Univalent action on equivalences
module foundation.univalence-action-on-equivalences where
open import foundation.function-extensionality open import foundation.identity-types open import foundation.sets open import foundation.subuniverses open import foundation.univalence open import foundation-core.contractible-types open import foundation-core.dependent-pair-types open import foundation-core.equality-dependent-pair-types open import foundation-core.equivalences open import foundation-core.injective-maps open import foundation-core.propositions open import foundation-core.subtypes open import foundation-core.universe-levels
Given a subuniverse P
, any family of types B
indexed by types of P
has an
action on equivalences obtained by using the univalence axiom.
module _ { l1 l2 l3 : Level} ( P : subuniverse l1 l2) (B : type-subuniverse P → UU l3) where univalent-action-equiv : (X Y : type-subuniverse P) → pr1 X ≃ pr1 Y → B X ≃ B Y univalent-action-equiv X Y e = equiv-tr B (eq-equiv-subuniverse P e)
preserves-id-equiv-univalent-action-equiv : (X : type-subuniverse P) → univalent-action-equiv X X id-equiv = id-equiv preserves-id-equiv-univalent-action-equiv X = ( ap (equiv-tr B) ( is-injective-map-equiv ( extensionality-subuniverse P X X) ( issec-map-inv-is-equiv ( is-equiv-equiv-eq-subuniverse P X X) ( id-equiv)))) ∙ ( equiv-tr-refl B) Ind-univalent-action-path : { l4 : Level} ( X : type-subuniverse P) ( F : (Y : type-subuniverse P) → B X ≃ B Y → UU l4) → F X id-equiv → ( Y : type-subuniverse P) (p : X = Y) → F Y (equiv-tr B p) Ind-univalent-action-path X F p .X refl = tr (F X) (inv (equiv-tr-refl B)) p Ind-univalent-action-equiv : { l4 : Level} ( X : type-subuniverse P) ( F : (Y : type-subuniverse P) → B X ≃ B Y → UU l4) → F X id-equiv → (Y : type-subuniverse P) (e : pr1 X ≃ pr1 Y) → F Y (univalent-action-equiv X Y e) Ind-univalent-action-equiv X F p Y e = Ind-univalent-action-path X F p Y (eq-equiv-subuniverse P e) is-contr-preserves-id-action-equiv : ( (X : type-subuniverse P) → is-set (B X)) → is-contr ( Σ ( (X Y : type-subuniverse P) → pr1 X ≃ pr1 Y → B X ≃ B Y) ( λ D → (X : type-subuniverse P) → D X X id-equiv = id-equiv)) pr1 (pr1 (is-contr-preserves-id-action-equiv H)) = univalent-action-equiv pr2 (pr1 (is-contr-preserves-id-action-equiv H)) = preserves-id-equiv-univalent-action-equiv pr2 (is-contr-preserves-id-action-equiv H) (D , p) = eq-pair-Σ ( eq-htpy (λ X → eq-htpy (λ Y → eq-htpy (λ e → lemma2 univalent-action-equiv D (λ X → preserves-id-equiv-univalent-action-equiv X ∙ inv (p X)) X Y e)))) ( eq-is-prop ( is-prop-Π ( λ X → is-set-type-Set ( B X ≃ B X , is-set-equiv-is-set (H X) (H X)) ( D X X id-equiv) ( id-equiv)))) where lemma1 : (f g : (X Y : UU l1) → (pX : is-in-subuniverse P X) → ( pY : is-in-subuniverse P Y) → X = Y → B (X , pX) ≃ B (Y , pY)) → ( (X : UU l1) (pX : is-in-subuniverse P X) (pX' : is-in-subuniverse P X) → f X X pX pX' refl = g X X pX pX' refl) → ( X Y : UU l1) (pX : is-in-subuniverse P X) ( pY : is-in-subuniverse P Y) (p : X = Y) → f X Y pX pY p = g X Y pX pY p lemma1 f g h X .X pX pX' refl = h X pX pX' lemma2 : ( f g : (X Y : type-subuniverse P) → pr1 X ≃ pr1 Y → B X ≃ B Y) → ( (X : type-subuniverse P) → f X X id-equiv = g X X id-equiv) → ( X Y : type-subuniverse P) (e : pr1 X ≃ pr1 Y) → f X Y e = g X Y e lemma2 f g h X Y e = tr ( λ e' → f X Y e' = g X Y e') ( issec-map-inv-is-equiv (univalence (pr1 X) (pr1 Y)) e) ( lemma1 ( λ X Y pX pY p → f (X , pX) (Y , pY) (equiv-eq p)) ( λ X Y pX pY p → g (X , pX) (Y , pY) (equiv-eq p)) ( λ X pX pX' → tr ( λ p → f (X , pX) (X , p) id-equiv = g (X , pX) (X , p) id-equiv) ( eq-is-prop (is-prop-is-in-subtype P X)) ( h ( X , pX))) ( pr1 X) ( pr1 Y) ( pr2 X) ( pr2 Y) ( eq-equiv (pr1 X) (pr1 Y) e))