Commuting triangles of maps
module foundation.commuting-triangles-of-maps where
open import foundation-core.commuting-triangles-of-maps public open import foundation.functoriality-dependent-function-types open import foundation.identity-types open import foundation-core.equivalences open import foundation-core.universe-levels
A triangle of maps
A ----> B
\ /
\ /
is said to commute if there is a homotopy between the map on the left and the composite map.
Top map is an equivalence
If the top map is an equivalence, then there is an equivalence between the coherence triangle with the map of the equivalence as with the inverse map of the equivalence.
module _ {l1 l2 l3 : Level} {X : UU l1} {A : UU l2} {B : UU l3} (left : A → X) (right : B → X) (e : A ≃ B) where equiv-coherence-triangle-maps-inv-top : coherence-triangle-maps left right (map-equiv e) ≃ coherence-triangle-maps' right left (map-inv-equiv e) equiv-coherence-triangle-maps-inv-top = equiv-Π ( λ b → left (map-inv-equiv e b) = right b) ( e) ( λ a → equiv-concat ( ap left (isretr-map-inv-equiv e a)) ( right (map-equiv e a)))