Based strong induction for the natural numbers

module elementary-number-theory.based-strong-induction-natural-numbers where
open import elementary-number-theory.based-induction-natural-numbers
open import elementary-number-theory.inequality-natural-numbers
open import elementary-number-theory.natural-numbers

open import foundation.contractible-types
open import foundation.coproduct-types
open import foundation.empty-types
open import foundation.function-extensionality
open import foundation.functions
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.propositions
open import foundation.universe-levels


The based strong induction principle for the natural numbers asserts that for any natural number k : ℕ and any family P of types over the natural numbers equipped with

  1. an element p0 : P k, and
  2. a function pS : (x : ℕ) → k ≤-ℕ x → ((y : ℕ) → k ≤-ℕ y ≤-ℕ x → P y) → P (x + 1) there is a function
  f := based-strong-ind-ℕ k P p0 pS : (x : ℕ) → k ≤-ℕ x → P k


  1. f k K = p0 for any K : k ≤-ℕ k, and
  2. f (n + 1) N' = pS n N (λ m M H → f m M) for any N : k ≤-ℕ n and any N' : k ≤-ℕ n + 1.


The based -modality on families indexed by

based-□-≤-ℕ : {l : Level} (k : )  (  UU l)    UU l
based-□-≤-ℕ k P n = (m : )  (k ≤-ℕ m)  (m ≤-ℕ n)  P m

η-based-□-≤-ℕ :
  {l : Level} (k : ) {P :   UU l}  ((n : )  k ≤-ℕ n  P n) 
  (n : )  k ≤-ℕ n  based-□-≤-ℕ k P n
η-based-□-≤-ℕ k f n N m M p = f m M

ε-based-□-≤-ℕ :
  {l : Level} (k : ) {P :   UU l}  ((n : )  k ≤-ℕ n  based-□-≤-ℕ k P n) 
  ((n : )  k ≤-ℕ n  P n)
ε-based-□-≤-ℕ k f n N = f n N n N (refl-leq-ℕ n)


The base case of the based strong induction principle

base-based-strong-ind-ℕ :
  {l : Level} (k : ) (P :   UU l)  P k  based-□-≤-ℕ k P k
base-based-strong-ind-ℕ zero-ℕ P p zero-ℕ M H = p
base-based-strong-ind-ℕ (succ-ℕ k) P p0 (succ-ℕ m) =
  base-based-strong-ind-ℕ k (P  succ-ℕ) p0 m

eq-base-based-strong-ind-ℕ :
  {l : Level} (k : ) (P :   UU l) (p : P k)
  (s t : leq-ℕ k k)  base-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P p k s t  p
eq-base-based-strong-ind-ℕ zero-ℕ P p0 M H = refl
eq-base-based-strong-ind-ℕ (succ-ℕ k) P =
  eq-base-based-strong-ind-ℕ k (P  succ-ℕ)

The successor case of the based strong induction principle

cases-succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ :
  {l : Level} (k : ) (P :   UU l)
  (pS : (n : )  k ≤-ℕ n  based-□-≤-ℕ k P n  P (succ-ℕ n))
  (n : ) (N : k ≤-ℕ n) (f : based-□-≤-ℕ k P n)
  (m : ) (M : k ≤-ℕ m) (c : (leq-ℕ m n) + (m  succ-ℕ n))  P m
cases-succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS n N f m M (inl H') = f m M H'
cases-succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS n N f .(succ-ℕ n) M (inr refl) = pS n N f

succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ :
  {l : Level} (k : ) (P :   UU l) 
  ((x : )  leq-ℕ k x  based-□-≤-ℕ k P x  P (succ-ℕ x)) 
  (n : )  leq-ℕ k n  based-□-≤-ℕ k P n  based-□-≤-ℕ k P (succ-ℕ n)
succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS n N f m M H =
  cases-succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS n N f m M (cases-leq-succ-ℕ H)

cases-htpy-succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ :
  {l : Level} (k : ) (P :   UU l)
  (pS : (x : )  k ≤-ℕ x  based-□-≤-ℕ k P x  P (succ-ℕ x)) 
  (n : ) (N : k ≤-ℕ n) (f : based-□-≤-ℕ k P n)
  (m : ) (M : k ≤-ℕ m) (c : (leq-ℕ m n) + (m  succ-ℕ n)) 
  (H : leq-ℕ m n) 
  cases-succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS n N f m M c  f m M H
cases-htpy-succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS n N f m M (inl p) H =
  ap (f m M) (eq-is-prop (is-prop-leq-ℕ m n))
cases-htpy-succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS n N f m M (inr α) H =
  ex-falso (neg-succ-leq-ℕ n (concatenate-eq-leq-ℕ n (inv α) H))

