Wild monoids

module structured-types.wild-monoids where
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.unit-type
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import group-theory.homomorphisms-semigroups

open import structured-types.coherent-h-spaces
open import structured-types.morphisms-coherent-h-spaces
open import structured-types.pointed-maps
open import structured-types.pointed-types


A wild monoid is a first–order approximation to an ∞-monoid, i.e. a ∞-monoid-like structure whose laws hold at least up to the first homotopy level, but may fail at higher levels.

A wild monoid consists of

  • an underlying type A
  • a unit, say e : A
  • a binary operation on A, say _*_
  • left and right unit laws e * x = x and x * e = x
  • a coherence between the left and right unit laws at the unit
  • an associator (x y z : A) → (x * y) * z = x * (y * z)
  • coherences between the associator and the left and right unit laws

We call such an associator unital. It may be described as a coherence of the following diagram

     (A × A) × A ----> A × (A × A)
             |           |
  (_*_ , id) |           | (id, _*_)
             v           v
           A × A       A × A
               \       /
          (_*_) \     / (_*_)
                 v   v

such that the three diagrams below cohere

  (e * x) * y ===== e * (x * y)
          \\         //
     left  \\       //  left
   unit law \\     // unit law
              y * z,
  (x * e) * y ===== x * (e * y)
          \\         //
    right  \\       //  left
   unit law \\     // unit law
              x * y,


  (x * y) * e ===== x * (y * e)
          \\         //
    right  \\       //  right
   unit law \\     // unit law
              x * y

for all x y : A.

Concretely, we define wild monoids to be coherent H-spaces equipped with a unital associator.


Unital associators on wild unital magmas

module _
  {l : Level} (M : Coherent-H-Space l)

  associator-Coherent-H-Space : UU l
  associator-Coherent-H-Space =
    (x y z : type-Coherent-H-Space M) 
      ( mul-Coherent-H-Space M (mul-Coherent-H-Space M x y) z)
      ( mul-Coherent-H-Space M x (mul-Coherent-H-Space M y z))

  is-unital-associator : (α : associator-Coherent-H-Space)  UU l
  is-unital-associator α111 =
    Σ ( (y z : type-Coherent-H-Space M) 
          ( ( α111 (unit-Coherent-H-Space M) y z) 
            ( left-unit-law-mul-Coherent-H-Space M
              ( mul-Coherent-H-Space M y z)))
            ( ap
              ( mul-Coherent-H-Space' M z)
              ( left-unit-law-mul-Coherent-H-Space M y)))
      ( λ α011 
        Σ ( (x z : type-Coherent-H-Space M) 
              ( ( α111 x (unit-Coherent-H-Space M) z) 
                ( ap
                  ( mul-Coherent-H-Space M x)
                  ( left-unit-law-mul-Coherent-H-Space M z)))
              ( ap
                ( mul-Coherent-H-Space' M z)
                ( right-unit-law-mul-Coherent-H-Space M x)))
          ( λ α101 
            Σ ( (x y : type-Coherent-H-Space M) 
                  ( ( α111 x y (unit-Coherent-H-Space M)) 
                    ( ap
                      ( mul-Coherent-H-Space M x)
                      ( right-unit-law-mul-Coherent-H-Space M y)))
                  ( right-unit-law-mul-Coherent-H-Space M
                    ( mul-Coherent-H-Space M x y)))
              ( λ α110  unit)))

  unital-associator : UU l
  unital-associator = Σ ( associator-Coherent-H-Space) is-unital-associator

Wild monoids

Wild-Monoid : (l : Level)  UU (lsuc l)
Wild-Monoid l =
  Σ (Coherent-H-Space l) unital-associator

module _
  {l : Level} (M : Wild-Monoid l)

  wild-unital-magma-Wild-Monoid : Coherent-H-Space l
  wild-unital-magma-Wild-Monoid = pr1 M

  type-Wild-Monoid : UU l
  type-Wild-Monoid = type-Coherent-H-Space wild-unital-magma-Wild-Monoid

  unit-Wild-Monoid : type-Wild-Monoid
  unit-Wild-Monoid = unit-Coherent-H-Space wild-unital-magma-Wild-Monoid

  pointed-type-Wild-Monoid : Pointed-Type l
  pointed-type-Wild-Monoid =
    pointed-type-Coherent-H-Space wild-unital-magma-Wild-Monoid

