The Twin Prime conjecture
module elementary-number-theory.twin-prime-conjecture where
open import elementary-number-theory.inequality-natural-numbers open import elementary-number-theory.natural-numbers open import open import foundation.cartesian-product-types open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.universe-levels
The twin prime conjecture asserts that there are infinitely many twin primes. We assert that there are infinitely twin primes by asserting that for every n : ℕ there is a twin prime that is larger than n.
is-twin-prime-ℕ : ℕ → UU lzero is-twin-prime-ℕ n = (is-prime-ℕ n) × (is-prime-ℕ (succ-ℕ (succ-ℕ n))) twin-prime-conjecture : UU lzero twin-prime-conjecture = (n : ℕ) → Σ ℕ (λ p → (is-twin-prime-ℕ p) × (leq-ℕ n p))