htpy-succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ :
  {l : Level} (k : ) (P :   UU l) 
  (pS : (x : )  k ≤-ℕ x  based-□-≤-ℕ k P x  P (succ-ℕ x)) 
  (n : ) (N : k ≤-ℕ n) (f : based-□-≤-ℕ k P n)
  (m : ) (M : k ≤-ℕ m) (H : leq-ℕ m (succ-ℕ n)) (K : leq-ℕ m n) 
  succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS n N f m M H  f m M K
htpy-succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS n N f m M H =
  cases-htpy-succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS n N f m M (cases-leq-succ-ℕ H)

cases-eq-succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ :
  {l : Level} (k : ) (P :   UU l)
  (pS : (x : )  k ≤-ℕ x  based-□-≤-ℕ k P x  P (succ-ℕ x)) 
  (n : ) (N : k ≤-ℕ n) (f : based-□-≤-ℕ k P n) (M : k ≤-ℕ succ-ℕ n)
  (c : (leq-ℕ (succ-ℕ n) n) + (succ-ℕ n  succ-ℕ n)) 
  cases-succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS n N f (succ-ℕ n) M c  pS n N f
cases-eq-succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS n N f M (inl H) =
  ex-falso (neg-succ-leq-ℕ n H)
cases-eq-succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS n N f M (inr α) =
  ap ( (cases-succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS n N f (succ-ℕ n) M)  inr)
     ( eq-is-prop' (is-set-ℕ (succ-ℕ n) (succ-ℕ n)) α refl)

eq-succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ :
  {l : Level} (k : ) (P :   UU l)
  (pS : (x : )  k ≤-ℕ x  (based-□-≤-ℕ k P x)  P (succ-ℕ x)) 
  (n : ) (N : k ≤-ℕ n) (f : based-□-≤-ℕ k P n) (M : k ≤-ℕ succ-ℕ n)
  (H : leq-ℕ (succ-ℕ n) (succ-ℕ n)) 
  succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS n N f (succ-ℕ n) M H  pS n N f
eq-succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS n N f M H =
  cases-eq-succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS n N f M (cases-leq-succ-ℕ H)

The inductive step in the proof of based strong induction

module _
  {l : Level} (k : ) (P :   UU l) (z : based-□-≤-ℕ k P k)
  (s : (m : )  k ≤-ℕ m  based-□-≤-ℕ k P m  based-□-≤-ℕ k P (succ-ℕ m))

  inductive-step-based-strong-ind-ℕ : (n : )  k ≤-ℕ n  based-□-≤-ℕ k P n
  inductive-step-based-strong-ind-ℕ =
    based-ind-ℕ k (based-□-≤-ℕ k P) z s

  compute-base-inductive-step-based-strong-ind-ℕ :
    (K : k ≤-ℕ k) (m : ) (M : k ≤-ℕ m) (H : m ≤-ℕ k) 
    inductive-step-based-strong-ind-ℕ k K m M H  z m M H
  compute-base-inductive-step-based-strong-ind-ℕ K m M =
      ( htpy-eq
        ( htpy-eq
          ( compute-base-based-ind-ℕ k (based-□-≤-ℕ k P) z s K)
          ( m))
        ( M))

  compute-succ-inductive-step-based-strong-ind-ℕ :
    (n : ) (N : k ≤-ℕ n) (N' : k ≤-ℕ succ-ℕ n) 
    (m : ) (M : k ≤-ℕ m) (H : m ≤-ℕ succ-ℕ n) 
    inductive-step-based-strong-ind-ℕ (succ-ℕ n) N' m M H 
    s n N (inductive-step-based-strong-ind-ℕ n N) m M H
  compute-succ-inductive-step-based-strong-ind-ℕ n N N' m M =
      ( htpy-eq
        ( htpy-eq
          ( compute-succ-based-ind-ℕ k (based-□-≤-ℕ k P) z s n N N')
          ( m))
        ( M))

  ap-inductive-step-based-strong-ind-ℕ :
    {n n' : } (p : n  n') (N : k ≤-ℕ n) (N' : k ≤-ℕ n')
    (m : ) (M : k ≤-ℕ m) (H : m ≤-ℕ n) (H' : m ≤-ℕ n') 
    inductive-step-based-strong-ind-ℕ n N m M H 
    inductive-step-based-strong-ind-ℕ n' N' m M H'
  ap-inductive-step-based-strong-ind-ℕ refl N N' m M H H' =
      ( λ u v  inductive-step-based-strong-ind-ℕ _ u m M v)
      ( eq-is-prop (is-prop-leq-ℕ k _))
      ( eq-is-prop (is-prop-leq-ℕ m _))

