Proper divisors of natural numbers

module elementary-number-theory.proper-divisors-natural-numbers where
open import elementary-number-theory.divisibility-natural-numbers
open import elementary-number-theory.equality-natural-numbers
open import elementary-number-theory.inequality-natural-numbers
open import elementary-number-theory.modular-arithmetic-standard-finite-types
open import elementary-number-theory.multiplication-natural-numbers
open import elementary-number-theory.natural-numbers
open import elementary-number-theory.strict-inequality-natural-numbers

open import foundation.cartesian-product-types
open import foundation.decidable-types
open import foundation.dependent-pair-types
open import foundation.empty-types
open import foundation.identity-types
open import foundation.negation
open import foundation.propositions
open import foundation.type-arithmetic-empty-type
open import foundation.universe-levels


A proper divisor of a natural number n is a natural number d ≠ n that divides n.

is-proper-divisor-ℕ :     UU lzero
is-proper-divisor-ℕ n d = ¬ (d  n) × div-ℕ d n

is-decidable-is-proper-divisor-ℕ :
  (n d : )  is-decidable (is-proper-divisor-ℕ n d)
is-decidable-is-proper-divisor-ℕ n d =
    ( is-decidable-neg (has-decidable-equality-ℕ d n))
    ( is-decidable-div-ℕ d n)

is-proper-divisor-zero-succ-ℕ : (n : )  is-proper-divisor-ℕ zero-ℕ (succ-ℕ n)
pr1 (is-proper-divisor-zero-succ-ℕ n) = is-nonzero-succ-ℕ n
pr2 (is-proper-divisor-zero-succ-ℕ n) = div-zero-ℕ (succ-ℕ n)

le-is-proper-divisor-ℕ :
  (x y : )  is-nonzero-ℕ y  is-proper-divisor-ℕ y x  le-ℕ x y
le-is-proper-divisor-ℕ x y H K =
  le-leq-neq-ℕ (leq-div-ℕ x y H (pr2 K)) (pr1 K)


Being a proper divisor is a property

is-prop-is-proper-divisor-ℕ : (n d : )  is-prop (is-proper-divisor-ℕ n d)
is-prop-is-proper-divisor-ℕ n zero-ℕ (pair f g) =
  ex-falso (f (inv (is-zero-div-zero-ℕ n g)))
is-prop-is-proper-divisor-ℕ n (succ-ℕ d) =
  is-prop-prod is-prop-neg (is-prop-div-ℕ (succ-ℕ d) n (is-nonzero-succ-ℕ d))

If a natural number has a proper divisor, then 1 is a proper divisor

is-proper-divisor-one-is-proper-divisor-ℕ :
  {n x : }  is-proper-divisor-ℕ n x  is-proper-divisor-ℕ n 1
pr1 (is-proper-divisor-one-is-proper-divisor-ℕ {.1} {x} H) refl =
  pr1 H (is-one-div-one-ℕ x (pr2 H))
pr1 (pr2 (is-proper-divisor-one-is-proper-divisor-ℕ {n} {x} H)) = n
pr2 (pr2 (is-proper-divisor-one-is-proper-divisor-ℕ {n} {x} H)) =
  right-unit-law-mul-ℕ n

If x is nonzero and d | x is a proper divisor, then 1 < x/d

le-one-quotient-div-is-proper-divisor-ℕ :
  (d x : )  is-nonzero-ℕ x  (H : div-ℕ d x) 
  ¬ (d  x)  le-ℕ 1 (quotient-div-ℕ d x H)
le-one-quotient-div-is-proper-divisor-ℕ d x f H g =
    ( is-one-ℕ (quotient-div-ℕ d x H))
    ( le-ℕ 1 (quotient-div-ℕ d x H))
    ( map-neg (eq-is-one-quotient-div-ℕ d x H) g)
    ( eq-or-le-leq-ℕ' 1
      ( quotient-div-ℕ d x H)
      ( leq-one-quotient-div-ℕ d x H (leq-one-is-nonzero-ℕ x f)))