Central elements of semirings
module group-theory.central-elements-semigroups where
open import foundation.identity-types open import foundation.propositions open import foundation.sets open import foundation.universe-levels open import group-theory.semigroups
An element x
of a semigroup G
is said to be central if xy = yx
for every
y : G
module _ {l : Level} (G : Semigroup l) where is-central-element-semigroup-Prop : type-Semigroup G → Prop l is-central-element-semigroup-Prop x = Π-Prop ( type-Semigroup G) ( λ y → Id-Prop ( set-Semigroup G) ( mul-Semigroup G x y) ( mul-Semigroup G y x)) is-central-element-Semigroup : type-Semigroup G → UU l is-central-element-Semigroup x = type-Prop (is-central-element-semigroup-Prop x) is-prop-is-central-element-Semigroup : (x : type-Semigroup G) → is-prop (is-central-element-Semigroup x) is-prop-is-central-element-Semigroup x = is-prop-type-Prop (is-central-element-semigroup-Prop x)
The product of two central elements is central
module _ {l : Level} (G : Semigroup l) where is-central-element-mul-Semigroup : (x y : type-Semigroup G) → is-central-element-Semigroup G x → is-central-element-Semigroup G y → is-central-element-Semigroup G (mul-Semigroup G x y) is-central-element-mul-Semigroup x y H K z = ( associative-mul-Semigroup G x y z) ∙ ( ( ap (mul-Semigroup G x) (K z)) ∙ ( ( inv (associative-mul-Semigroup G x z y)) ∙ ( ( ap (mul-Semigroup' G y) (H z)) ∙ ( associative-mul-Semigroup G z x y))))