Ranks of elements in W-types

module trees.ranks-of-elements-w-types where
open import foundation.cartesian-product-types
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.empty-types
open import foundation.existential-quantification
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.negation
open import foundation.propositional-truncations
open import foundation.propositions
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import trees.elementhood-relation-w-types
open import trees.inequality-w-types
open import trees.w-types


Consider two elements x and y of a W-type 𝕎 A B. We say that the rank of x is at most the rank of y if for every element x' ∈ x and for every element y' ∈ y the rank of x' is at most the rank of y'.


Rank comparison

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2}

  _≼-𝕎-Prop_ : 𝕎 A B  𝕎 A B  Prop (l1  l2)
  (tree-𝕎 x α) ≼-𝕎-Prop (tree-𝕎 y β) =
    Π-Prop (B x)  b  exists-Prop (B y)  c  (α b) ≼-𝕎-Prop (β c)))

  _≼-𝕎_ : 𝕎 A B  𝕎 A B  UU (l1  l2)
  x ≼-𝕎 y = type-Prop (x ≼-𝕎-Prop y)

  _≈-𝕎-Prop_ : (x y : 𝕎 A B)  Prop (l1  l2)
  x ≈-𝕎-Prop y = prod-Prop (x ≼-𝕎-Prop y) (y ≼-𝕎-Prop x)

  _≈-𝕎_ : (x y : 𝕎 A B)  UU (l1  l2)
  x ≈-𝕎 y = type-Prop (x ≈-𝕎-Prop y)

Strict rank comparison

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2}

  _≺-𝕎-Prop_ : 𝕎 A B  𝕎 A B  Prop (l1  l2)
  x ≺-𝕎-Prop y =
    exists-Prop (Σ (𝕎 A B)  w  w ∈-𝕎 y))  t  x ≼-𝕎-Prop (pr1 t))

  _≺-𝕎_ : 𝕎 A B  𝕎 A B  UU (l1  l2)
  x ≺-𝕎 y = type-Prop (x ≺-𝕎-Prop y)

  in-lower-set-≺-𝕎-Prop : (x y : 𝕎 A B)  Prop (l1  l2)
  in-lower-set-≺-𝕎-Prop x y = y ≺-𝕎-Prop x

  in-lower-set-≺-𝕎 : (x y : 𝕎 A B)  UU (l1  l2)
  in-lower-set-≺-𝕎 x y = y ≺-𝕎 x

  has-same-lower-set-≺-𝕎 : (x y : 𝕎 A B)  UU (l1  l2)
  has-same-lower-set-≺-𝕎 x y = (z : 𝕎 A B)  (z ≺-𝕎 x) × (z ≺-𝕎 y)

Strong rank comparison

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2}

  _strong-≼-𝕎-Prop_ : 𝕎 A B  𝕎 A B  Prop (l1  l2)
  x strong-≼-𝕎-Prop y =
      ( 𝕎 A B)
      ( λ u 
          ( u ∈-𝕎 x)
          ( λ H 
              ( 𝕎 A B)
              ( λ v 
                exists-Prop (v ∈-𝕎 y)  K  u ≼-𝕎-Prop v))))

  _strong-≼-𝕎_ : 𝕎 A B  𝕎 A B  UU (l1  l2)
  x strong-≼-𝕎 y = type-Prop (x strong-≼-𝕎-Prop y)


Reflexivity of rank comparison

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2}

  refl-≼-𝕎 : (x : 𝕎 A B)  x ≼-𝕎 x
  refl-≼-𝕎 (tree-𝕎 x α) b = unit-trunc-Prop (pair b (refl-≼-𝕎 (α b)))

Transitivity of rank comparison

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2}

  transitive-≼-𝕎 : {x y z : 𝕎 A B}  (x ≼-𝕎 y)  (y ≼-𝕎 z)  (x ≼-𝕎 z)
  transitive-≼-𝕎 {tree-𝕎 x α} {tree-𝕎 y β} {tree-𝕎 z γ} H K a =
      ( H a)
      ( exists-Prop (B z)  c  (α a) ≼-𝕎-Prop (γ c)))
      ( λ t 
          ( K (pr1 t))
          ( exists-Prop (B z)  c  (α a) ≼-𝕎-Prop (γ c)))
          ( λ s 
              ( pair
                ( pr1 s)
                ( transitive-≼-𝕎
                  { α a}
                  { β (pr1 t)}
                  { γ (pr1 s)}
                  ( pr2 t)
                  ( pr2 s)))))

