The universal property of lists with respect to wild monoids

module lists.universal-property-lists-wild-monoids where
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.unit-type
open import foundation.universe-levels

open import group-theory.homomorphisms-semigroups

open import lists.concatenation-lists
open import lists.lists

open import structured-types.coherent-h-spaces
open import structured-types.morphisms-coherent-h-spaces
open import structured-types.wild-monoids


The type of lists of elements of X is the initial wild monoid equipped with a map from X into it.


The wild unital magma of lists of elements of X

list-Coherent-H-Space :
  {l : Level} (X : UU l)  Coherent-H-Space l
list-Coherent-H-Space X =
    ( pair (list X) nil)
    ( pair
      ( concat-list)
      ( pair
        ( left-unit-law-concat-list)
        ( pair right-unit-law-concat-list refl)))

The wild monoid of lists of elements of X

unit-law-011-associative-concat-list :
  {l1 : Level} {X : UU l1} (y z : list X) 
  Id ( ( associative-concat-list nil y z) 
       ( left-unit-law-concat-list (concat-list y z)))
     ( ap  t  concat-list t z) (left-unit-law-concat-list y))
unit-law-011-associative-concat-list y z = refl

concat-list' : {l : Level} {A : UU l}  list A  list A  list A
concat-list' x y = concat-list y x

unit-law-101-associative-concat-list :
  {l1 : Level} {X : UU l1} (x z : list X) 
  Id ( ( associative-concat-list x nil z) 
       ( ap (concat-list x) (left-unit-law-concat-list z)))
     ( ap  t  concat-list t z) (right-unit-law-concat-list x))
unit-law-101-associative-concat-list nil z = refl
unit-law-101-associative-concat-list (cons x l) z =
  ( ( ( inv
        ( ap-concat
          ( cons x)
          ( associative-concat-list l nil z)
          ( ap (concat-list l) (left-unit-law-concat-list z)))) 
      ( ap (ap (cons x)) (unit-law-101-associative-concat-list l z))) 
    ( inv
      ( ap-comp (cons x) (concat-list' z) (right-unit-law-concat-list l)))) 
  ( ap-comp (concat-list' z) (cons x) (right-unit-law-concat-list l))

unit-law-110-associative-concat-list :
  {l1 : Level} {X : UU l1} (x y : list X) 
  Id ( ( associative-concat-list x y nil) 
       ( ap (concat-list x) (right-unit-law-concat-list y)))
     ( right-unit-law-concat-list (concat-list x y))
unit-law-110-associative-concat-list nil y =
  ap-id (right-unit-law-concat-list y)
unit-law-110-associative-concat-list (cons a x) y =
  ( ap
    ( concat
      ( associative-concat-list (cons a x) y nil)
      ( concat-list (cons a x) y))
    ( ap-comp (cons a) (concat-list x) (right-unit-law-concat-list y))) 
  ( ( inv
      ( ap-concat
        ( cons a)
        ( associative-concat-list x y nil)
        ( ap (concat-list x) (right-unit-law-concat-list y)))) 
    ( ap (ap (cons a)) (unit-law-110-associative-concat-list x y)))

list-Wild-Monoid : {l : Level}  UU l  Wild-Monoid l
list-Wild-Monoid X =
    ( list-Coherent-H-Space X)
    ( pair
      ( associative-concat-list)
      ( pair
        ( unit-law-011-associative-concat-list)
        ( pair
          ( unit-law-101-associative-concat-list)
          ( pair unit-law-110-associative-concat-list star))))


