Multivariable functoriality of set quotients

module foundation.multivariable-functoriality-set-quotients where
open import elementary-number-theory.natural-numbers

open import foundation.functoriality-set-quotients
open import foundation.set-quotients
open import foundation.vectors-set-quotients

open import foundation-core.equivalence-relations
open import foundation-core.functions
open import foundation-core.homotopies
open import foundation-core.universe-levels

open import linear-algebra.vectors

open import univalent-combinatorics.standard-finite-types


Say we have a family of types A1, ..., An each equipped with an equivalence relation Ri, as well as a type X equipped with an equivalence relation S, Then, any multivariable operation from the Ais to the X that respects the equivalence relations extends uniquely to a multivariable operation from the Ai/Ris to X/S.


n-ary hom of equivalence relation

module _
  { l1 l2 l3 l4 : Level}
  ( n : )
  ( A : functional-vec (UU l1) n)
  ( R : (i : Fin n)  Eq-Rel l2 (A i))
  { X : UU l3} (S : Eq-Rel l4 X)

  multivariable-map-set-quotient :
    ( h : hom-Eq-Rel (all-sim-Eq-Rel n A R) S) 
    set-quotient-vector n A R  set-quotient S
  multivariable-map-set-quotient =
      ( all-sim-Eq-Rel n A R)
      ( set-quotient-vector-Set n A R)
      ( reflecting-map-quotient-vector-map n A R)
      ( S)
      ( quotient-Set S)
      ( reflecting-map-quotient-map S)
      ( is-set-quotient-vector-set-quotient n A R)
      ( is-set-quotient-set-quotient S)

  compute-multivariable-map-set-quotient :
    ( h : hom-Eq-Rel (all-sim-Eq-Rel n A R) S) 
    ( multivariable-map-set-quotient h 
      quotient-vector-map n A R) ~
    ( quotient-map S 
      map-hom-Eq-Rel (all-sim-Eq-Rel n A R) S h)
  compute-multivariable-map-set-quotient =
      ( all-sim-Eq-Rel n A R)
      ( set-quotient-vector-Set n A R)
      ( reflecting-map-quotient-vector-map n A R)
      ( S)
      ( quotient-Set S)
      ( reflecting-map-quotient-map S)
      ( is-set-quotient-vector-set-quotient n A R)
      ( is-set-quotient-set-quotient S)