Invertible elements in monoids

module group-theory.invertible-elements-monoids where
open import foundation.cartesian-product-types
open import foundation.contractible-types
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.propositions
open import foundation.sets
open import foundation.subtypes
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import group-theory.monoids


An element x ∈ M in a monoid M is said to be invertible if there is an element y ∈ M such that xy = e and yx = e.


Invertible elements

module _
  {l : Level} (M : Monoid l)

  is-invertible-element-Monoid : type-Monoid M  UU l
  is-invertible-element-Monoid x =
    Σ ( type-Monoid M)
      ( λ y 
        Id (mul-Monoid M y x) (unit-Monoid M) ×
        Id (mul-Monoid M x y) (unit-Monoid M))

Right inverses

module _
  {l : Level} (M : Monoid l)

  has-right-inverse-Monoid : type-Monoid M  UU l
  has-right-inverse-Monoid x =
    Σ ( type-Monoid M)
      ( λ y  Id (mul-Monoid M x y) (unit-Monoid M))

Left inverses

module _
  {l : Level} (M : Monoid l)

  has-left-inverse-Monoid : type-Monoid M  UU l
  has-left-inverse-Monoid x =
    Σ ( type-Monoid M)
      ( λ y  Id (mul-Monoid M y x) (unit-Monoid M))


Being invertible is a property

module _
  {l : Level} (M : Monoid l)

  all-elements-equal-is-invertible-element-Monoid :
    (x : type-Monoid M)  all-elements-equal (is-invertible-element-Monoid M x)
  all-elements-equal-is-invertible-element-Monoid x
    (pair y (pair p q)) (pair y' (pair p' q')) =
      ( λ z 
          ( Id-Prop (set-Monoid M) (mul-Monoid M z x) (unit-Monoid M))
          ( Id-Prop (set-Monoid M) (mul-Monoid M x z) (unit-Monoid M)))
      ( ( inv (left-unit-law-mul-Monoid M y)) 
        ( ( inv (ap  z  mul-Monoid M z y) p')) 
          ( ( associative-mul-Monoid M y' x y) 
            ( ( ap (mul-Monoid M y') q) 
              ( right-unit-law-mul-Monoid M y')))))

  is-prop-is-invertible-element-Monoid :
    (x : type-Monoid M)  is-prop (is-invertible-element-Monoid M x)
  is-prop-is-invertible-element-Monoid x =
      ( all-elements-equal-is-invertible-element-Monoid x)

  is-invertible-element-monoid-Prop : type-Monoid M  Prop l
  pr1 (is-invertible-element-monoid-Prop x) = is-invertible-element-Monoid M x
  pr2 (is-invertible-element-monoid-Prop x) =
    is-prop-is-invertible-element-Monoid x

Any invertible element of a monoid has a contractible type of right inverses

module _
  {l : Level} (M : Monoid l)

  is-contr-has-right-inverse-Monoid :
    (x : type-Monoid M)  is-invertible-element-Monoid M x 
    is-contr (has-right-inverse-Monoid M x)
  pr1 (pr1 (is-contr-has-right-inverse-Monoid x (pair y (pair p q)))) = y
  pr2 (pr1 (is-contr-has-right-inverse-Monoid x (pair y (pair p q)))) = q
  pr2 (is-contr-has-right-inverse-Monoid x (pair y (pair p q))) (pair y' q') =
      ( λ u  Id-Prop (set-Monoid M) (mul-Monoid M x u) (unit-Monoid M))
      ( ( inv (right-unit-law-mul-Monoid M y)) 
        ( ( ap (mul-Monoid M y) (inv q')) 
          ( ( inv (associative-mul-Monoid M y x y')) 
            ( ( ap (mul-Monoid' M y') p) 
              ( left-unit-law-mul-Monoid M y')))))

Any invertible element of a monoid has a contractible type of left inverses

module _
  {l : Level} (M : Monoid l)

  is-contr-has-left-inverse-Monoid :
    (x : type-Monoid M)  is-invertible-element-Monoid M x 
    is-contr (has-left-inverse-Monoid M x)
  pr1 (pr1 (is-contr-has-left-inverse-Monoid x (pair y (pair p q)))) = y
  pr2 (pr1 (is-contr-has-left-inverse-Monoid x (pair y (pair p q)))) = p
  pr2 (is-contr-has-left-inverse-Monoid x (pair y (pair p q))) (pair y' p') =
      ( λ u  Id-Prop (set-Monoid M) (mul-Monoid M u x) (unit-Monoid M))
      ( ( inv (left-unit-law-mul-Monoid M y)) 
        ( ( ap (mul-Monoid' M y) (inv p')) 
          ( ( associative-mul-Monoid M y' x y) 
            ( ( ap (mul-Monoid M y') q) 
              ( right-unit-law-mul-Monoid M y')))))