Impredicative encodings of the logical operations

module foundation.impredicative-encodings where
open import foundation.conjunction
open import foundation.disjunction
open import foundation.existential-quantification
open import foundation.negation
open import foundation.propositional-truncations

open import foundation-core.coproduct-types
open import foundation-core.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation-core.empty-types
open import foundation-core.equivalences
open import foundation-core.identity-types
open import foundation-core.logical-equivalences
open import foundation-core.propositions
open import foundation-core.sets
open import foundation-core.universe-levels


By quantifying over all propositions in a universe, we can define all the logical operations. The idea is to use the fact that any proposition P is equivalent to the proposition (Q : Prop l) → (P ⇒ Q) ⇒ Q, which can be thought of as the least proposition Q containing P.

The impredicative encoding of the propositional truncation

impredicative-trunc-Prop :
  {l : Level}  UU l  Prop (lsuc l)
impredicative-trunc-Prop {l} A =
    ( Prop l)
    ( λ Q  function-Prop (A  type-Prop Q) Q)

type-impredicative-trunc-Prop :
  {l : Level}  UU l  UU (lsuc l)
type-impredicative-trunc-Prop {l} A =
  type-Prop (impredicative-trunc-Prop A)

map-impredicative-trunc-Prop :
  {l : Level} (A : UU l) 
  type-trunc-Prop A  type-impredicative-trunc-Prop A
map-impredicative-trunc-Prop {l} A =
    ( impredicative-trunc-Prop A)
    ( λ x Q f  f x)

inv-map-impredicative-trunc-Prop :
  {l : Level} (A : UU l) 
  type-impredicative-trunc-Prop A  type-trunc-Prop A
inv-map-impredicative-trunc-Prop A H =
  H (trunc-Prop A) unit-trunc-Prop

equiv-impredicative-trunc-Prop :
  {l : Level} (A : UU l) 
  type-trunc-Prop A  type-impredicative-trunc-Prop A
equiv-impredicative-trunc-Prop A =
    ( trunc-Prop A)
    ( impredicative-trunc-Prop A)
    ( map-impredicative-trunc-Prop A)
    ( inv-map-impredicative-trunc-Prop A)

The impredicative encoding of conjunction

impredicative-conj-Prop :
  {l1 l2 : Level}  Prop l1  Prop l2  Prop (lsuc (l1  l2))
impredicative-conj-Prop {l1} {l2} P1 P2 =
    ( Prop (l1  l2))
    ( λ Q  function-Prop (type-Prop P1  (type-Prop P2  type-Prop Q)) Q)

type-impredicative-conj-Prop :
  {l1 l2 : Level}  Prop l1  Prop l2  UU (lsuc (l1  l2))
type-impredicative-conj-Prop P1 P2 =
  type-Prop (impredicative-conj-Prop P1 P2)

map-impredicative-conj-Prop :
  {l1 l2 : Level} (P1 : Prop l1) (P2 : Prop l2) 
  type-conj-Prop P1 P2  type-impredicative-conj-Prop P1 P2
map-impredicative-conj-Prop {l1} {l2} P1 P2 (pair p1 p2) Q f =
  f p1 p2

inv-map-impredicative-conj-Prop :
  {l1 l2 : Level} (P1 : Prop l1) (P2 : Prop l2) 
  type-impredicative-conj-Prop P1 P2  type-conj-Prop P1 P2
inv-map-impredicative-conj-Prop P1 P2 H =
  H (conj-Prop P1 P2)  p1 p2  pair p1 p2)

equiv-impredicative-conj-Prop :
  {l1 l2 : Level} (P1 : Prop l1) (P2 : Prop l2) 
  type-conj-Prop P1 P2  type-impredicative-conj-Prop P1 P2
equiv-impredicative-conj-Prop P1 P2 =
    ( conj-Prop P1 P2)
    ( impredicative-conj-Prop P1 P2)
    ( map-impredicative-conj-Prop P1 P2)
    ( inv-map-impredicative-conj-Prop P1 P2)