Rank comparison is equivalent to strong rank comparison

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2}

  strong-≼-≼-𝕎 : {x y : 𝕎 A B}  (x ≼-𝕎 y)  (x strong-≼-𝕎 y)
  strong-≼-≼-𝕎 {tree-𝕎 x α} {tree-𝕎 y β} H .(α b) (pair b refl) =
    apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop (H b)
      ( exists-Prop
        ( 𝕎 A B)
        (  v  exists-Prop (v ∈-𝕎 tree-𝕎 y β)  hv  (α b) ≼-𝕎-Prop v))))
      ( f)
      f :
        Σ (B y)  c  pr1 (α b ≼-𝕎-Prop β c)) 
          ( 𝕎 A B)
          ( λ v  exists-Prop (v ∈-𝕎 tree-𝕎 y β)  hv  α b ≼-𝕎-Prop v))
      f (pair c K) =
          ( λ v  exists-Prop (v ∈-𝕎 tree-𝕎 y β)  hv  α b ≼-𝕎-Prop v))
          ( β c)
          ( intro-exists
            ( λ hβc  α b ≼-𝕎-Prop β c)
            ( pair c refl)
            ( K))

  ≼-strong-≼-𝕎 : {x y : 𝕎 A B}  (x strong-≼-𝕎 y)  (x ≼-𝕎 y)
  ≼-strong-≼-𝕎 {tree-𝕎 x α} {tree-𝕎 y β} H b =
      ( H (α b) (pair b refl))
      ( exists-Prop (B y)  c  α b ≼-𝕎-Prop β c))
      ( f)
    f :
      Σ ( 𝕎 A B)
        ( λ v  exists (v ∈-𝕎 tree-𝕎 y β)  K  α b ≼-𝕎-Prop v)) 
      exists (B y)  c  α b ≼-𝕎-Prop β c)
    f (pair v K) =
        apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop K
          ( exists-Prop (B y)  c  α b ≼-𝕎-Prop β c))
          ( g)
      g : (v ∈-𝕎 tree-𝕎 y β) × (α b ≼-𝕎 v)   (B y)  c  α b ≼-𝕎 β c)
      g (pair (pair c p) M) = intro-∃ c (tr  t  α b ≼-𝕎 t) (inv p) M)

If x ∈ y then the rank of x is at most the rank of y

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2}

  ≼-∈-𝕎 : {x y : 𝕎 A B}  (x ∈-𝕎 y)  (x ≼-𝕎 y)
  ≼-∈-𝕎 {tree-𝕎 x α} {tree-𝕎 y β} (pair v p) u =
      ( λ z  α u ≼-𝕎-Prop β z)
      ( v)
      ( tr ( λ t  α u ≼-𝕎 t)
           ( inv p)
           ( ≼-∈-𝕎 {α u} {tree-𝕎 x α} (pair u refl)))

If x ∈ y then the rank of x is strictly lower than the rank of y

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2}

  ≼-le-𝕎 : {x y : 𝕎 A B}  (x <-𝕎 y)  (x ≼-𝕎 y)
  ≼-le-𝕎 {x} {y} (le-∈-𝕎 H) = ≼-∈-𝕎 H
  ≼-le-𝕎 {x} {y} (propagate-le-𝕎 {y = y'} K H) =
    transitive-≼-𝕎 {x = x} {y = y'} {y} (≼-le-𝕎 H) (≼-∈-𝕎 K)

If x ∈ y then the rank of y is not lower than the rank of x

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2}

  not-≼-∈-𝕎 : {x y : 𝕎 A B}  (x ∈-𝕎 y)  ¬ (y ≼-𝕎 x)
  not-≼-∈-𝕎 {tree-𝕎 x α} {tree-𝕎 y β} (pair b p) K =
    apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop (K b) (empty-Prop) f
    f : Σ (B x)  c  β b ≼-𝕎 α c)  empty
    f (pair c L) =
      not-≼-∈-𝕎 {α c} {β b} (tr  t  α c ∈-𝕎 t) (inv p) (pair c refl)) L