For any wild monoid M with a map X → M there is a morphism of wild monoids list X → M

module _
  {l1 l2 : Level} {X : UU l1} (M : Wild-Monoid l2) (f : X  type-Wild-Monoid M)

  map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid :
    list X  type-Wild-Monoid M
  map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid nil = unit-Wild-Monoid M
  map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid (cons u x) =
    mul-Wild-Monoid M (f u) (map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid x)

  preserves-unit-map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid :
    Id (map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid nil) (unit-Wild-Monoid M)
  preserves-unit-map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid = refl

  preserves-mul-map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid :
      ( concat-list)
      ( mul-Wild-Monoid M)
      ( map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid)
  preserves-mul-map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid nil y =
    inv (left-unit-law-mul-Wild-Monoid M (map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid y))
  preserves-mul-map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid (cons u x) y =
    ( ap (mul-Wild-Monoid M (f u))
      ( preserves-mul-map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid x y)) 
    ( inv
      ( associative-mul-Wild-Monoid M
        ( f u)
        ( map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid x)
        ( map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid y)))

  preserves-left-unit-law-map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid :
      ( concat-list)
      { nil}
      ( left-unit-law-concat-list)
      ( mul-Wild-Monoid M)
      ( left-unit-law-mul-Wild-Monoid M)
      ( map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid)
      ( preserves-unit-map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid)
      ( preserves-mul-map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid)
  preserves-left-unit-law-map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid x =
      ( left-inv
        ( left-unit-law-mul-Wild-Monoid M (map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid x)))

  preserves-right-unit-law-map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid :
      ( concat-list)
      { nil}
      ( right-unit-law-concat-list)
      ( mul-Wild-Monoid M)
      ( right-unit-law-mul-Wild-Monoid M)
      ( map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid)
      ( preserves-unit-map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid)
      ( preserves-mul-map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid)
  preserves-right-unit-law-map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid nil =
    ( inv (left-inv (left-unit-law-mul-Wild-Monoid M (unit-Wild-Monoid M)))) 
    ( ap
      ( concat
        ( inv (left-unit-law-mul-Wild-Monoid M (unit-Wild-Monoid M)))
        ( unit-Wild-Monoid M))
      ( coh-unit-laws-mul-Wild-Monoid M))
  preserves-right-unit-law-map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid (cons a x) =
    ( inv
      ( ap-comp
        ( map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid)
        ( cons a)
        ( right-unit-law-concat-list x))) 
    ( ( ap-comp
        ( mul-Wild-Monoid M (f a))
        ( map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid)
        ( right-unit-law-concat-list x)) 
      ( ( ap
          ( ap (mul-Wild-Monoid M (f a)))
          ( preserves-right-unit-law-map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid x)) 
        ( ( ap-concat
            ( mul-Wild-Monoid M (f a))
            ( preserves-mul-map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid x nil)
            ( right-unit-law-mul-Wild-Monoid M
              ( map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid x))) 
          ( ( ap
              ( concat
                ( ap
                  ( mul-Wild-Monoid M (f a))
                  ( preserves-mul-map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid x nil))
                ( map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid (cons a x)))
              ( ( ap
                  ( concat'
                    ( mul-Wild-Monoid M
                      ( f a)
                      ( mul-Wild-Monoid M
                        ( map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid x)
                        ( unit-Wild-Monoid M)))
                    ( ap
                      ( mul-Wild-Monoid M (f a))
                      ( right-unit-law-mul-Wild-Monoid M
                        ( map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid x))))
                  ( inv
                    ( left-inv
                      ( associative-mul-Wild-Monoid M
                        ( f a)
                        ( map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid x)
                        ( unit-Wild-Monoid M))))) 
                ( ( assoc
                    ( inv
                      ( associative-mul-Wild-Monoid M
                        ( f a)
                        ( map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid x)
                        ( unit-Wild-Monoid M)))
                    ( associative-mul-Wild-Monoid M
                      ( f a)
                      ( map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid x)
                      ( unit-Wild-Monoid M))
                    ( ap
                      ( mul-Wild-Monoid M (f a))
                      ( right-unit-law-mul-Wild-Monoid M
                        ( map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid x)))) 
                  ( ap
                    ( concat
                      ( inv
                        ( associative-mul-Wild-Monoid M
                          ( f a)
                          ( map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid x)
                          ( unit-Wild-Monoid M)))
                      ( map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid (cons a x)))
                    ( unit-law-110-associative-Wild-Monoid M
                      ( f a)
                      ( map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid x)))))) 
            ( inv
              ( assoc
                ( ap
                  ( mul-Wild-Monoid M (f a))
                  ( preserves-mul-map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid x nil))
                ( inv
                  ( associative-mul-Wild-Monoid M
                    ( f a)
                    ( map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid x)
                    ( unit-Wild-Monoid M)))
                ( right-unit-law-mul-Wild-Monoid M
                  ( map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid (cons a x)))))))))