The based strong induction principle

based-strong-ind-ℕ :
  {l : Level} (k : ) (P :   UU l) (p0 : P k) 
  (pS : (x : )  k ≤-ℕ x  based-□-≤-ℕ k P x  P (succ-ℕ x))
  (n : )  k ≤-ℕ n  P n
based-strong-ind-ℕ k P p0 pS =
  ε-based-□-≤-ℕ k
    ( inductive-step-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P
      ( base-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P p0)
      ( succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS))

compute-base-based-strong-ind-ℕ :
  {l : Level} (k : ) (P :   UU l) (p0 : P k) 
  (pS : (x : )  k ≤-ℕ x  (based-□-≤-ℕ k P x)  P (succ-ℕ x)) 
  based-strong-ind-ℕ k P p0 pS k (refl-leq-ℕ k)  p0
compute-base-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P p0 pS =
  ( compute-base-inductive-step-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P
    ( base-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P p0)
    ( succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS)
    ( refl-leq-ℕ k)
    ( k)
    ( refl-leq-ℕ k)
    ( refl-leq-ℕ k)) 
  ( eq-base-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P p0 (refl-leq-ℕ k) (refl-leq-ℕ k))

cases-eq-inductive-step-compute-succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ :
  { l : Level} (k : ) (P :   UU l) (p0 : P k) 
  ( pS : (x : )  k ≤-ℕ x  based-□-≤-ℕ k P x  P (succ-ℕ x))
  ( n : ) (N : k ≤-ℕ n) (N' : k ≤-ℕ succ-ℕ n)
  ( m : ) (M : k ≤-ℕ m) (H : m ≤-ℕ succ-ℕ n) 
  ( c : (m ≤-ℕ n) + (m  succ-ℕ n)) 
  ( α :
    (I : k ≤-ℕ n) (J : m ≤-ℕ n) 
     inductive-step-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P
       ( base-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P p0)
       ( succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS)
       ( n)
       ( I)
       ( m)
       ( M)
       ( J) 
     inductive-step-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P
       ( base-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P p0)
       ( succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS)
       ( m)
       ( M)
       ( m)
       ( M)
       ( refl-leq-ℕ m)) 
  inductive-step-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P
    ( base-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P p0)
    ( succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS)
    ( succ-ℕ n)
    ( N')
    ( m)
    ( M)
    ( H) 
  inductive-step-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P
    ( base-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P p0)
    ( succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS)
    ( m)
    ( M)
    ( m)
    ( M)
    ( refl-leq-ℕ m)
  k P p0 pS n N N' m M H (inl H') α =
  ( compute-succ-inductive-step-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P
    ( base-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P p0)
    ( succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS)
    ( n)
    ( N)
    ( N')
    ( m)
    ( M)
    ( H)) 
  ( ( htpy-succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS n N
      ( inductive-step-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P
        ( base-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P p0)
        ( succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS)
        ( n)
        ( N))
      ( m)
      ( M)
      ( H)
      ( H')) 
    ( α N H'))
  k P p0 pS n N N' m M H (inr p) α =
  ap-inductive-step-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P
    ( base-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P p0)
    ( succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS)
    ( inv p)
    ( N')
    ( M)
    ( m)
    ( M)
    ( H)
    ( refl-leq-ℕ m)

