Divisibility in modular arithmetic

module elementary-number-theory.divisibility-modular-arithmetic where
open import elementary-number-theory.divisibility-integers
open import elementary-number-theory.divisibility-standard-finite-types
open import elementary-number-theory.modular-arithmetic
open import elementary-number-theory.natural-numbers

open import foundation.decidable-types
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import univalent-combinatorics.fibers-of-maps


For two numbers x and y in ℤ-Mod k, we say that x divides y if there is a number u in ℤ-Mod k such that mul-ℤ-Mod k u x = y.


div-ℤ-Mod : (k : )  ℤ-Mod k  ℤ-Mod k  UU lzero
div-ℤ-Mod k x y = Σ (ℤ-Mod k)  u  mul-ℤ-Mod k u x  y)


The divisibility relation is reflexive

refl-div-ℤ-Mod : {k : } (x : ℤ-Mod k)  div-ℤ-Mod k x x
refl-div-ℤ-Mod {ℕ.zero-ℕ} = refl-div-ℤ
refl-div-ℤ-Mod {ℕ.succ-ℕ k} = refl-div-Fin

The divisibility relation is transitive

trans-div-ℤ-Mod :
  {k : } (x y z : ℤ-Mod k) 
  div-ℤ-Mod k x y  div-ℤ-Mod k y z  div-ℤ-Mod k x z
trans-div-ℤ-Mod {zero-ℕ} = trans-div-ℤ
trans-div-ℤ-Mod {succ-ℕ k} = trans-div-Fin (succ-ℕ k)

The divisibility relation is decidable

is-decidable-div-ℤ-Mod :
  (k : ) (x y : ℤ-Mod k)  is-decidable (div-ℤ-Mod k x y)
is-decidable-div-ℤ-Mod zero-ℕ x y = is-decidable-div-ℤ x y
is-decidable-div-ℤ-Mod (succ-ℕ k) x y = is-decidable-fib-Fin
  {succ-ℕ k} {succ-ℕ k} (mul-ℤ-Mod' (succ-ℕ k) x) y