Higher modalities

module orthogonal-factorization-systems.higher-modalities where
open import foundation.cartesian-product-types
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.equivalences
open import foundation.function-extensionality
open import foundation.functions
open import foundation.homotopies
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.small-types
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import orthogonal-factorization-systems.modal-operators
open import orthogonal-factorization-systems.uniquely-eliminating-modalities


A higher modality is a higher mode of logic defined in terms of a monadic modal operator satisfying a certain induction principle.

The induction principle states that for every type X and family P : ○ X → UU, to define a dependent map (x' : ○ X) → ○ (P x') it suffices to define it on the image of the modal unit, i.e. (x : X) → ○ (P (unit-○ x)). Moreover, it satisfies a computation principle stating that when evaluating a map defined in this manner on the image of the modal unit, one recovers the defining map (propositionally).

Lastly, higher modalities must also be identity closed in the sense that for every type X the identity types (x' = y') are modal for all terms x' y' : ○ X. Because of this, higher modalities in their most general form only make sense for locally small modal operators.


The universal property of higher modalities

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level}
  { : operator-modality l1 l2}
  (unit-○ : unit-modality )

  ind-modality : UU (lsuc l1  l2)
  ind-modality =
    (X : UU l1) (P :  X  UU l1) 
    ((x : X)   (P (unit-○ x))) 
    (x' :  X)   (P x')

  rec-modality : UU (lsuc l1  l2)
  rec-modality = (X Y : UU l1)  (X   Y)   X   Y

  compute-ind-modality : ind-modality  UU (lsuc l1  l2)
  compute-ind-modality ind-○ =
    (X : UU l1) (P :  X  UU l1) 
    (f : (x : X)   (P (unit-○ x))) 
    (x : X)  ind-○ X P f (unit-○ x)  f x

  modal-universal-property : UU (lsuc l1  l2)
  modal-universal-property =
    Σ ind-modality compute-ind-modality

  rec-modality-ind-modality : ind-modality  rec-modality
  rec-modality-ind-modality ind X Y = ind X  _  Y)

Closure under identity type formers

We say that the identity types of a locally small type are modal if their small equivalent is modal. We say that a modality is closed under identity type formation if for every modal type, their identity types are also modal.

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level}
  (( , is-locally-small-○) : locally-small-operator-modality l1 l2 l1)
  (unit-○ : unit-modality )

  is-modal-identity-types : UU (lsuc l1  l2)
  is-modal-identity-types =
    (X : UU l1) (x y :  X) 
    is-modal (unit-○) (type-is-small (is-locally-small-○ X x y))

The is-higher-modality predicate

  is-higher-modality : UU (lsuc l1  l2)
  is-higher-modality =
    modal-universal-property (unit-○) × is-modal-identity-types

Components of a is-higher-modality proof

  ind-modality-is-higher-modality : is-higher-modality  ind-modality unit-○
  ind-modality-is-higher-modality = pr1  pr1

  rec-modality-is-higher-modality : is-higher-modality  rec-modality unit-○
  rec-modality-is-higher-modality =
    rec-modality-ind-modality unit-○  ind-modality-is-higher-modality

  compute-ind-modality-is-higher-modality :
    (h : is-higher-modality) 
    compute-ind-modality unit-○ (ind-modality-is-higher-modality h)
  compute-ind-modality-is-higher-modality = pr2  pr1

  is-modal-identity-types-is-higher-modality :
    is-higher-modality  is-modal-identity-types
  is-modal-identity-types-is-higher-modality = pr2

The structure of a higher modality

higher-modality : (l1 l2 : Level)  UU (lsuc l1  lsuc l2)
higher-modality l1 l2 =
  Σ ( locally-small-operator-modality l1 l2 l1)
    ( λ  
      Σ ( unit-modality (pr1 ))
        ( is-higher-modality ))

Compoents of a higher modality

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (h : higher-modality l1 l2)

  locally-small-operator-higher-modality :
    locally-small-operator-modality l1 l2 l1
  locally-small-operator-higher-modality = pr1 h

  operator-higher-modality : operator-modality l1 l2
  operator-higher-modality =
      ( locally-small-operator-higher-modality)

  is-locally-small-operator-higher-modality :
    is-locally-small-operator-modality (operator-higher-modality)
  is-locally-small-operator-higher-modality =
      ( locally-small-operator-higher-modality)

  unit-higher-modality :
    unit-modality (operator-higher-modality)
  unit-higher-modality = pr1 (pr2 h)

  is-higher-modality-higher-modality :
      ( locally-small-operator-higher-modality)
      ( unit-higher-modality)
  is-higher-modality-higher-modality = pr2 (pr2 h)

  ind-modality-higher-modality :
    ind-modality (unit-higher-modality)
  ind-modality-higher-modality =
      ( locally-small-operator-higher-modality)
      ( unit-higher-modality)
      ( is-higher-modality-higher-modality)

  rec-modality-higher-modality :
    rec-modality (unit-higher-modality)
  rec-modality-higher-modality =
      ( unit-higher-modality)
      ( ind-modality-higher-modality)

  compute-ind-modality-higher-modality :
      ( unit-higher-modality)
      ( ind-modality-higher-modality)
  compute-ind-modality-higher-modality =
      ( locally-small-operator-higher-modality)
      ( unit-higher-modality)
      ( is-higher-modality-higher-modality)

  is-modal-identity-types-higher-modality :
      ( locally-small-operator-higher-modality)
      ( unit-higher-modality)
  is-modal-identity-types-higher-modality =
    ( is-modal-identity-types-is-higher-modality)
    ( locally-small-operator-higher-modality)
    ( unit-higher-modality)
    ( is-higher-modality-higher-modality)


