Rooted undirected trees

module trees.rooted-undirected-trees where
open import elementary-number-theory.natural-numbers

open import foundation.coproduct-types
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.unit-type
open import foundation.universe-levels
open import foundation.unordered-pairs

open import graph-theory.trails-undirected-graphs
open import graph-theory.undirected-graphs

open import trees.undirected-trees


A rooted undirected tree is a tree equipped with a marked node. The marked node is called the root of the undirected tree.


Rooted-Undirected-Tree : (l1 l2 : Level)  UU (lsuc l1  lsuc l2)
Rooted-Undirected-Tree l1 l2 = Σ (Undirected-Tree l1 l2) node-Undirected-Tree

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (T : Rooted-Undirected-Tree l1 l2)

  tree-Rooted-Undirected-Tree : Undirected-Tree l1 l2
  tree-Rooted-Undirected-Tree = pr1 T

  undirected-graph-Rooted-Undirected-Tree : Undirected-Graph l1 l2
  undirected-graph-Rooted-Undirected-Tree =
    undirected-graph-Undirected-Tree tree-Rooted-Undirected-Tree

  node-Rooted-Undirected-Tree : UU l1
  node-Rooted-Undirected-Tree = node-Undirected-Tree tree-Rooted-Undirected-Tree

  root-Rooted-Undirected-Tree : node-Rooted-Undirected-Tree
  root-Rooted-Undirected-Tree = pr2 T

  trail-to-root-Rooted-Undirected-Tree :
    (x : node-Rooted-Undirected-Tree) 
    trail-Undirected-Graph undirected-graph-Rooted-Undirected-Tree x
  trail-to-root-Rooted-Undirected-Tree x =
      ( tree-Rooted-Undirected-Tree)
      ( x)
      ( root-Rooted-Undirected-Tree)

  height-node-Rooted-Undirected-Tree : node-Rooted-Undirected-Tree  
  height-node-Rooted-Undirected-Tree x =
      ( undirected-graph-Rooted-Undirected-Tree)
      ( trail-to-root-Rooted-Undirected-Tree x)

  node-of-height-one-Rooted-Undirected-Tree : UU l1
  node-of-height-one-Rooted-Undirected-Tree =
    Σ ( node-Rooted-Undirected-Tree)
      ( λ x  is-one-ℕ (height-node-Rooted-Undirected-Tree x))


The type of rooted trees is equivalent to the type of forests of rooted trees

Forest-Rooted-Undirected-Trees :
  (l1 l2 l3 : Level)  UU (lsuc l1  lsuc l2  lsuc l3)
Forest-Rooted-Undirected-Trees l1 l2 l3 =
  Σ (UU l1)  X  X  Rooted-Undirected-Tree l2 l3)

module _
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level} (F : Forest-Rooted-Undirected-Trees l1 l2 l3)

  indexing-type-Forest-Rooted-Undirected-Trees : UU l1
  indexing-type-Forest-Rooted-Undirected-Trees = pr1 F

  family-of-rooted-trees-Forest-Rooted-Undirected-Trees :
    indexing-type-Forest-Rooted-Undirected-Trees  Rooted-Undirected-Tree l2 l3
  family-of-rooted-trees-Forest-Rooted-Undirected-Trees = pr2 F

  node-rooted-tree-Forest-Rooted-Undirected-Trees : UU (l1  l2)
  node-rooted-tree-Forest-Rooted-Undirected-Trees =
    ( Σ indexing-type-Forest-Rooted-Undirected-Trees
      ( λ x 
          ( family-of-rooted-trees-Forest-Rooted-Undirected-Trees x))) +
    ( unit)

  unordered-pair-of-nodes-rooted-tree-Forest-Rooted-Undirected-Trees :
    UU (lsuc lzero  l1  l2)
  unordered-pair-of-nodes-rooted-tree-Forest-Rooted-Undirected-Trees =
    unordered-pair node-rooted-tree-Forest-Rooted-Undirected-Trees