Eulerian circuits in undirected graphs
module graph-theory.eulerian-circuits-undirected-graphs where
open import elementary-number-theory.natural-numbers open import foundation.dependent-pair-types open import foundation.equivalences open import foundation.functoriality-dependent-pair-types open import foundation.universe-levels open import graph-theory.morphisms-undirected-graphs open import graph-theory.polygons open import graph-theory.undirected-graphs
An Eulerian cicuit in an undirected graph G
consists of a cicuit T
in G
such that every edge in G
is in the image of T
. In other words, an Eulerian
circuit T
consists of k
-gon H
equipped with a graph homomorphism
f : H → G
that induces an equivalence
Σ (unordered-pair-vertices-Polygon k H) (edge-Polygon k H) ≃
Σ (unordered-pair-vertices-Undirected-Graph G) (edge-Undirected-Graph G)
module _ {l1 l2 : Level} (G : Undirected-Graph l1 l2) where eulerian-circuit-Undirected-Graph : UU (lsuc lzero ⊔ l1 ⊔ l2) eulerian-circuit-Undirected-Graph = Σ ( ℕ) ( λ k → Σ ( Polygon k) ( λ H → Σ ( hom-Undirected-Graph (undirected-graph-Polygon k H) G) ( λ f → is-equiv ( tot ( edge-hom-Undirected-Graph ( undirected-graph-Polygon k H) ( G) ( f))))))