  coherent-unital-mul-Wild-Monoid :
    coherent-unital-mul-Pointed-Type pointed-type-Wild-Monoid
  coherent-unital-mul-Wild-Monoid =
    coherent-unital-mul-Coherent-H-Space wild-unital-magma-Wild-Monoid

  mul-Wild-Monoid : type-Wild-Monoid  type-Wild-Monoid  type-Wild-Monoid
  mul-Wild-Monoid = mul-Coherent-H-Space wild-unital-magma-Wild-Monoid

  mul-Wild-Monoid' : type-Wild-Monoid  type-Wild-Monoid  type-Wild-Monoid
  mul-Wild-Monoid' = mul-Coherent-H-Space' wild-unital-magma-Wild-Monoid

  ap-mul-Wild-Monoid :
    {a b c d : type-Wild-Monoid} 
    a  b  c  d  mul-Wild-Monoid a c  mul-Wild-Monoid b d
  ap-mul-Wild-Monoid = ap-mul-Coherent-H-Space wild-unital-magma-Wild-Monoid

  left-unit-law-mul-Wild-Monoid :
    (x : type-Wild-Monoid)  mul-Wild-Monoid unit-Wild-Monoid x  x
  left-unit-law-mul-Wild-Monoid =
    left-unit-law-mul-Coherent-H-Space wild-unital-magma-Wild-Monoid

  right-unit-law-mul-Wild-Monoid :
    (x : type-Wild-Monoid)  mul-Wild-Monoid x unit-Wild-Monoid  x
  right-unit-law-mul-Wild-Monoid =
    right-unit-law-mul-Coherent-H-Space wild-unital-magma-Wild-Monoid

  coh-unit-laws-mul-Wild-Monoid :
      ( left-unit-law-mul-Wild-Monoid unit-Wild-Monoid)
      ( right-unit-law-mul-Wild-Monoid unit-Wild-Monoid)
  coh-unit-laws-mul-Wild-Monoid =
    coh-unit-laws-mul-Coherent-H-Space wild-unital-magma-Wild-Monoid

  unital-associator-Wild-Monoid :
    unital-associator wild-unital-magma-Wild-Monoid
  unital-associator-Wild-Monoid = pr2 M

  associative-mul-Wild-Monoid :
    (x y z : type-Wild-Monoid) 
      ( mul-Wild-Monoid (mul-Wild-Monoid x y) z)
      ( mul-Wild-Monoid x (mul-Wild-Monoid y z))
  associative-mul-Wild-Monoid = pr1 unital-associator-Wild-Monoid

  unit-law-110-associative-Wild-Monoid :
    (x y : type-Wild-Monoid) 
      ( ( associative-mul-Wild-Monoid x y unit-Wild-Monoid) 
        ( ap (mul-Wild-Monoid x) (right-unit-law-mul-Wild-Monoid y)))
      ( right-unit-law-mul-Wild-Monoid (mul-Wild-Monoid x y))
  unit-law-110-associative-Wild-Monoid = pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 M))))

In the definition of morphisms of wild monoids we only require the unit and multiplication to be preserved. This is because we would need further coherence in wild monoids if we want morphisms list to preserve the unital associator.

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} (M : Wild-Monoid l1) (N : Wild-Monoid l2)

  hom-Wild-Monoid : UU (l1  l2)
  hom-Wild-Monoid =
      ( wild-unital-magma-Wild-Monoid M)
      ( wild-unital-magma-Wild-Monoid N)

  pointed-map-hom-Wild-Monoid :
    hom-Wild-Monoid  pointed-type-Wild-Monoid M →∗ pointed-type-Wild-Monoid N
  pointed-map-hom-Wild-Monoid f = pr1 f

  map-hom-Wild-Monoid :
    hom-Wild-Monoid  type-Wild-Monoid M  type-Wild-Monoid N
  map-hom-Wild-Monoid f = pr1 (pr1 f)

  preserves-unit-map-hom-Wild-Monoid :
    (f : hom-Wild-Monoid) 
    (map-hom-Wild-Monoid f (unit-Wild-Monoid M))  (unit-Wild-Monoid N)
  preserves-unit-map-hom-Wild-Monoid f = pr2 (pr1 f)

  preserves-unital-mul-map-hom-Wild-Monoid :
    (f : hom-Wild-Monoid) 
      ( wild-unital-magma-Wild-Monoid M)
      ( wild-unital-magma-Wild-Monoid N)
      ( pointed-map-hom-Wild-Monoid f)
  preserves-unital-mul-map-hom-Wild-Monoid f = pr2 f

