Smash products of pointed types

module synthetic-homotopy-theory.smash-products-of-pointed-types where
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import structured-types.pointed-cartesian-product-types
open import structured-types.pointed-maps
open import structured-types.pointed-types
open import structured-types.pointed-unit-type

open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.cocones-under-spans-of-pointed-types
open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.pushouts-of-pointed-types
open import synthetic-homotopy-theory.wedges-of-pointed-types


Given two pointed types a : A and b : B we may form their smash product as the following pushout

 A ∨∗ B ----> A ×∗ B
    |           |
    |           |
    v        ⌜  v
  unit -----> A ∧∗ B

where the map A ∨∗ B → A ×∗ B is the canonical inclusion map-wedge-prod-Pointed-Type.


smash-prod-Pointed-Type :
  {l1 l2 : Level} (A : Pointed-Type l1) (B : Pointed-Type l2) 
  Pointed-Type (l1  l2)
smash-prod-Pointed-Type A B =
    ( pointed-map-prod-wedge-Pointed-Type A B)
    ( terminal-pointed-map (A ∨∗ B))

_∧∗_ = smash-prod-Pointed-Type

Note: The symbols used for the smash product _∧∗_ are the logical and (agda-input: \wedge \and), and the asterisk operator (agda-input: \ast), not the asterisk *.

cogap-smash-prod-Pointed-Type :
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level}
  {A : Pointed-Type l1} {B : Pointed-Type l2} {X : Pointed-Type l3} 
    ( pointed-map-prod-wedge-Pointed-Type A B)
    ( terminal-pointed-map (A ∨∗ B)) X 
  (A ∧∗ B) →∗ X
cogap-smash-prod-Pointed-Type {A = A} {B} =
    ( pointed-map-prod-wedge-Pointed-Type A B)
    ( terminal-pointed-map (A ∨∗ B))

map-cogap-smash-prod-Pointed-Type :
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level}
  {A : Pointed-Type l1} {B : Pointed-Type l2} {X : Pointed-Type l3} 
    ( pointed-map-prod-wedge-Pointed-Type A B)
    ( terminal-pointed-map (A ∨∗ B))
    ( X) 
  type-Pointed-Type (A ∧∗ B)  type-Pointed-Type X
map-cogap-smash-prod-Pointed-Type c =
  pr1 (cogap-smash-prod-Pointed-Type c)


The canonical pointed map from the product to the smash product

pointed-map-smash-prod-prod-Pointed-Type :
  {l1 l2 : Level} (A : Pointed-Type l1) (B : Pointed-Type l2) 
  (A ×∗ B) →∗ (A ∧∗ B)
pointed-map-smash-prod-prod-Pointed-Type A B =
    ( pointed-map-prod-wedge-Pointed-Type A B)
    ( terminal-pointed-map (A ∨∗ B))

The smash product is the product in the category of pointed types

gap-smash-prod-Pointed-Type :
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level}
  (A : Pointed-Type l1) (B : Pointed-Type l2) (S : Pointed-Type l3) 
  (f : S →∗ A) (g : S →∗ B)  S →∗ (A ∧∗ B)
gap-smash-prod-Pointed-Type A B S f g =
  pointed-map-smash-prod-prod-Pointed-Type A B ∘∗
  gap-prod-Pointed-Type A B S f g

map-gap-smash-prod-Pointed-Type :
  {l1 l2 l3 : Level}
  (A : Pointed-Type l1) (B : Pointed-Type l2) (S : Pointed-Type l3) 
  (f : S →∗ A) (g : S →∗ B)  type-Pointed-Type S  type-Pointed-Type (A ∧∗ B)
map-gap-smash-prod-Pointed-Type A B S f g =
  pr1 (gap-smash-prod-Pointed-Type A B S f g)

It remains to show that this is the correct map, and that it is unique.

See also