Functoriality of coproduct types
module foundation.functoriality-coproduct-types where
open import foundation.coproduct-types open import foundation.equality-coproduct-types open import foundation.equivalence-extensionality open import foundation.equivalences open import foundation.function-extensionality open import foundation.functoriality-cartesian-product-types open import foundation.homotopies open import foundation.propositional-truncations open import foundation.structure-identity-principle open import foundation.surjective-maps open import foundation.unit-type open import foundation.universal-property-coproduct-types open import foundation-core.cartesian-product-types open import foundation-core.contractible-types open import foundation-core.dependent-pair-types open import foundation-core.empty-types open import foundation-core.equality-cartesian-product-types open import foundation-core.fibers-of-maps open import foundation-core.functions open import foundation-core.functoriality-dependent-function-types open import foundation-core.functoriality-dependent-pair-types open import foundation-core.identity-types open import foundation-core.injective-maps open import foundation-core.negation open import foundation-core.propositions open import foundation-core.universe-levels
Any two maps f : A → B
and g : C → D
induce a map
map-coprod f g : coprod A B → coprod C D
The functorial action of the coproduct operation
module _ {l1 l2 l1' l2' : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {A' : UU l1'} {B' : UU l2'} where map-coprod : (A → A') → (B → B') → A + B → A' + B' map-coprod f g (inl x) = inl (f x) map-coprod f g (inr y) = inr (g y)
Functoriality of coproducts preserves identity maps
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (A : UU l1) (B : UU l2) where id-map-coprod : (map-coprod (id {A = A}) (id {A = B})) ~ id id-map-coprod (inl x) = refl id-map-coprod (inr x) = refl
Functoriality of coproducts preserves composition
module _ {l1 l2 l1' l2' l1'' l2'' : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {A' : UU l1'} {B' : UU l2'} {A'' : UU l1''} {B'' : UU l2''} (f : A → A') (f' : A' → A'') (g : B → B') (g' : B' → B'') where preserves-comp-map-coprod : (map-coprod (f' ∘ f) (g' ∘ g)) ~ ((map-coprod f' g') ∘ (map-coprod f g)) preserves-comp-map-coprod (inl x) = refl preserves-comp-map-coprod (inr y) = refl
Functoriality of coproducts preserves homotopies
module _ {l1 l2 l1' l2' : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {A' : UU l1'} {B' : UU l2'} {f f' : A → A'} (H : f ~ f') {g g' : B → B'} (K : g ~ g') where htpy-map-coprod : (map-coprod f g) ~ (map-coprod f' g') htpy-map-coprod (inl x) = ap inl (H x) htpy-map-coprod (inr y) = ap inr (K y)
The fibers of map-coprod
module _ {l1 l2 l1' l2' : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {A' : UU l1'} {B' : UU l2'} (f : A' → A) (g : B' → B) where fib-map-coprod-inl-fib : (x : A) → fib f x → fib (map-coprod f g) (inl x) pr1 (fib-map-coprod-inl-fib x (pair a' p)) = inl a' pr2 (fib-map-coprod-inl-fib x (pair a' p)) = ap inl p fib-fib-map-coprod-inl : (x : A) → fib (map-coprod f g) (inl x) → fib f x fib-fib-map-coprod-inl x (pair (inl a') p) = pair a' (map-compute-eq-coprod-inl-inl (f a') x p) fib-fib-map-coprod-inl x (pair (inr b') p) = ex-falso (is-empty-eq-coprod-inr-inl (g b') x p) abstract issec-fib-fib-map-coprod-inl : (x : A) → (fib-map-coprod-inl-fib x ∘ fib-fib-map-coprod-inl x) ~ id issec-fib-fib-map-coprod-inl .