Strongly extensional maps
module foundation.strongly-extensional-maps where
Consider a function f : A → B
between types equipped with apartness relations.
Then we say that f
is strongly extensional if
f x # f y → x # y
strongly-extensional : {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (A : Type-With-Apartness l1 l2) (B : Type-With-Apartness l3 l4) → (type-Type-With-Apartness A → type-Type-With-Apartness B) → UU (l1 ⊔ l2 ⊔ l4) strongly-extensional A B f = (x y : type-Type-With-Apartness A) → apart-Type-With-Apartness B (f x) (f y) → apart-Type-With-Apartness A x y
-- is-strongly-extensional : -- {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} (A : Type-With-Apartness l1 l2) -- (B : Type-With-Apartness l3 l4) → -- (f : type-Type-With-Apartness A → type-Type-With-Apartness B) → -- strongly-extensional A B f -- is-strongly-extensional A B f x y H = {!!}