The modal operator's action on maps

module _
  {l : Level}
  { : operator-modality l l} (unit-○ : unit-modality )

  map-rec-modality :
    (rec-○ : rec-modality unit-○) {X Y : UU l}  (X  Y)   X   Y
  map-rec-modality rec-○ {X} {Y} f = rec-○ X Y (unit-○  f)
module _
  {l1 l2 : Level}
  (( , is-locally-small-○) : locally-small-operator-modality l1 l2 l1)
  (unit-○ : unit-modality )
  (Id-○ : is-modal-identity-types ( , is-locally-small-○) unit-○)

  elim-Id-higher-modality :
    {X : UU l1} {x' y' :  X} 
     (type-is-small (is-locally-small-○ X x' y'))  x'  y'
  elim-Id-higher-modality {X} {x'} {y'} =
    map-inv-unit-is-modal-is-small unit-○
      ( x'  y')
      ( is-locally-small-○ X x' y')
      ( Id-○ X x' y')

For homogenous higher modalities, The identity types of modal types are modal in the usual sense

module _
  {l : Level}
  ( (( , is-locally-small-○) , unit-○ , (ind-○ , compute-ind-○) , Id-○) :
      higher-modality l l)

  map-inv-unit-id-higher-modality :
    {X : UU l} {x' y' :  X}   (x'  y')  x'  y'
  map-inv-unit-id-higher-modality {X} {x'} {y'} =
    map-inv-unit-is-modal-is-small unit-○
      ( x'  y')
      ( is-locally-small-○ X x' y')
      ( Id-○ X x' y') 
      ( map-rec-modality unit-○
        ( rec-modality-ind-modality unit-○ ind-○)
        ( map-equiv-is-small ( is-locally-small-○ X x' y')))

○ X is modal

module _
  {l : Level}
  ( (( , is-locally-small-○) , unit-○ , (ind-○ , compute-ind-○) , Id-○) :
      higher-modality l l)
  (X : UU l)

  map-inv-unit-higher-modality :  ( X)   X
  map-inv-unit-higher-modality = ind-○ ( X)  _  X) id

  isretr-map-inv-unit-higher-modality :
    (map-inv-unit-higher-modality  unit-○) ~ id
  isretr-map-inv-unit-higher-modality = compute-ind-○ ( X)  _  X) id

  issec-map-inv-unit-higher-modality :
    (unit-○  map-inv-unit-higher-modality) ~ id
  issec-map-inv-unit-higher-modality x'' =
      ( ( , is-locally-small-○) , unit-○ , (ind-○ , compute-ind-○) , Id-○)
      ( ind-○ ( X)
        ( λ x''  unit-○ (map-inv-unit-higher-modality x'')  x'')
        ( unit-○  (ap unit-○  isretr-map-inv-unit-higher-modality)) x'')

  is-modal-operator-modality-type : is-modal unit-○ ( X)
  pr1 (pr1 is-modal-operator-modality-type) = map-inv-unit-higher-modality
  pr2 (pr1 is-modal-operator-modality-type) = issec-map-inv-unit-higher-modality
  pr1 (pr2 is-modal-operator-modality-type) = map-inv-unit-higher-modality
  pr2 (pr2 is-modal-operator-modality-type) =

Higher modalities are uniquely eliminating modalities

module _
  {l : Level}
  ( (( , is-locally-small-○) , unit-○ , (ind-○ , compute-ind-○) , Id-○) :
      higher-modality l l)

  isretr-ind-modality :
    {X : UU l} {P :  X  UU l}  (precomp-Π unit-○ (  P)  ind-○ X P) ~ id
  isretr-ind-modality {X} {P} = eq-htpy  compute-ind-○ X P

  issec-ind-modality :
    {X : UU l} {P :  X  UU l}  (ind-○ X P  precomp-Π unit-○ (  P)) ~ id
  issec-ind-modality {X} {P} s =
      ( map-inv-unit-id-higher-modality
        ( ( , is-locally-small-○) , unit-○ , (ind-○ , compute-ind-○) , Id-○) 
        ( ind-○ X
          ( λ x'  (ind-○ X P  precomp-Π (unit-○) (  P)) s x'  s x')
          ( unit-○  compute-ind-○ X P (s  unit-○))))

  is-equiv-ind-modality : (X : UU l) (P :  X  UU l)  is-equiv (ind-○ X P)
  pr1 (pr1 (is-equiv-ind-modality X P)) = precomp-Π unit-○ (  P)
  pr2 (pr1 (is-equiv-ind-modality X P)) = issec-ind-modality
  pr1 (pr2 (is-equiv-ind-modality X P)) = precomp-Π unit-○ (  P)
  pr2 (pr2 (is-equiv-ind-modality X P)) = isretr-ind-modality

  equiv-ind-modality :
    (X : UU l) (P :  X  UU l) 
    ((x : X)   (P (unit-○ x)))  ((x' :  X)   (P x'))
  pr1 (equiv-ind-modality X P) = ind-○ X P
  pr2 (equiv-ind-modality X P) = is-equiv-ind-modality X P

  is-uniquely-eliminating-modality-higher-modality :
    is-uniquely-eliminating-modality unit-○
  is-uniquely-eliminating-modality-higher-modality X P =
    is-equiv-map-inv-is-equiv (is-equiv-ind-modality X P)

See also

The equivalent notions of


  • Egbert Rijke, Michael Shulman, Bas Spitters, Modalities in homotopy type theory, Logical Methods in Computer Science, Volume 16, Issue 1, 2020 (arXiv:1706.07526, doi:10.23638)