eq-inductive-step-compute-succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ :
  {l : Level} (k : ) (P :   UU l) (p0 : P k) 
  (pS : (x : )  k ≤-ℕ x  based-□-≤-ℕ k P x  P (succ-ℕ x))
  (n : ) (N : k ≤-ℕ n)
  (m : ) (M : k ≤-ℕ m) (H : m ≤-ℕ n) 
  inductive-step-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P
    ( base-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P p0)
    ( succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS)
    ( n)
    ( N)
    ( m)
    ( M)
    ( H) 
  inductive-step-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P
    ( base-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P p0)
    ( succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS)
    ( m)
    ( M)
    ( m)
    ( M)
    ( refl-leq-ℕ m)
eq-inductive-step-compute-succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P p0 pS n N m M =
  based-ind-ℕ k
    ( λ i 
      (I : k ≤-ℕ i) (J : m ≤-ℕ i) 
      inductive-step-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P
        ( base-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P p0)
        ( succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS)
        ( i)
        ( I)
        ( m)
        ( M)
        ( J) 
      inductive-step-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P
        ( base-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P p0)
        ( succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS)
        ( m)
        ( M)
        ( m)
        ( M)
        ( refl-leq-ℕ m))
    ( λ I J 
      ap-inductive-step-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P
        ( base-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P p0)
        ( succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS)
        ( antisymmetric-leq-ℕ k m M J)
        ( I)
        ( M)
        ( m)
        ( M)
        ( J)
        ( refl-leq-ℕ m))
    ( λ i I' α I J 
        k P p0 pS i I' I m M
        ( J)
        ( cases-leq-succ-ℕ J)
        ( α))
    ( n)
    ( N)
    ( N)

compute-succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ :
  { l : Level} (k : ) (P :   UU l) (p0 : P k) 
  ( pS : (x : )  k ≤-ℕ x  (based-□-≤-ℕ k P x)  P (succ-ℕ x)) 
  ( n : ) (N : k ≤-ℕ n) (N' : k ≤-ℕ succ-ℕ n) 
  based-strong-ind-ℕ k P p0 pS (succ-ℕ n) N' 
  pS n N  m M H  based-strong-ind-ℕ k P p0 pS m M)
compute-succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P p0 pS n N N' =
  ( compute-succ-inductive-step-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P
    ( base-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P p0)
    ( succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS)
    ( n)
    ( N)
    ( N')
    ( succ-ℕ n)
    ( N')
    ( refl-leq-ℕ (succ-ℕ n))) 
  ( ( eq-succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS n N
      ( inductive-step-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P
        ( base-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P p0)
        ( succ-based-strong-ind-ℕ k P pS)
        ( n)
        ( N))
      ( N')
      ( refl-leq-ℕ n)) 
    ( ap
      ( pS n N)
      ( eq-htpy
        ( λ m 
          ( eq-htpy 
              k P p0 pS n N m)))))


Based strong induction for a type family defined for n ≥ k

based-□-≤-ℕ' : {l : Level} (k : )  ((n : )  (k ≤-ℕ n)  UU l)    UU l
based-□-≤-ℕ' k P x = (m : )  (H : k ≤-ℕ m)  (m ≤-ℕ x)  P m H

compute-base-□-≤-ℕ' :
  {l : Level} (k : ) (P : (n : )  (k ≤-ℕ n)  UU l) (x : ) 
  based-□-≤-ℕ k  n  (H : k ≤-ℕ n)  P n H) x 
  based-□-≤-ℕ' k P x
compute-base-□-≤-ℕ' k P x p m H I = p m H I H

based-strong-ind-ℕ' :
  {l : Level} (k : ) (P : (n : )  (k ≤-ℕ n  UU l))
  (p0 : P k (refl-leq-ℕ k)) 
  (pS : (x : )  (H : k ≤-ℕ x) 
    based-□-≤-ℕ' k P x 
    P (succ-ℕ x) (preserves-leq-succ-ℕ k x H))
  (n : )  (H : k ≤-ℕ n)  P n H
based-strong-ind-ℕ' {l} k P p0 pS n H =
    ( k)
    ( λ n  (H : k ≤-ℕ n)  P n H)
    ( apply-dependent-universal-property-contr
      ( refl-leq-ℕ k)
      ( is-proof-irrelevant-is-prop (is-prop-leq-ℕ k k) (refl-leq-ℕ k))
      ( P k)
      ( p0))
    ( λ x H p 
        ( preserves-leq-succ-ℕ k x H)
        ( is-proof-irrelevant-is-prop
          ( is-prop-leq-ℕ k (succ-ℕ x))
          ( preserves-leq-succ-ℕ k x H))
        ( P (succ-ℕ x))
        ( pS x H ( compute-base-□-≤-ℕ' k P x p)))
    ( n)
    ( H)
    ( H)