(f a') (pair (inl a') refl) = refl issec-fib-fib-map-coprod-inl x (pair (inr b') p) = ex-falso (is-empty-eq-coprod-inr-inl (g b') x p) abstract isretr-fib-fib-map-coprod-inl : (x : A) → (fib-fib-map-coprod-inl x ∘ fib-map-coprod-inl-fib x) ~ id isretr-fib-fib-map-coprod-inl .(f a') (pair a' refl) = refl abstract is-equiv-fib-map-coprod-inl-fib : (x : A) → is-equiv (fib-map-coprod-inl-fib x) is-equiv-fib-map-coprod-inl-fib x = is-equiv-has-inverse ( fib-fib-map-coprod-inl x) ( issec-fib-fib-map-coprod-inl x) ( isretr-fib-fib-map-coprod-inl x) fib-map-coprod-inr-fib : (y : B) → fib g y → fib (map-coprod f g) (inr y) pr1 (fib-map-coprod-inr-fib y (pair b' p)) = inr b' pr2 (fib-map-coprod-inr-fib y (pair b' p)) = ap inr p fib-fib-map-coprod-inr : (y : B) → fib (map-coprod f g) (inr y) → fib g y fib-fib-map-coprod-inr y (pair (inl a') p) = ex-falso (is-empty-eq-coprod-inl-inr (f a') y p) pr1 (fib-fib-map-coprod-inr y (pair (inr b') p)) = b' pr2 (fib-fib-map-coprod-inr y (pair (inr b') p)) = map-compute-eq-coprod-inr-inr (g b') y p abstract issec-fib-fib-map-coprod-inr : (y : B) → (fib-map-coprod-inr-fib y ∘ fib-fib-map-coprod-inr y) ~ id issec-fib-fib-map-coprod-inr .(g b') (pair (inr b') refl) = refl issec-fib-fib-map-coprod-inr y (pair (inl a') p) = ex-falso (is-empty-eq-coprod-inl-inr (f a') y p) abstract isretr-fib-fib-map-coprod-inr : (y : B) → (fib-fib-map-coprod-inr y ∘ fib-map-coprod-inr-fib y) ~ id isretr-fib-fib-map-coprod-inr .(g b') (pair b' refl) = refl abstract is-equiv-fib-map-coprod-inr-fib : (y : B) → is-equiv (fib-map-coprod-inr-fib y) is-equiv-fib-map-coprod-inr-fib y = is-equiv-has-inverse ( fib-fib-map-coprod-inr y) ( issec-fib-fib-map-coprod-inr y) ( isretr-fib-fib-map-coprod-inr y)
Functoriality of coproducts preserves equivalences
module _ {l1 l2 l1' l2' : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {A' : UU l1'} {B' : UU l2'} where abstract is-equiv-map-coprod : {f : A → A'} {g : B → B'} → is-equiv f → is-equiv g → is-equiv (map-coprod f g) pr1 ( pr1 ( is-equiv-map-coprod ( pair (pair sf Sf) (pair rf Rf)) ( pair (pair sg Sg) (pair rg Rg)))) = map-coprod sf sg pr2 ( pr1 ( is-equiv-map-coprod {f} {g} ( pair (pair sf Sf) (pair rf Rf)) ( pair (pair sg Sg) (pair rg Rg)))) = ( ( inv-htpy (preserves-comp-map-coprod sf f sg g)) ∙h ( htpy-map-coprod Sf Sg)) ∙h ( id-map-coprod A' B') pr1 ( pr2 ( is-equiv-map-coprod ( pair (pair sf Sf) (pair rf Rf)) ( pair (pair sg Sg) (pair rg Rg)))) = map-coprod rf rg pr2 ( pr2 ( is-equiv-map-coprod {f} {g} ( pair (pair sf Sf) (pair rf Rf)) ( pair (pair sg Sg) (pair rg Rg)))) = ( ( inv-htpy (preserves-comp-map-coprod f rf g rg)) ∙h ( htpy-map-coprod Rf Rg)) ∙h ( id-map-coprod A B) map-equiv-coprod : (A ≃ A') → (B ≃ B') → A + B → A' + B' map-equiv-coprod e e' = map-coprod (map-equiv e) (map-equiv e') equiv-coprod : (A ≃ A') → (B ≃ B') → (A + B) ≃ (A' + B') pr1 (equiv-coprod e e') = map-equiv-coprod e e' pr2 (equiv-coprod e e') = is-equiv-map-coprod (is-equiv-map-equiv e) (is-equiv-map-equiv e')
Functoriality of coproducts preserves being surjective