  preserves-mul-map-hom-Wild-Monoid :
    (f : hom-Wild-Monoid) 
      ( mul-Wild-Monoid M)
      ( mul-Wild-Monoid N)
      ( map-hom-Wild-Monoid f)
  preserves-mul-map-hom-Wild-Monoid f = pr1 (pr2 f)

  preserves-left-unit-law-mul-map-hom-Wild-Monoid :
    ( f : hom-Wild-Monoid) 
      ( mul-Wild-Monoid M)
      ( left-unit-law-mul-Wild-Monoid M)
      ( mul-Wild-Monoid N)
      ( left-unit-law-mul-Wild-Monoid N)
      ( map-hom-Wild-Monoid f)
      ( preserves-unit-map-hom-Wild-Monoid f)
      ( preserves-mul-map-hom-Wild-Monoid f)
  preserves-left-unit-law-mul-map-hom-Wild-Monoid f =
    pr1 (pr2 (pr2 f))

  preserves-right-unit-law-mul-map-hom-Wild-Monoid :
    (f : hom-Wild-Monoid) 
      ( mul-Wild-Monoid M)
      ( right-unit-law-mul-Wild-Monoid M)
      ( mul-Wild-Monoid N)
      ( right-unit-law-mul-Wild-Monoid N)
      ( map-hom-Wild-Monoid f)
      ( preserves-unit-map-hom-Wild-Monoid f)
      ( preserves-mul-map-hom-Wild-Monoid f)
  preserves-right-unit-law-mul-map-hom-Wild-Monoid f =
    pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 f)))

  preserves-coh-unit-laws-map-hom-Wild-Monoid :
    (f : hom-Wild-Monoid) 
      ( wild-unital-magma-Wild-Monoid M)
      ( wild-unital-magma-Wild-Monoid N)
      ( pointed-map-hom-Wild-Monoid f)
      ( preserves-mul-map-hom-Wild-Monoid f)
      ( preserves-left-unit-law-mul-map-hom-Wild-Monoid f)
      ( preserves-right-unit-law-mul-map-hom-Wild-Monoid f)
  preserves-coh-unit-laws-map-hom-Wild-Monoid f =
    pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 f)))

-- htpy-hom-Wild-Monoid :
--   {l1 l2 : Level} (M : Wild-Monoid l1) (N : Wild-Monoid l2)
--   (f g : hom-Wild-Monoid M N) → UU (l1 ⊔ l2)
-- htpy-hom-Wild-Monoid M N f g =
--   Σ ( Σ ( map-hom-Wild-Monoid M N f ~ map-hom-Wild-Monoid M N g)
--         ( λ H →
--           ( x y : type-Wild-Monoid M) →
--           Id ( ( preserves-mul-map-hom-Wild-Monoid M N f x y) ∙
--                ( ap-mul-Wild-Monoid N (H x) (H y)))
--              ( ( H (mul-Wild-Monoid M x y)) ∙
--                ( preserves-mul-map-hom-Wild-Monoid M N g x y))))
--     ( λ Hμ →
--       Id ( preserves-unit-map-hom-Wild-Monoid M N f)
--          ( pr1 Hμ (unit-Wild-Monoid M) ∙
--          ( preserves-unit-map-hom-Wild-Monoid M N g)))

-- refl-htpy-hom-Wild-Monoid :
--   {l1 l2 : Level} (M : Wild-Monoid l1) (N : Wild-Monoid l2)
--   (f : hom-Wild-Monoid M N) → htpy-hom-Wild-Monoid M N f f
-- refl-htpy-hom-Wild-Monoid M N f =
--   pair (pair refl-htpy (λ x y → right-unit)) refl

-- {-
-- is-contr-total-htpy-hom-Wild-Monoid :
--   {l1 l2 : Level} (M : Wild-Monoid l1) (N : Wild-Monoid l2)
--   (f : hom-Wild-Monoid M N) →
--   is-contr (Σ (hom-Wild-Monoid M N) (htpy-hom-Wild-Monoid M N f))
-- is-contr-total-htpy-hom-Wild-Monoid M N f =
--   is-contr-total-Eq-structure
--     {! λ fμ p!}
--     {!!}
--     {!!}
--     {!!}
-- -}