The impredicative encoding of disjunction

impredicative-disj-Prop :
  {l1 l2 : Level}  Prop l1  Prop l2  Prop (lsuc (l1  l2))
impredicative-disj-Prop {l1} {l2} P1 P2 =
    ( Prop (l1  l2))
    ( λ Q 
        ( type-implication-Prop P1 Q)
        ( function-Prop (type-implication-Prop P2 Q) Q))

type-impredicative-disj-Prop :
  {l1 l2 : Level}  Prop l1  Prop l2  UU (lsuc (l1  l2))
type-impredicative-disj-Prop P1 P2 =
  type-Prop (impredicative-disj-Prop P1 P2)

map-impredicative-disj-Prop :
  {l1 l2 : Level} (P1 : Prop l1) (P2 : Prop l2) 
  type-disj-Prop P1 P2  type-impredicative-disj-Prop P1 P2
map-impredicative-disj-Prop {l1} {l2} P1 P2 =
    ( impredicative-disj-Prop P1 P2)
    ( ind-coprod
      ( λ x  type-impredicative-disj-Prop P1 P2)
      ( λ x Q f1 f2  f1 x)
      ( λ y Q f1 f2  f2 y))

inv-map-impredicative-disj-Prop :
  {l1 l2 : Level} (P1 : Prop l1) (P2 : Prop l2) 
  type-impredicative-disj-Prop P1 P2  type-disj-Prop P1 P2
inv-map-impredicative-disj-Prop P1 P2 H =
  H (disj-Prop P1 P2) (inl-disj-Prop P1 P2) (inr-disj-Prop P1 P2)

equiv-impredicative-disj-Prop :
  {l1 l2 : Level} (P1 : Prop l1) (P2 : Prop l2) 
  type-disj-Prop P1 P2  type-impredicative-disj-Prop P1 P2
equiv-impredicative-disj-Prop P1 P2 =
    ( disj-Prop P1 P2)
    ( impredicative-disj-Prop P1 P2)
    ( map-impredicative-disj-Prop P1 P2)
    ( inv-map-impredicative-disj-Prop P1 P2)

The impredicative encoding of negation

impredicative-neg-Prop :
  {l : Level}  UU l  Prop (lsuc l)
impredicative-neg-Prop {l} A =
  Π-Prop (Prop l)  Q  function-Prop A Q)

type-impredicative-neg-Prop :
  {l : Level}  UU l  UU (lsuc l)
type-impredicative-neg-Prop A =
  type-Prop (impredicative-neg-Prop A)

map-impredicative-neg-Prop :
  {l : Level} (A : UU l) 
  ¬ A  type-impredicative-neg-Prop A
map-impredicative-neg-Prop A f Q a = ex-falso (f a)

inv-map-impredicative-neg-Prop :
  {l : Level} (A : UU l) 
  type-impredicative-neg-Prop A  ¬ A
inv-map-impredicative-neg-Prop A H a = H (neg-Prop' A) a a

equiv-impredicative-neg-Prop :
  {l : Level} (A : UU l) 
  ¬ A  type-impredicative-neg-Prop A
equiv-impredicative-neg-Prop A =
    ( neg-Prop' A)
    ( impredicative-neg-Prop A)
    ( map-impredicative-neg-Prop A)
    ( inv-map-impredicative-neg-Prop A)

The impredicative encoding of existential quantification

impredicative-exists-Prop :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (P : A  Prop l2)  Prop (lsuc (l1  l2))
impredicative-exists-Prop {l1} {l2} {A} P =
    ( Prop (l1  l2))
    ( λ Q  function-Prop ((x : A)  type-Prop (P x)  type-Prop Q) Q)

type-impredicative-exists-Prop :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (P : A  Prop l2)  UU (lsuc (l1  l2))
type-impredicative-exists-Prop P =
  type-Prop (impredicative-exists-Prop P)