module _ {l1 l2 l1' l2' : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {A' : UU l1'} {B' : UU l2'} where abstract is-surjective-map-coprod : {f : A → A'} {g : B → B'} → is-surjective f → is-surjective g → is-surjective (map-coprod f g) is-surjective-map-coprod s s' (inl x) = apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop (s x) ( trunc-Prop (fib (map-coprod _ _) (inl x))) ( λ {(a , p) → unit-trunc-Prop (inl a , ap inl p)}) is-surjective-map-coprod s s' (inr x) = apply-universal-property-trunc-Prop (s' x) ( trunc-Prop (fib (map-coprod _ _) (inr x))) ( λ {(a , p) → unit-trunc-Prop (inr a , ap inr p)})
For any two maps f : A → B
and g : C → D
, there is at most one pair of maps f' : A → B
and g' : C → D
such that f' + g' = f + g
is-contr-fib-map-coprod : {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {C : UU l3} {D : UU l4} (f : A → B) (g : C → D) → is-contr ( fib ( λ (fg' : (A → B) × (C → D)) → map-coprod (pr1 fg') (pr2 fg')) ( map-coprod f g)) is-contr-fib-map-coprod {A = A} {B} {C} {D} f g = is-contr-equiv ( Σ ( (A → B) × (C → D)) ( λ fg' → ((a : A) → pr1 fg' a = f a) × ((c : C) → pr2 fg' c = g c))) ( equiv-tot ( λ fg' → ( ( equiv-prod ( equiv-map-Π ( λ a → compute-eq-coprod-inl-inl (pr1 fg' a) (f a))) ( equiv-map-Π ( λ c → compute-eq-coprod-inr-inr (pr2 fg' c) (g c)))) ∘e ( equiv-dependent-universal-property-coprod ( λ x → map-coprod (pr1 fg') (pr2 fg') x = map-coprod f g x))) ∘e ( equiv-funext))) ( is-contr-total-Eq-structure ( λ f' g' (H : f' ~ f) → (c : C) → g' c = g c) ( is-contr-total-htpy' f) ( pair f refl-htpy) ( is-contr-total-htpy' g)) {- is-emb-map-coprod : {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} {C : UU l3} {D : UU l4} → is-emb (λ (fg : (A → B) × (C → D)) → map-coprod (pr1 fg) (pr2 fg)) is-emb-map-coprod (pair f g) = fundamental-theorem-id (pair f g) ( refl) {! is-contr-fib-map-coprod f g!} {!!} -}
For any equivalence f : A + B ≃ A + B
and g : B ≃ B
such that f
and g
coincide on B
, we construct an h : A ≃ A
such that htpy-equiv (equiv-coprod h d) f
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : UU l2} where equiv-coproduct-induce-equiv-disjoint : (f : (A + B) ≃ (A + B)) (g : B ≃ B) (p : (b : B) → map-equiv f (inr b) = inr (map-equiv g b)) (x : A) (y : B) → ¬ (map-equiv f (inl x) = inr y) equiv-coproduct-induce-equiv-disjoint f g p x y q = neq-inr-inl ( is-injective-map-equiv f ( ( p (map-equiv (inv-equiv g) y) ∙ ( ( ap (λ z → inr (map-equiv z y)) (right-inverse-law-equiv g)) ∙ ( inv q))))) inv-commutative-square-inr : (f : (A + B) ≃ (A + B)) (g : B ≃ B) (p : (b : B) → map-equiv f (inr b) = inr (map-equiv g b)) → (b : B) → map-inv-equiv f (inr b) = inr (map-inv-equiv g b) inv-commutative-square-inr f g p b = is-injective-map-equiv f ( ( ap (λ z → map-equiv z (inr b)) (right-inverse-law-equiv f)) ∙ ( ( inv (ap (λ z → inr (map-equiv z b)) (right-inverse-law-equiv g))) ∙ ( inv (p (map-inv-equiv g b))))) cases-retr-equiv-coprod : (f : (A + B) ≃ (A + B)) (g : B ≃ B) (p : (b : B) → map-equiv f (inr b) = inr (map-equiv g b)) (x : A) (y : A + B) → map-equiv f (inl x) = y → A cases-retr-equiv-coprod f g p x (inl y) q = y cases-retr-equiv-coprod f g p x (inr y) q = ex-falso (equiv-coproduct-induce-equiv-disjoint f g p x y q) inv-cases-retr-equiv-coprod : (f : (A + B) ≃ (A + B)) (g : B ≃ B) (p : (b : B) → map-equiv f (inr b) = inr (map-equiv g b)) (x : A) (y : A + B) → map-inv-equiv f (inl x) = y → A inv-cases-retr-equiv-coprod f g p = cases-retr-equiv-coprod ( inv-equiv f) ( inv-equiv g) ( inv-commutative-square-inr