The coalgebra of directed trees
module trees.coalgebra-of-directed-trees where
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.universe-levels open import trees.bases-directed-trees open import trees.coalgebras-polynomial-endofunctors open import trees.directed-trees open import trees.fibers-directed-trees
Using the fibers of base elements, the type of directed trees, of which the type of nodes and the types of edges are of the same universe level, has the structure of a coalgebra for the polynomial endofunctor
A ↦ Σ (X : UU), X → A
coalgebra-Directed-Tree : (l : Level) → coalgebra-polynomial-endofunctor (lsuc l) (UU l) (λ X → X) pr1 (coalgebra-Directed-Tree l) = Directed-Tree l l pr1 (pr2 (coalgebra-Directed-Tree l) T) = base-Directed-Tree T pr2 (pr2 (coalgebra-Directed-Tree l) T) = fiber-base-Directed-Tree T