Weak function extensionality

module foundation.weak-function-extensionality where
open import foundation.decidable-equality
open import foundation.decidable-types

open import foundation-core.contractible-types
open import foundation-core.coproduct-types
open import foundation-core.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation-core.empty-types
open import foundation-core.equality-dependent-pair-types
open import foundation-core.equivalences
open import foundation-core.function-extensionality
open import foundation-core.fundamental-theorem-of-identity-types
open import foundation-core.identity-types
open import foundation-core.propositions
open import foundation-core.universe-levels


Weak function extensionality is the principle that any dependent product of contractible types is contractible. This principle is equivalent to the function extensionality axiom.


Weak function extensionality

  {l1 l2 : Level} (A : UU l1) (B : A  UU l2)  UU (l1  l2)
  ((x : A)  is-contr (B x))  is-contr ((x : A)  B x)

Weaker function extensionality

  {l1 l2 : Level} (A : UU l1) (B : A  UU l2)  UU (l1  l2)
  ((x : A)  is-prop (B x))  is-prop ((x : A)  B x)


Weak function extensionality is logically equivalent to function extensionality

    {l1 l2 : Level} 
    ((A : UU l1) (B : A  UU l2) (f : (x : A)  B x)  FUNEXT f) 
    ((A : UU l1) (B : A  UU l2)  WEAK-FUNEXT A B)
  pr1 (WEAK-FUNEXT-FUNEXT funext A B is-contr-B) x = center (is-contr-B x)
  pr2 (WEAK-FUNEXT-FUNEXT funext A B is-contr-B) f =
    map-inv-is-equiv (funext A B c f)  x  contraction (is-contr-B x) (f x))
    c : (x : A)  B x
    c x = center (is-contr-B x)

    {l1 l2 : Level} 
    ((A : UU l1) (B : A  UU l2)  WEAK-FUNEXT A B) 
    ((A : UU l1) (B : A  UU l2) (f : (x : A)  B x)  FUNEXT f)
  FUNEXT-WEAK-FUNEXT weak-funext A B f =
      ( is-contr-retract-of
        ( (x : A)  Σ (B x)  b  f x  b))
        ( pair
          ( λ t x  pair (pr1 t x) (pr2 t x))
          ( pair  t  pair  x  pr1 (t x))  x  pr2 (t x)))
          ( λ t  eq-pair-Σ refl refl)))
        ( weak-funext A
          ( λ x  Σ (B x)  b  f x  b))
          ( λ x  is-contr-total-path (f x))))
      ( λ g  htpy-eq {g = g})

A partial converse to weak function extensionality

cases-function-converse-weak-funext :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {I : UU l1} {A : I  UU l2} (d : has-decidable-equality I)
  (H : is-contr ((i : I)  A i)) (i : I) (x : A i)
  (j : I) (e : is-decidable (i  j))  A j
cases-function-converse-weak-funext d H i x .i (inl refl) = x
cases-function-converse-weak-funext d H i x j (inr f) = center H j

function-converse-weak-funext :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {I : UU l1} {A : I  UU l2} (d : has-decidable-equality I)
  (H : is-contr ((i : I)  A i)) (i : I) (x : A i) (j : I)  A j
function-converse-weak-funext d H i x j =
  cases-function-converse-weak-funext d H i x j (d i j)

cases-eq-function-converse-weak-funext :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {I : UU l1} {A : I  UU l2} (d : has-decidable-equality I)
  (H : is-contr ((i : I)  A i)) (i : I) (x : A i) (e : is-decidable (i  i)) 
  cases-function-converse-weak-funext d H i x i e  x
cases-eq-function-converse-weak-funext d H i x (inl p) =
  ap ( λ t  cases-function-converse-weak-funext d H i x i (inl t))
     ( eq-is-prop (is-set-has-decidable-equality d i i) {p} {refl})
cases-eq-function-converse-weak-funext d H i x (inr f) = ex-falso (f refl)

eq-function-converse-weak-funext :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {I : UU l1} {A : I  UU l2} (d : has-decidable-equality I)
  (H : is-contr ((i : I)  A i)) (i : I) (x : A i) 
  function-converse-weak-funext d H i x i  x
eq-function-converse-weak-funext d H i x =
  cases-eq-function-converse-weak-funext d H i x (d i i)

converse-weak-funext :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {I : UU l1} {A : I  UU l2} 
  has-decidable-equality I  is-contr ((i : I)  A i)  (i : I)  is-contr (A i)
pr1 (converse-weak-funext d (pair x H) i) = x i
pr2 (converse-weak-funext d (pair x H) i) y =
  ( htpy-eq (H (function-converse-weak-funext d (pair x H) i y)) i) 
  ( eq-function-converse-weak-funext d (pair x H) i y)

Weaker function extensionality implies weak function extensionality

weak-funext-weaker-funext :
  {l1 l2 : Level} {A : UU l1} {B : A  UU l2} 
weak-funext-weaker-funext H C =
    ( H  x  is-prop-is-contr (C x)))
    ( λ x  center (C x))