f g p) retr-cases-retr-equiv-coprod : (f : (A + B) ≃ (A + B)) (g : B ≃ B) (p : (b : B) → map-equiv f (inr b) = inr (map-equiv g b)) (x : A) (y z : A + B) (q : map-equiv f (inl x) = y) (r : map-inv-equiv f (inl (cases-retr-equiv-coprod f g p x y q)) = z) → ( inv-cases-retr-equiv-coprod f g p ( cases-retr-equiv-coprod f g p x y q) z r) = ( x) retr-cases-retr-equiv-coprod f g p x (inl y) (inl z) q r = is-injective-inl ( ( inv r) ∙ ( ( ap (map-inv-equiv f) (inv q)) ∙ ( ap (λ w → map-equiv w (inl x)) (left-inverse-law-equiv f)))) retr-cases-retr-equiv-coprod f g p x (inl y) (inr z) q r = ex-falso ( equiv-coproduct-induce-equiv-disjoint ( inv-equiv f) ( inv-equiv g) ( inv-commutative-square-inr f g p) ( y) ( z) ( r)) retr-cases-retr-equiv-coprod f g p x (inr y) z q r = ex-falso (equiv-coproduct-induce-equiv-disjoint f g p x y q) sec-cases-retr-equiv-coprod : (f : (A + B) ≃ (A + B)) (g : B ≃ B) (p : (b : B) → map-equiv f (inr b) = inr (map-equiv g b)) (x : A) (y z : A + B) (q : map-inv-equiv f (inl x) = y) (r : map-equiv f (inl (inv-cases-retr-equiv-coprod f g p x y q)) = z) → ( cases-retr-equiv-coprod f g p ( inv-cases-retr-equiv-coprod f g p x y q) z r) = ( x) sec-cases-retr-equiv-coprod f g p x (inl y) (inl z) q r = is-injective-inl ( ( inv r) ∙ ( ( ap (map-equiv f) (inv q)) ∙ ( ap (λ w → map-equiv w (inl x)) (right-inverse-law-equiv f)))) sec-cases-retr-equiv-coprod f g p x (inl y) (inr z) q r = ex-falso (equiv-coproduct-induce-equiv-disjoint f g p y z r) sec-cases-retr-equiv-coprod f g p x (inr y) z q r = ex-falso ( equiv-coproduct-induce-equiv-disjoint ( inv-equiv f) ( inv-equiv g) ( inv-commutative-square-inr f g p) ( x) ( y) ( q)) retr-equiv-coprod : (f : (A + B) ≃ (A + B)) (g : B ≃ B) (p : (b : B) → map-equiv f (inr b) = inr (map-equiv g b)) → Σ (A ≃ A) (λ h → htpy-equiv f (equiv-coprod h g)) pr1 (pr1 (retr-equiv-coprod f g p)) x = cases-retr-equiv-coprod f g p x (map-equiv f (inl x)) refl pr2 (pr1 (retr-equiv-coprod f g p)) = is-equiv-has-inverse ( λ x → inv-cases-retr-equiv-coprod f g p x (map-inv-equiv f (inl x)) refl) ( λ x → sec-cases-retr-equiv-coprod f g p x ( map-inv-equiv f (inl x)) ( map-equiv f ( inl ( inv-cases-retr-equiv-coprod f g p x ( map-inv-equiv f (inl x)) ( refl)))) ( refl) ( refl)) ( λ x → retr-cases-retr-equiv-coprod f g p x ( map-equiv f (inl x)) ( map-inv-equiv f ( inl ( cases-retr-equiv-coprod f g p x ( map-equiv f (inl x)) ( refl)))) ( refl) ( refl)) pr2 (retr-equiv-coprod f g p) (inl x) = commutative-square-inl-retr-equiv-coprod x (map-equiv f (inl x)) refl where commutative-square-inl-retr-equiv-coprod : (x : A) (y : A + B) (q : map-equiv f (inl x) = y) → map-equiv f (inl x) = inl (cases-retr-equiv-coprod f g p x y q) commutative-square-inl-retr-equiv-coprod x (inl y) q = q commutative-square-inl-retr-equiv-coprod x (inr y) q = ex-falso (equiv-coproduct-induce-equiv-disjoint f g p x y q) pr2 (retr-equiv-coprod f g p) (inr x) = p x
Equivalences between mutually exclusive coproducts
If P → ¬ Q'
and P' → ¬ Q
then (P + Q ≃ P' + Q') ≃ ((P ≃ P') × (Q ≃ Q'))
