Central H-spaces
module structured-types.central-h-spaces where
open import foundation.equivalences open import foundation.universe-levels open import structured-types.pointed-types
In structured-types.coherent-h-spaces
we saw that the type of coherent H-space structures on a pointed type A
equivalently described as the type of pointed sections of the pointed evaluation
map (A → A) →∗ A
. If the type A
is connected, then the section maps to the
connected component of (A ≃ A)
at the identity equivalence. An evaluative
H-space is a pointed type such that the map ev_pt : (A ≃ A)_{(id)} → A
is an
is-central-h-space : {l : Level} (A : Pointed-Type l) → UU l is-central-h-space A = is-equiv { A = type-Pointed-Type A → type-Pointed-Type A} ( ev-point-Pointed-Type A)