preserves-coh-unit-laws-map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {X : UU l1} (M : Wild-Monoid l2)
  (f : X  type-Wild-Monoid M) 
    ( list-Coherent-H-Space X)
    ( wild-unital-magma-Wild-Monoid M)
    ( pair (map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid M f) refl)
    ( preserves-mul-map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid M f)
    ( preserves-left-unit-law-map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid M f)
    ( preserves-right-unit-law-map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid M f)
  (pair (pair (pair M eM) (pair μ (pair lM (pair rM cM)))) αM) f = refl

elim-list-Wild-Monoid :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {X : UU l1} (M : Wild-Monoid l2)
  (f : X  type-Wild-Monoid M) 
  hom-Wild-Monoid (list-Wild-Monoid X) M
elim-list-Wild-Monoid M f =
    ( pair (map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid M f) refl)
    ( pair
      ( preserves-mul-map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid M f)
      ( pair (preserves-left-unit-law-map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid M f)
        ( pair
          ( preserves-right-unit-law-map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid M f)
          ( preserves-coh-unit-laws-map-elim-list-Wild-Monoid M f))))

Contractibility of the type hom (list X) M of morphisms of wild monoids

-- htpy-elim-list-Wild-Monoid :
--   {l1 l2 : Level} {X : UU l1} (M : Wild-Monoid l2)
--   (g h : hom-Wild-Monoid (list-Wild-Monoid X) M)
--   ( H : ( map-hom-Wild-Monoid (list-Wild-Monoid X) M g ∘ unit-list) ~
--         ( map-hom-Wild-Monoid (list-Wild-Monoid X) M h ∘ unit-list)) →
--   htpy-hom-Wild-Monoid (list-Wild-Monoid X) M g h
-- htpy-elim-list-Wild-Monoid {X = X} M g h H =
--   pair (pair α β) γ
--   where
--   α : pr1 (pr1 g) ~ pr1 (pr1 h)
--   α nil =
--     ( preserves-unit-map-hom-Wild-Monoid (list-Wild-Monoid X) M g) ∙
--     ( inv (preserves-unit-map-hom-Wild-Monoid (list-Wild-Monoid X) M h))
--   α (cons x l) =
--     ( preserves-mul-map-hom-Wild-Monoid
--       ( list-Wild-Monoid X)
--       ( M)
--       ( g)
--       ( unit-list x)
--       ( l)) ∙
--     ( ( ap-mul-Wild-Monoid M (H x) (α l)) ∙
--       ( inv
--         ( preserves-mul-map-hom-Wild-Monoid
--           ( list-Wild-Monoid X)
--           ( M)
--           ( h)
--           ( unit-list x)
--           ( l))))
--   β : (x y : pr1 (pr1 (list-Wild-Monoid X))) →
--       Id ( pr2 (pr1 g) x y ∙ ap-mul-Wild-Monoid M (α x) (α y))
--          ( α (concat-list x y) ∙ pr2 (pr1 h) x y)
--   β nil y = {!!}
--   β (cons x x₁) y = {!!}
--   γ : Id (pr2 g) (α nil ∙ pr2 h)
--   γ =
--     ( inv right-unit) ∙
--     ( ( ap (concat (pr2 g) (pr1 (pr2 M))) (inv (left-inv (pr2 h)))) ∙
--       ( inv (assoc (pr2 g) (inv (pr2 h)) (pr2 h))))