Free groups with one generator
module where
open import elementary-number-theory.addition-integers open import open import elementary-number-theory.integers open import elementary-number-theory.natural-numbers open import foundation.contractible-maps open import foundation.contractible-types open import foundation.coproduct-types open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.equivalences open import foundation.identity-types open import foundation.iterating-automorphisms open import foundation.sets open import foundation.subtypes open import foundation.universe-levels open import group-theory.groups open import group-theory.homomorphisms-groups open import structured-types.initial-pointed-type-equipped-with-automorphism
A group F
equipped with an element x : F
is said to satisfy the universal
property of the free group with one generator if for every group G
the map
type-hom-Group F G → type-Group G
given by h ↦ h x
is an equivalence. The group of integers is a free group with
one generator.
is-free-group-with-one-generator : {l1 : Level} (l2 : Level) (F : Group l1) (x : type-Group F) → UU (l1 ⊔ lsuc l2) is-free-group-with-one-generator l2 F x = (G : Group l2) → is-equiv (λ (h : type-hom-Group F G) → map-hom-Group F G h x)
The group of integers is the free group with one generator
module _ {l : Level} (G : Group l) (g : type-Group G) where generalized-map-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ : ℤ → type-Group G → type-Group G generalized-map-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ k = map-iterate-automorphism-ℤ k (equiv-mul-Group G g) associative-generalized-map-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ : (k : ℤ) (h1 h2 : type-Group G) → generalized-map-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ k (mul-Group G h1 h2) = mul-Group G (generalized-map-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ k h1) h2 associative-generalized-map-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ ( inl zero-ℕ) h1 h2 = inv (associative-mul-Group G (inv-Group G g) h1 h2) associative-generalized-map-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ ( inl (succ-ℕ x)) h1 h2 = ( ap ( mul-Group G (inv-Group G g)) ( associative-generalized-map-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ ( inl x) ( h1) ( h2))) ∙ ( inv ( associative-mul-Group G ( inv-Group G g) ( generalized-map-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ (inl x) h1) ( h2))) associative-generalized-map-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ ( inr (inl star)) h1 h2 = refl associative-generalized-map-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ ( inr (inr zero-ℕ)) h1 h2 = inv (associative-mul-Group G g h1 h2) associative-generalized-map-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ ( inr (inr (succ-ℕ x))) h1 h2 = ( ap ( mul-Group G g) ( associative-generalized-map-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ ( inr (inr x)) ( h1) ( h2))) ∙ ( inv ( associative-mul-Group G g ( generalized-map-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ (inr (inr x)) h1) ( h2))) map-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ : ℤ → type-Group G map-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ k = generalized-map-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ k (unit-Group G) preserves-unit-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ : map-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ zero-ℤ = unit-Group G preserves-unit-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ = preserves-point-map-ℤ-Pointed-Type-With-Aut ( pointed-type-with-aut-Group G g) preserves-mul-map-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ : (x y : ℤ) → ( map-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ (x +ℤ y)) = ( mul-Group G ( map-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ x) ( map-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ y)) preserves-mul-map-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ x y = ( iterate-automorphism-add-ℤ x y (equiv-mul-Group G g) (unit-Group G)) ∙ ( ( ap ( generalized-map-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ x) ( inv (left-unit-law-mul-Group G ( map-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ y)))) ∙ ( associative-generalized-map-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ x ( unit-Group G) ( map-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ y))) hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ : type-hom-Group ℤ-Group G pr1 hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ = map-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ pr2 hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ = preserves-mul-map-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ htpy-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ : (h : type-hom-Group ℤ-Group G) → map-hom-Group ℤ-Group G h one-ℤ = g → htpy-hom-Group ℤ-Group G hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ h htpy-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ h p = htpy-map-ℤ-Pointed-Type-With-Aut ( pair (pointed-type-Group G) (equiv-mul-Group G g)) ( pair ( map-hom-Group ℤ-Group G h) ( pair ( preserves-unit-hom-Group ℤ-Group G h) ( λ x → ( ap ( map-hom-Group ℤ-Group G h) ( is-left-add-one-succ-ℤ x)) ∙ ( ( preserves-mul-hom-Group ℤ-Group G h one-ℤ x) ∙ ( ap ( mul-Group' G (map-hom-Group ℤ-Group G h x)) p))))) is-contr-total-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ : is-contr ( Σ ( type-hom-Group ℤ-Group G) ( λ h → map-hom-Group ℤ-Group G h one-ℤ = g)) pr1 (pr1 is-contr-total-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ) = hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ pr2 (pr1 is-contr-total-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ) = right-unit-law-mul-Group G g pr2 is-contr-total-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ (pair h p) = eq-type-subtype ( λ f → Id-Prop (set-Group G) (map-hom-Group ℤ-Group G f one-ℤ) g) ( eq-htpy-hom-Group ℤ-Group G ( htpy-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ h p)) is-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ : {l : Level} → is-free-group-with-one-generator l ℤ-Group one-ℤ is-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ G = is-equiv-is-contr-map (is-contr-total-hom-free-group-with-one-generator-ℤ G)