map-impredicative-exists-Prop :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (P : A  Prop l2) 
  exists A P  type-impredicative-exists-Prop P
map-impredicative-exists-Prop {l1} {l2} {A} P =
    ( impredicative-exists-Prop P)
    ( ind-Σ  x y Q h  h x y))

inv-map-impredicative-exists-Prop :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (P : A  Prop l2) 
  type-impredicative-exists-Prop P  exists A P
inv-map-impredicative-exists-Prop {A = A} P H =
  H ( exists-Prop A P)
    ( λ x y  unit-trunc-Prop (pair x y))

equiv-impredicative-exists-Prop :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} (P : A  Prop l2) 
  exists A P  type-impredicative-exists-Prop P
equiv-impredicative-exists-Prop {A = A} P =
    ( exists-Prop A P)
    ( impredicative-exists-Prop P)
    ( map-impredicative-exists-Prop P)
    ( inv-map-impredicative-exists-Prop P)

The impredicative encoding of the based identity type of a set

impredicative-based-id-Prop :
  {l : Level} (A : Set l) (a x : type-Set A)  Prop (lsuc l)
impredicative-based-id-Prop {l} A a x =
  Π-Prop (type-Set A  Prop l)  Q  hom-Prop (Q a) (Q x))

type-impredicative-based-id-Prop :
  {l : Level} (A : Set l) (a x : type-Set A)  UU (lsuc l)
type-impredicative-based-id-Prop A a x =
  type-Prop (impredicative-based-id-Prop A a x)

map-impredicative-based-id-Prop :
  {l : Level} (A : Set l) (a x : type-Set A) 
  a  x  type-impredicative-based-id-Prop A a x
map-impredicative-based-id-Prop A a .a refl Q p = p

inv-map-impredicative-based-id-Prop :
  {l : Level} (A : Set l) (a x : type-Set A) 
  type-impredicative-based-id-Prop A a x  a  x
inv-map-impredicative-based-id-Prop A a x H =
  H  x  pair (a  x) (is-set-type-Set A a x)) refl

equiv-impredicative-based-id-Prop :
  {l : Level} (A : Set l) (a x : type-Set A) 
  (a  x)  type-impredicative-based-id-Prop A a x
equiv-impredicative-based-id-Prop A a x =
    ( pair (a  x) (is-set-type-Set A a x))
    ( impredicative-based-id-Prop A a x)
    ( map-impredicative-based-id-Prop A a x)
    ( inv-map-impredicative-based-id-Prop A a x)

The impredicative encoding of Martin-Löf's identity type of a set

impredicative-id-Prop :
  {l : Level} (A : Set l) (x y : type-Set A)  Prop (lsuc l)
impredicative-id-Prop {l} A x y =
  Π-Prop (type-Set A  type-Set A  Prop l)
     Q  function-Prop ((a : type-Set A)  type-Prop (Q a a)) (Q x y))

type-impredicative-id-Prop :
  {l : Level} (A : Set l) (x y : type-Set A)  UU (lsuc l)
type-impredicative-id-Prop A x y =
  type-Prop (impredicative-id-Prop A x y)

map-impredicative-id-Prop :
  {l : Level} (A : Set l) (x y : type-Set A) 
  x  y  type-impredicative-id-Prop A x y
map-impredicative-id-Prop A x .x refl Q r = r x

inv-map-impredicative-id-Prop :
  {l : Level} (A : Set l) (x y : type-Set A) 
  type-impredicative-id-Prop A x y  x  y
inv-map-impredicative-id-Prop A x y H =
  H  a b  pair (a  b) (is-set-type-Set A a b))  a  refl)

equiv-impredicative-id-Prop :
  {l : Level} (A : Set l) (x y : type-Set A) 
  (x  y)  type-impredicative-id-Prop A x y
equiv-impredicative-id-Prop A x y =
    ( pair (x  y) (is-set-type-Set A x y))
    ( impredicative-id-Prop A x y)
    ( map-impredicative-id-Prop A x y)
    ( inv-map-impredicative-id-Prop A x y)