Lower bounds of type families over the natural numbers
module elementary-number-theory.lower-bounds-natural-numbers where
open import elementary-number-theory.inequality-natural-numbers open import elementary-number-theory.natural-numbers open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.propositions open import foundation.universe-levels
A lower bound for a type family P
over the natural numbers is a natural number
such that P x → n ≤ x
for all x : ℕ
is-lower-bound-ℕ : {l : Level} (P : ℕ → UU l) (n : ℕ) → UU l is-lower-bound-ℕ P n = (m : ℕ) → P m → leq-ℕ n m
Being a lower bound is a property
module _ {l1 : Level} {P : ℕ → UU l1} where abstract is-prop-is-lower-bound-ℕ : (x : ℕ) → is-prop (is-lower-bound-ℕ P x) is-prop-is-lower-bound-ℕ x = is-prop-Π (λ y → is-prop-function-type (is-prop-leq-ℕ x y)) is-lower-bound-ℕ-Prop : (x : ℕ) → Prop l1 pr1 (is-lower-bound-ℕ-Prop x) = is-lower-bound-ℕ P x pr2 (is-lower-bound-ℕ-Prop x) = is-prop-is-lower-bound-ℕ x