module _ {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {P : UU l1} {Q : UU l2} {P' : UU l3} {Q' : UU l4} (¬PQ' : P → ¬ Q') where left-to-left : (e : (P + Q) ≃ (P' + Q')) → (u : P + Q) → is-left u → is-left (map-equiv e u) left-to-left e (inl p) _ = ind-coprod is-left (λ _ → star) (λ q' → ¬PQ' p q') (map-equiv e (inl p)) left-to-left e (inr q) () module _ {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {P : UU l1} {Q : UU l2} {P' : UU l3} {Q' : UU l4} (¬P'Q : P' → ¬ Q) where right-to-right : (e : (P + Q) ≃ (P' + Q')) (u : P + Q) → is-right u → is-right (map-equiv e u) right-to-right e (inl p) () right-to-right e (inr q) _ = ind-coprod is-right (λ p' → ¬P'Q p' q) (λ _ → star) (map-equiv e (inr q)) module _ {l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level} {P : UU l1} {Q : UU l2} {P' : UU l3} {Q' : UU l4} (¬PQ' : P → ¬ Q') (¬P'Q : P' → ¬ Q) where equiv-left-to-left : (e : (P + Q) ≃ (P' + Q')) (u : P + Q) → is-left u ≃ is-left (map-equiv e u) pr1 (equiv-left-to-left e u) = left-to-left ¬PQ' e u pr2 (equiv-left-to-left e u) = is-equiv-has-inverse (tr is-left (isretr-map-inv-equiv e u) ∘ left-to-left ¬P'Q (inv-equiv e) (map-equiv e u)) (λ _ → eq-is-prop (is-prop-is-left (map-equiv e u))) (λ _ → eq-is-prop (is-prop-is-left u)) equiv-right-to-right : (e : (P + Q) ≃ (P' + Q')) (u : P + Q) → is-right u ≃ is-right (map-equiv e u) pr1 (equiv-right-to-right e u) = right-to-right ¬P'Q e u pr2 (equiv-right-to-right e u) = is-equiv-has-inverse (tr is-right (isretr-map-inv-equiv e u) ∘ right-to-right ¬PQ' (inv-equiv e) (map-equiv e u)) (λ _ → eq-is-prop (is-prop-is-right (map-equiv e u))) (λ _ → eq-is-prop (is-prop-is-right u)) map-mutually-exclusive-coprod : (P + Q) ≃ (P' + Q') → (P ≃ P') × (Q ≃ Q') pr1 (map-mutually-exclusive-coprod e) = equiv-left-summand ∘e ( equiv-Σ _ e (equiv-left-to-left e) ∘e inv-equiv equiv-left-summand) pr2 (map-mutually-exclusive-coprod e) = equiv-right-summand ∘e ( equiv-Σ _ e (equiv-right-to-right e) ∘e inv-equiv (equiv-right-summand)) map-inv-mutually-exclusive-coprod : (P ≃ P') × (Q ≃ Q') → (P + Q) ≃ (P' + Q') map-inv-mutually-exclusive-coprod (pair e₁ e₂) = equiv-coprod e₁ e₂ isretr-map-inv-mutually-exclusive-coprod : (map-mutually-exclusive-coprod ∘ map-inv-mutually-exclusive-coprod) ~ id isretr-map-inv-mutually-exclusive-coprod (pair e₁ e₂) = eq-pair (eq-equiv-eq-map-equiv refl) (eq-equiv-eq-map-equiv refl) issec-map-inv-mutually-exclusive-coprod : (map-inv-mutually-exclusive-coprod ∘ map-mutually-exclusive-coprod) ~ id issec-map-inv-mutually-exclusive-coprod e = eq-htpy-equiv ( λ { (inl p) → ap ( pr1) ( isretr-map-inv-equiv-left-summand ( map-equiv e (inl p) , left-to-left ¬PQ' e (inl p) star)) ; (inr q) → ap ( pr1) ( isretr-map-inv-equiv-right-summand ( map-equiv e (inr q) , right-to-right ¬P'Q e (inr q) star))}) equiv-mutually-exclusive-coprod : ((P + Q) ≃ (P' + Q')) ≃ ((P ≃ P') × (Q ≃ Q')) pr1 equiv-mutually-exclusive-coprod = map-mutually-exclusive-coprod pr2 equiv-mutually-exclusive-coprod = is-equiv-has-inverse map-inv-mutually-exclusive-coprod isretr-map-inv-mutually-exclusive-coprod issec-map-inv-mutually-exclusive-coprod
See also
Arithmetical laws involving coproduct types are recorded in
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Equality proofs in coproduct types are characterized in
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The universal property of coproducts is treated in
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Functorial properties of cartesian product types are recorded in
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Functorial properties of dependent pair types are recorded in