Bounded sums of arithmetic functions
module elementary-number-theory.bounded-sums-arithmetic-functions where
open import elementary-number-theory.arithmetic-functions open import elementary-number-theory.natural-numbers open import elementary-number-theory.nonzero-natural-numbers open import foundation.coproduct-types open import foundation.decidable-propositions open import foundation.decidable-types open import foundation.functions open import foundation.universe-levels open import ring-theory.rings
Given a decidable predicate P
on the nonzero natural numbers, and a map f
from the nonzero natural numbers in P
into a ring R
, the bounded sum is a
summation of the values of f
up to an upper bound b
module _ {l : Level} (R : Ring l) where restricted-arithmetic-function-Ring : {l' : Level} (P : nonzero-ℕ → Decidable-Prop l') → UU (l ⊔ l') restricted-arithmetic-function-Ring P = (x : nonzero-ℕ) → type-Decidable-Prop (P x) → type-Ring R shift-arithmetic-function-Ring : type-arithmetic-functions-Ring R → type-arithmetic-functions-Ring R shift-arithmetic-function-Ring f = f ∘ succ-nonzero-ℕ shift-restricted-arithmetic-function-Ring : {l' : Level} (P : nonzero-ℕ → Decidable-Prop l') → restricted-arithmetic-function-Ring P → restricted-arithmetic-function-Ring (P ∘ succ-nonzero-ℕ) shift-restricted-arithmetic-function-Ring P f = f ∘ succ-nonzero-ℕ case-one-bounded-sum-arithmetic-function-Ring : {l' : Level} → (P : Decidable-Prop l') → is-decidable (type-Decidable-Prop P) → (type-Decidable-Prop P → type-Ring R) → type-Ring R case-one-bounded-sum-arithmetic-function-Ring P (inl x) f = f x case-one-bounded-sum-arithmetic-function-Ring P (inr x) f = zero-Ring R bounded-sum-arithmetic-function-Ring : (b : ℕ) {l' : Level} (P : nonzero-ℕ → Decidable-Prop l') (f : restricted-arithmetic-function-Ring P) → type-Ring R bounded-sum-arithmetic-function-Ring zero-ℕ P f = zero-Ring R bounded-sum-arithmetic-function-Ring (succ-ℕ zero-ℕ) P f = case-one-bounded-sum-arithmetic-function-Ring ( P one-nonzero-ℕ) ( is-decidable-Decidable-Prop (P one-nonzero-ℕ)) ( f one-nonzero-ℕ) bounded-sum-arithmetic-function-Ring (succ-ℕ (succ-ℕ b)) P f = add-Ring R ( case-one-bounded-sum-arithmetic-function-Ring ( P one-nonzero-ℕ) ( is-decidable-Decidable-Prop (P one-nonzero-ℕ)) ( f one-nonzero-ℕ)) ( bounded-sum-arithmetic-function-Ring ( succ-ℕ b) ( P ∘ succ-nonzero-ℕ) ( f ∘ succ-nonzero-ℕ))