Commuting squares of identifications

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module foundation.commuting-squares-of-identifications where
open import foundation-core.functions
open import foundation-core.identity-types
open import foundation-core.universe-levels


A square of identifications

      x ------- y
      |         |
 left |         | right
      |         |
      z ------- w

is said to commute if there is an identification left ∙ bottom = top ∙ right. Such an identification may be called a coherence of the square.


module _
  {l : Level} {A : UU l} {x y z w : A}

  coherence-square-identifications :
    (left : x  z) (bottom : z  w)
    (top : x  y) (right : y  w)  UU l
  coherence-square-identifications left bottom top right =
    (left  bottom)  (top  right)


Composing squares of identifications

We can compose coherence squares that have an edge in common. This is also called pasting of squares.

module _
  {l : Level} {A : UU l} {x y1 y2 z1 z2 w : A}
  (p-left : x  y1) {p-bottom : y1  z1}
  {p-top : x  y2} (middle : y2  z1)
  {q-bottom : z1  w} {q-top : y2  z2}
  (q-right : z2  w)

  coherence-square-identifications-comp-horizontal :
    coherence-square-identifications p-left p-bottom p-top middle 
    coherence-square-identifications middle q-bottom q-top q-right 
      p-left (p-bottom  q-bottom) (p-top  q-top) q-right
  coherence-square-identifications-comp-horizontal p q =
    ( ( ( inv (assoc p-left p-bottom q-bottom) 
          ap-binary (_∙_) p (refl {x = q-bottom})) 
        assoc p-top middle q-bottom) 
      ap-binary (_∙_) (refl {x = p-top}) q) 
    inv (assoc p-top q-top q-right)

module _
  {l : Level} {A : UU l} {x y1 y2 z1 z2 w : A}
  {p-left : x  y1} {middle : y1  z2}
  {p-top : x  y2} {p-right : y2  z2}
  {q-left : y1  z1} {q-bottom : z1  w}
  {q-right : z2  w}

  coherence-square-identifications-comp-vertical :
    coherence-square-identifications p-left middle p-top p-right 
    coherence-square-identifications q-left q-bottom middle q-right 
      (p-left  q-left) q-bottom p-top (p-right  q-right)
  coherence-square-identifications-comp-vertical p q =
    ( assoc p-left q-left q-bottom 
      ( ( ap-binary (_∙_) (refl {x = p-left}) q 
          inv (assoc p-left middle q-right)) 
        ap-binary (_∙_) p (refl {x = q-right}))) 
      assoc p-top p-right q-right

Pasting of identifications along edges of squares of identifications

Given a coherence square with an edge p and a new identification s : p = p' then we may paste that identification onto the square to get a coherence square having p' as an edge instead of p.

module _
  {l : Level} {A : UU l} {x y z w : A}
  (left : x  z) (bottom : z  w) (top : x  y) (right : y  w)

  coherence-square-identifications-left-paste :
    {left' : x  z} (s : left  left') 
    coherence-square-identifications left bottom top right 
    coherence-square-identifications left' bottom top right
  coherence-square-identifications-left-paste refl sq = sq

  coherence-square-identifications-bottom-paste :
    {bottom' : z  w} (s : bottom  bottom') 
    coherence-square-identifications left bottom top right 
    coherence-square-identifications left bottom' top right
  coherence-square-identifications-bottom-paste refl sq = sq

  coherence-square-identifications-top-paste :
    {top' : x  y} (s : top  top') 
    coherence-square-identifications left bottom top right 
    coherence-square-identifications left bottom top' right
  coherence-square-identifications-top-paste refl sq = sq

  coherence-square-identifications-right-paste :
    {right' : y  w} (s : right  right') 
    coherence-square-identifications left bottom top right 
    coherence-square-identifications left bottom top right'
  coherence-square-identifications-right-paste refl sq = sq

Whiskering squares of identifications

Given an identification at one the vertices of a coherence square, then we may whisker the square by that identification.

module _
  {l : Level} {A : UU l} {x y z w : A}
  (left : x  z) (bottom : z  w) (top : x  y) (right : y  w)

  coherence-square-identifications-top-left-whisk' :
    {x' : A} (p : x'  x) 
    coherence-square-identifications left bottom top right 
    coherence-square-identifications (p  left) bottom (p  top) right
  coherence-square-identifications-top-left-whisk' refl sq = sq

  coherence-square-identifications-top-left-whisk :
    {x' : A} (p : x  x') 
    coherence-square-identifications left bottom top right 
    coherence-square-identifications (inv p  left) bottom (inv p  top) right
  coherence-square-identifications-top-left-whisk refl sq = sq

  coherence-square-identifications-top-right-whisk :
    {y' : A} (p : y  y') 
    coherence-square-identifications left bottom top right 
    coherence-square-identifications left bottom (top  p) (inv p  right)
  coherence-square-identifications-top-right-whisk refl =
      left bottom top right (inv right-unit)

  coherence-square-identifications-bottom-left-whisk :
    {z' : A} (p : z  z') 
    coherence-square-identifications left bottom top right 
    coherence-square-identifications (left  p) (inv p  bottom) top right
  coherence-square-identifications-bottom-left-whisk refl =
      left bottom top right (inv right-unit)

  coherence-square-identifications-bottom-right-whisk :
    {w' : A} (p : w  w') 
    coherence-square-identifications left bottom top right 
    coherence-square-identifications left (bottom  p) top (right  p)
  coherence-square-identifications-bottom-right-whisk refl =
    ( coherence-square-identifications-bottom-paste
      left bottom top (right  refl) (inv right-unit)) 
    ( coherence-square-identifications-right-paste
      left bottom top right (inv right-unit))