM ∙_)
                    ( inv (triangle-ap-binary μN ef ef)))
                  ( cN))))))))
    ( ( ap (_∙ ef) (ap (ap (pr1 f)) cM)) 
      ( ( horizontal-concat-Id² (rf eM) (inv (ap-id ef))) 
        ( ( ap
            ( _∙ ap id ef)
            ( inv
              ( assoc
                ( μf eM eM) (ap (μN (pr1 f eM)) ef) (rN (pr1 f eM))))) 
          ( ( assoc
              ( μf eM eM  ap (μN (pr1 f eM)) ef)
              ( rN (pr1 f eM))
              ( ap id ef)) 
            ( ( ap
                ( ( μf eM eM  ap (μN (pr1 f eM)) ef) ∙_)
                ( nat-htpy rN ef)) 
              ( ( inv
                  ( assoc
                    ( μf eM eM  ap (μN (pr1 f eM)) ef)
                    ( ap (mul-Coherent-H-Space' N eN) ef)
                    ( rN eN))) 
                ( ap
                  ( λ t  t  rN eN)
                  ( ( assoc
                      ( μf eM eM)
                      ( ap (μN (pr1 f eM)) ef)
                      ( ap (mul-Coherent-H-Space' N eN) ef)) 
                    ( ap
                      ( μf eM eM ∙_)
                      ( inv (triangle-ap-binary' μN ef ef)))))))))))
  eM = unit-Coherent-H-Space M
  μM = mul-Coherent-H-Space M
  lM = left-unit-law-mul-Coherent-H-Space M
  rM = right-unit-law-mul-Coherent-H-Space M
  cM = coh-unit-laws-mul-Coherent-H-Space M
  eN = unit-Coherent-H-Space N
  μN = mul-Coherent-H-Space N
  lN = left-unit-law-mul-Coherent-H-Space N
  rN = right-unit-law-mul-Coherent-H-Space N
  cN = coh-unit-laws-mul-Coherent-H-Space N
  ef = pr2 f

preserves-unital-mul :
  {l1 l2 : Level} (M : Coherent-H-Space l1) (N : Coherent-H-Space l2) 
  (f : pointed-type-Coherent-H-Space M →∗ pointed-type-Coherent-H-Space N) 
  UU (l1  l2)
preserves-unital-mul M N f =
  Σ ( preserves-mul μM μN (pr1 f))
    ( λ μ11 
      Σ ( preserves-left-unit-law-mul μM lM μN lN (pr1 f) (pr2 f) μ11)
        ( λ μ01 
          Σ ( preserves-right-unit-law-mul μM rM μN rN (pr1 f) (pr2 f) μ11)
            ( λ μ10  preserves-coh-unit-laws-mul M N f μ11 μ01 μ10)))
  μM = mul-Coherent-H-Space M
  lM = left-unit-law-mul-Coherent-H-Space M
  rM = right-unit-law-mul-Coherent-H-Space M
  μN = mul-Coherent-H-Space N
  lN = left-unit-law-mul-Coherent-H-Space N
  rN = right-unit-law-mul-Coherent-H-Space N

hom-Coherent-H-Space :
  {l1 l2 : Level} (M : Coherent-H-Space l1) (N : Coherent-H-Space l2) 
  UU (l1  l2)
hom-Coherent-H-Space M N =
  Σ ( pointed-type-Coherent-H-Space M →∗ pointed-type-Coherent-H-Space N)
    ( preserves-unital-mul M N)

Homotopies of morphisms of wild unital magmas

preserves-mul-htpy :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} (μA : A  A  A) (μB : B  B  B) 
  {f g : A  B} (μf : preserves-mul μA μB f) (μg : preserves-mul μA μB g) 
  (f ~ g)  UU (l1  l2)
preserves-mul-htpy {A = A} μA μB μf μg H =
  (a b : A)  Id (μf a b  ap-binary μB (H a) (H b)) (H (μA a b)  μg a b)

preserves-left-unit-law-mul-htpy :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2}
  (μA : A → A → A) {eA : A} (lA : (a : A) → Id (μA eA a) a)
  (μB : B → B → B) {eB : B} (lB : (b : B) → Id (μB eB b) b)
  {f : A → B} {pf : Id (f eA) eB} (μf : preserves-mul μA μB f)
  (lf : preserves-left-unit-law-mul μA lA μB lB f pf μf)
  {g : A → B} {pg : Id (g eA) eB} (μg : preserves-mul μA μB g)
  (lg : preserves-left-unit-law-mul μA lA μB lB g pg μg) →
  {H : f ~ g} (μH : preserves-mul-htpy μA μB μf μg H) (pH : Id pf (H eA ∙ pg)) →
  UU (l1 ⊔ l2)
preserves-left-unit-law-mul-htpy μA lA μB lB μf lf μg lg μH pH = {!!}