If x ∈ y then the rank of y is not strictly below the rank of x

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2}

  not-≼-le-𝕎 : {x y : 𝕎 A B}  (x <-𝕎 y)  ¬ (y ≼-𝕎 x)
  not-≼-le-𝕎 {x} {y} (le-∈-𝕎 H) = not-≼-∈-𝕎 {x = x} {y} H
  not-≼-le-𝕎 {x} {y} (propagate-le-𝕎 {y = y'} H K) L =
    not-≼-∈-𝕎 {x = y'} {y} H (transitive-≼-𝕎 {x = y} {x} {y'} L (≼-le-𝕎 K))

Constants are elements of least rank

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2}

  is-least-≼-constant-𝕎 :
    {x : A} (h : is-empty (B x)) (w : 𝕎 A B)  constant-𝕎 x h ≼-𝕎 w
  is-least-≼-constant-𝕎 h (tree-𝕎 y β) x = ex-falso (h x)

  is-least-≼-is-constant-𝕎 :
    {x : 𝕎 A B}  is-constant-𝕎 x  (y : 𝕎 A B)  x ≼-𝕎 y
  is-least-≼-is-constant-𝕎 {tree-𝕎 x α} H (tree-𝕎 y β) z =
    ex-falso (H z)

  is-constant-is-least-≼-𝕎 :
    {x : 𝕎 A B}  ((y : 𝕎 A B)  x ≼-𝕎 y)  is-constant-𝕎 x
  is-constant-is-least-≼-𝕎 {tree-𝕎 x α} H b =
    not-≼-∈-𝕎 {x = α b} {tree-𝕎 x α} (pair b refl) (H (α b))

If the rank of x is strictly below the rank of y, then the rank of x is at most the rank of y

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2}

  ≼-≺-𝕎 : {x y : 𝕎 A B}  (x ≺-𝕎 y)  (x ≼-𝕎 y)
  ≼-≺-𝕎 {x} {y} H =
    apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop H (x ≼-𝕎-Prop y) f
    f : Σ (Σ (𝕎 A B)  w  w ∈-𝕎 y))  t  x ≼-𝕎 pr1 t)  (x ≼-𝕎 y)
    f (pair (pair w K) L) = transitive-≼-𝕎 {x = x} {w} {y} L (≼-∈-𝕎 K)

Strict rank comparison is transitive

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2}

  transitive-≺-𝕎 : {x y z : 𝕎 A B}  (x ≺-𝕎 y)  (y ≺-𝕎 z)  (x ≺-𝕎 z)
  transitive-≺-𝕎 {x} {y} {z} H K =
    apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop H (x ≺-𝕎-Prop z) f
    f : Σ (Σ (𝕎 A B)  w  w ∈-𝕎 y))  t  x ≼-𝕎 pr1 t)  x ≺-𝕎 z
    f (pair (pair w L) M) =
      apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop K (x ≺-𝕎-Prop z) g
      g : Σ (Σ (𝕎 A B)  w  w ∈-𝕎 z))  t  y ≼-𝕎 pr1 t)  x ≺-𝕎 z
      g (pair (pair v P) Q) =
          ( λ t  x ≼-𝕎-Prop (pr1 t))
          ( pair v P)
          ( transitive-≼-𝕎 {x = x} {w} {v} M
            ( transitive-≼-𝕎 {x = w} {y} {v} (≼-∈-𝕎 L) Q))

Strict rank comparison is irreflexive

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2}

  irreflexive-≺-𝕎 : {x : 𝕎 A B}  ¬ (x ≺-𝕎 x)
  irreflexive-≺-𝕎 {tree-𝕎 x α} H =
    apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop H empty-Prop f
    f :
      ¬ ( Σ ( Σ (𝕎 A B)  w  w ∈-𝕎 tree-𝕎 x α))
            ( λ t  tree-𝕎 x α ≼-𝕎 pr1 t))
    f (pair (pair w K) L) = not-≼-∈-𝕎 {x = w} {tree-𝕎 x α} K L